Am I going Bananas?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

This big flower hanging down --- does this mean it will bear fruit? It was supposed to be a dwarf banana but it is about ten feet tall so I guess its not a dwarf? We bought it at Walmart and was told it was a red dwarf ornamental but I don't think so!!!! I hope it does as I really wanted one that would go bananas. LOL

Thumbnail by Tplant
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, that is very definitely a flower bud, and as it matures, the little bananas will begin to form in rings around the stem between the bud and the stalk. The stem gets longer as the fruits form. How large the individuals fruits get and whether they are really edible depends on the variety. I have a "hardy" banana here that produces many fruits but they are so small they are little more than peel. Let's hope yours is a variety that's good to eat...keep us posted! Yuska

This message was edited Dec 25, 2006 3:00 PM

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Yuska! Very, very helpful and informative. Hope I get edible bananas?

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

If the bananas are not big enough to bother with, you can always cook the banana blossom. It's delicious in a soup with coconut milk among other recipes

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh, now I really want bananas!!!!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Never realized how pretty bananas are in the growing stage. They turn themselves upside down to hang in a bunch and they do this one hand at a time.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

This is a better shot taken from below. See how the bananas spread out and then turn upwards. Notice the huge purple blossom? This is my first banana tree and it is fun to watch it grow. I have no idea what variety it is as my DIL bought it at Walmart and it was supposed to be a red dwarf? It is well over ten feet just now so I don't think it qualifies as a DWARF BANANA?

Thumbnail by Tplant
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

That's a fine looking blossom and bunch of bananas you've got there Tplant!
It will be interesting to see how the fruit fills out. I'm wondering if that is the variety with the shorter, plump fruit that is almost triangle shaped when cut crosswise. If so, stock up on butter, coconut and Myers or another dark rum. Time for dessert!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Like I said before I don't know what it is but wouldn't it be great if it was the type you describe? I'll take closer shots in a few days when the fruit develops a little more.

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