Bah humbug!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yeah, yeah, I'm cute. With an attitude.

Thumbnail by hart
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Poor puppy! LOL I had thought of getting a pair of ears for Jack & decided against it. He doesn't like to Wear Anything! (don't tell that little pretty that I laughed, as he looks quite unhappy with them on). :D


Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

So my three cats are sitting here, looking at me kinda like "hey, don't try that with us!"

Sweet doggie!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I don't know why she looked so droopy. LOL She actually didn't mind wearing the ears. I think she thought she was pretty snazzy with them on.

She is a very sweet doggy. Don't let anybody tell you pit bulls are mean. This one is a love bug.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Aaawwww, she's precious with her antlers on! I'm glad you told us what type of dog you have, because I never would have guessed a brindle colored Pit Bull. I'm so glad she has a sweet & loving disposition. Animals are such a wonderful part of one's family. They give us sooo much unconditional love.

We have a Boxer named Ginger. Another sweetheart who thinks she's a 'lap dog' way, but don't tell her that! Here is a picture of Ginger taken last month with myself & our oldest son, who now works & lives in N. Calif.

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Isn't she pretty! And so are you, Shirley. I'll bet you miss your son. I hated it when my daughter lived in California but since then she's been even further away so I guess I'm getting used to it. LOL

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much! Yes, we miss him terribly, but look forward to each and every holiday when he comes home. Our youngest son is currently living here, but he's job hunting, which will probably take him some where else. We count our blessings every day.

Where does your daughter live now?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

She and her family just moved to North Carolina earlier this year. Before that, they lived in the Chicago area, before that they were in France.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Diane, your doggie is really cute with the antlers. I think he is really enjoying the cuddling, that's a look of contentment