I finally started!! So who is sowing what?

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Yay, I got a whole bulb crate planted today (photos later, DH has camera)

I planted:
Blue Columbine
Black Barlow Columbine
Chinese Larkspur
Blue Leadwort
Blue Flax
Texas Bluebonnets
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Polidor Cosmos
Helenium (2) Moorheim Beauty and Autumn Lollipops
Naturtium (2) Jewel Mix and Mystery Mix
Coreopsis Sea Shells
Victoria Blue Salvia
Poppy Mix
Mystery seeds and Shoo Fly Plant

I sure hope I did it right...LOL! (3) more bulb crates allotted to me, plus one two-tiered outside window box planter. I think that will be enough, as that should be about 50 containers altogether.

I also got transplanted:

Salvia from a DG trader (thanks Donna!) and also some milkweed from another DG'er (thanks Paige!)

Now I need to do the database thing so I know what's what and from whom :) But, the dog has to be bathed, the house vacuumed, dinner started and the last night of Chanukah celebrated. Hmmm, looks like the database will have to wait :D

What have ya'll done?


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Happy Chanukah!
Tomorrow, before all chores,I am sowing blue flax, purple hyssop,lanceleaf coreopsis, showy goldenrod, autumn sneezeweed,cross-vine,black-cohosh.
I'm trying to think of a way to plant the newspaper pots in their spots and creating a mini frame around them. Let's say with dowels and wire mesh? What do you think?

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

This will be my first go-round with WS'ing, but tomorrow morning I'll be sowing:
purple cone flowers
sweet woodruff
and an experiment.. gerbers
It's so warm this week, ...it sure doesn't feel like winter. :)
I have others that I'm waiting til maybe mid-Jan when it's more likely to be actually cold for a few consecutive weeks!

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)


Dowels and wire mesh sound workable - although this is my own inaugural year for wintersowing so I'm no expert...simply another novice learning the ropes. Black cohosh is one I'd like to try growing, so let me know how that goes for you. What kind of hyssop is your purple? I had finally broken down and bought two hyssop plants - tutti fruiti and sunrise, and then we MOVED and I had to leave my babies there...(wahhhh) But I received some seeds for other hyssop in the wintersowing swap, so I'm gonna plant those babies for sure. Good growing!

Deb, you have several things on my 2nd crate list going already, although I missed out on sweet woodruff seed this year :( I'm really interested in hearing how it does for you. Gerbera daisies, is that what you're trying? Woooh, you are a braver woman than I. Sounds like we'll be growing some of the same things :) Good growing!

Thanks for sharing ya'll,

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Sunny: You're scarin' me! Yes, Gerbera daisies - 2 varieties. I found some sweet woodruff seeds on Ebay. Anyway, if I have success with either, or both, I'll be so excited that I will definitely post! :)

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm planting giant purple hyssop and black licorice hyssop. I never had hyssop. You liked it? It was well behaved?This is also my first time winter sowing. I think I'll stick with containiners and transplanting for now. It's a tried and true method.
good luck to you.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


The Agastache scrophulariifolia (Purple Giant Hyssop) http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/60323/index.html, Agastache foeniculum Anise Hyssop, Licorice Mint 'Licorice Blue' http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/89607/index.html & 'Licorice White' are in the Plant Files. I've not grow Agastache, as it can get invasive in my gardening zone, but in a container it should be fine. The bees, birds, and butterflies apparently love it! I hope all your wintersowing is a big success! Please keep us posted.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)


I didn't have mine long enough to find out if it was invasive...lol! I just bought my first two plants this summer and had to leave them behind when I moved - so they didn't have time to do much. I guess I can go by the old house next year and see ;) The scents were so lovely, along with the flowers, that I don't think I would have cared if my back yard was full of it, but that's just me, as I wanted lots of it for butterflies and hummers. Shirley is right though, in containers you should be fine if you're worried about it's spread.

Deb, I only have 3 gerberas which were given to me by a generous DGer - and I've yet to get a viable seed from any ones in the garden shops around here (voluntary deadheading of stock is a new pasttime of mine...hehe) Even the ones I have had that flowered didn't leave any good seed. But I adore the look of them, so if you have good germination and growth, let me know where you got your seed and I'll try it next year.

Happy growing,

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Sunny, my gerberas rebloomed at Thanksgiving and I sowed some seeds that have germinated. I hope to winter sow more. Do you know if they bloom same color from seed? I'm experimenting with a pot of red blooms, orange and yellow ones.


Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

well, I am so new at this... I hope to do my first one later today, it has been so warm around here that I am wondering if we are going to have a really winter! I have tons of seeds but I am quite afraid of loosing them! but I shall try with some!!!! good luck everyone

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I think I'll wait until mid January to start my winter sowing since it is warmer than usual. My azaleas are blooming, for Pete's sakes, and my dutch iris have already come up! I'm trying to keep an ear out for my middle Ga. gardening buddies to see when they start. I'm afraid too, that I'll lose too many if I start now. I have a ton of seeds and a large area around a fishing pond to plant. Don't want all the work to be in vain.
Here's an example of my list:
Canterbury Bells
Lamb's Ear
Hardy Hibiscus
Coreopsis several varieties
Butterfly Weed / Milkweed /ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA, SUBSP,
Butterfly Weed / Milkweed / Showy Milkweed GOLDEN WEST ASCLEPIAS SPECIOSA,
Butterfly Weed / Milkweed / Showy Milkweed PINK CINDERELLA ASCLEPIAS SPECIOSA, Butterfly Weed / Milkweed / Showy Milkweed SCARLET ASCLEPIAS SPECIOSA,
Butterfly Weed / Milkweed / Showy Milkweed YELLOW/ORANGE/GOLD ASCLEPIAS SPECIOSA, Butterfly Weed / Milkweed / SWAMP MILKWEED ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA
False Indigo BAPTISIA
Joe-Pye Weed EUPATORIUM maculatum
Penstemon / beardtongue lavender PENSTEMON sp
Obedient Plant ALBA WHITE PHYSATEGIA virginiana
Over-kill or kill- me; one or the other or better yet, both...

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Merciful heavens Deborah, I'm going to have to drive by your house and see how that all comes out :) I had to leave my Gaura plants at the old house too (sigh) My pineapple sage and one rosemary are blooming right now, I think they are very confused...lol. I think I'll do two more bulb crates and then that will be it for me. Probably next week while my girls are up visiting (or this week rather, all this time off has my days confuddled). I'm sowing some of the same things you are too - not sure how much colder it gets up here in Woodstock than down a bit in Atlanta. Feels pretty chilly right now but I see we're supposed to be back up into the 50-60 area later in the week. But tonight my growing plants have to come into the garage since it says we'll hit below 30 tonight.

I'm not sure about Gerbera seed coming true, but I would think that it would since I don't think that they are hybrids. I'll look forward to your and Deb's growing experiences because I'd like to grow some more.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

A good many of my ws sowing plants will be for the butterflies. I'd love to have my pond covered in butterflies rather than the weeds I've experienced for the past 28 years.

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

I sowed my first container today and started with what I usually start with each year, Columbine.
One down, 999,999 to go :)

Orgiva, Granada, Spain

I'm sowing chillis, eggplant and okra! all in the greenhouse waiting to popup!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm trying this for the first time this year and am a little concerned about the unseasonalbly warm weather we're having. Will that present a problem for the wintersown seeds? So far, it's been between 50 and 62 degrees during the day and around 40 at night. Any advice?

Byron, GA

I'm waiting 'til January to WS. Last year I started in January but it was still much too warm. Several of my annuals starting to germinate. Rather than lose them, I move the seedlings to the basement and used grow lights. The perennials and other seeds that need the cold treatment of winter didn't germinate until the right time in the spring. I think that I will WS more perennials and tree seeds this year. If January is colder, I might throw in a few annuals.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

dmac085: 'between 50 and 62 degrees during the day and around 40 at night' will be fine for starting to wintersow your seeds. Don't worry as much about the temps as making sure that the soil in your containers does not dry out. If you don't receive enough precipitation, than you'll need to water them.

Digs: 'WS more perennials and tree seeds this year'....that's perfect. Sow your hardiest seeds first! Save your annual seeds until later, more like early Spring. What is your gardening zone?

Byron, GA

I'm still learning. Just WSed some chinese fringe tree seeds today. I understand they need the warm and cold fluctuations more than my annuals. WSed some last year but none came up. Didn't dump the soil and there's still hope that it may take two years for those seeds. Have several seedlings under the tree so I know that WSing will work if my winters would get back to normal. Love that tree in the spring!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I've never tried growing Chinese Fringe Tree seeds before, hope this helps. As you mentioned, it may take more than one growing season to get them to germinate. Good luck!

Chionanthus virginicus , White fringe tree, zone= 3 , sow 3-5m @ 70ºF, then 1-2m @ 39ºF, move to 70ºF for germ. http://tomclothier.hort.net/page10.html#C

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey Yall,
well I guess I'll try WS and see what happens, I've never had very good luck with seeds,,,,,,,,,,,,cuttings I can do well!
Happy New Year to All!

Cordeledawg, Digs, and Sunny I've got a few plants for yall!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you for all the advice! I guess I was expecting more "wintery" winter sowing weather:lol: I've got a 3 day weekend coming up so I guess I'll get going on it. Thank you again!

Byron, GA

I'm zone 8b and tom's website is one I use often. According to him, I should have given the seeds a month or so of 70 degree weather. I may move one of the flats in and let it have some warmer temps before throwing it out in the cold.

Donnna, I know you love perennial salvias and they will do well wintersown. Haven't talked with lately. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Deb, I'm putting you on my prayer list. You're going to be one busy woman this spring. WSing so much fun!


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey, Digs, that's why I want you to come over and heed me a warning before I start. And by the way, I'm starting when you say go.


Byron, GA

Love your enthusiasm, girl. There will be no winter depression in Cordele, GA! There are many on your list that you can start now because they are perennials. Try any of the butterfly weeds and holly hocks. The butterfly weeds have deep tap roots and are tricky to transplant so put them in your deepest containers. Hollyhocks are very cold tolerant so even if they sprout during a warm spell, they're tough enough to survive when it gets colder. And plant your poppy seeds now. You can direct sow those where they are going to grow. They, also, can handle the cold, even prefer it.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I did my primroses (primula) and also my hellebores today. The jugs look so cute out there, and here I was thinking they'd look like trash!


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder....

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

'One man's trash is another man's treasure'.....or woman's as the case may be.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi did you miss me? I've been AWOL from the computer for a while and I HAVE SEEDLINGS! I don't think I'm supposed to have seedlings already...wahhh. Poppies galore, nasturtium, two kinds of coreopsis, blue flax and salvia is all growing. I didn't know about the poppy transplant thing, so I guess I'll just cut through the bottom of the milk jug and dig a hole to drop 'em in.

Donna! I have to send you a dmail lady. Those cuttings you sent, all but one lived! They are so cute in their pots. I've been covering all my plants with a big blue blanket on the under 30 degree nights, and some of my annuals are still growing!! And my pineapple sage and rosemary are blooming. What's up with that?

Anyone else having totally weird plant things going on? (maybe it's written about and I just haven't read it yet)

Glad to be back online again!


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, you were missed Sunny!

That's great that you've gotten wintersown sprouts already! Let's see some pictures of them....please.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Sunny: I had gazillion poppies last year which transplanted with no problem. The trick is just to plant out while they're very small- like one or two sets of true leaves.

Yes, I think everyone's plants are confused and doing weird things. My daylilies are putting out new growth and my roses have new green leaves.

That will end tonight, though. Our temp was in the 50s today but the low is supposed to be in the 20s with possible freezing rain and snow.


Thumbnail by kqcrna
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Officially started with 17 one gallon jugs / 2 liter bottles. Not many seeds in each jug though. Don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Coreopsis, ’Double Sunburst’ Coreopsis grandiflora
Coreopsis, ‘ Sunray’ Coreopsis grandiflora
Coreopsis, ‘Tetra-Giants’ Coreopsis grandiflora
Coreopsis, ‘Sunfire’ Coreopsis grandiflora
Bronze Fennel, ‘?’ Foeniculum vulgare
Gayfeather,’?’ Liatris spicata
Rose Mallow, color = burgundy Hibiscus moscheutos
Hollyhock, color = yellow Alcea ? rosea ?
Joe-Pye Weed, ‘subsp atropurpureum ‘Glow’ Eupatorium maculatum
Maltese Cross, ’Dusky Salmon’ Lychnis chalcedonica
Mexican Hats, ’?’ Ratibida columnifera
Obedient Plant, ‘Alba’ Physostegia virginiana
Red Yucca, ‘?’ Hesperaloe parviflora
Russell Lupine, ‘Russell’ Lupinus polyphyllus
Salvia, ‘Saluti Dark Red’ Salvia slendens
Bluebonnet ’?’ Lupinus texensis
Lilac Chaste Tree, ’?’ Vitex agnus-castus


Byron, GA

Your list looks great. Isn't it exciting to plant stuff? I WSed vitex last year and even though the winter was warm, I still had quite a few that sprouted. Bet you go and peek into your containers everyday! I do. See you soon.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Digs! I can't wait to be able to grow a vitex tree. I'm anxious and wonder if they are sitting in the right place, My backyard faces west. I do have pinetrees though. I've leaned a large piece of screening over my containers to help block out some of the direct sun.

I'm going to ws more containers since I've got so many borders to plant the seedlings. I'll update my list when I do.

Thank you too, Sunny, for this great thread. Have you sown anymore lately?


Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks Shirley :)

Deb -Yes, I worked on veggies this weekend (although they're not really wintersown per se) - and I have some morning glories that I soaked overnight, and then I'm starting on another round of flowers tonight or tomorrow night :)

Karen, your poppies look marvelous! I hope my transplanted hunk o' seedlings of poppies make it through the next few days - that is, if I can keep my dog from stepping on them!! If not, I have more poppy seed :D I have two new seedling arrivals in the WS crate - a helenium and bunch of chinese larkspur that are growing like mad.

I love hearing what everyone is doing!


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Ok, I have sown these.
foxglove Elsie Kelsey, and purpurea
Dianthus Ideal cherry picotee, artic fire
Angels trumpet ballerina purple
English lavender
Pierrot paper daisy
Occulata rose campion
Viola Sorbet babyface purple, penny orchid frost, coconut swirl, atlas sherbet,and sorbet purple duet
Ornamental cabbage
Scabiosa scarlet, house hybrids
Salvia Artemis
Columbine Origami red/white, Vulgaris
Red Perilla red crinkles
Basil purple ruffles
Delphinium King Arthur, Galahad, and Camelliard
Bergenia Red start
Cerinthe Kiwi blue
Hardy Ageratum blue violet
Sweet pea Mutacana
Rumex red veined dock
Milk Thistle
Euphorbia Kilimanjaro
Gerber daisy spider mix
Snowflake candytuft
cosmos sweet dreams, picotee candystripe, and Happy Ring

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's a pic of my mess

Thumbnail by nikki_conway
Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Looks organized to me.....therefore cannot be labeled "mess" ;)


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Well, thank you!

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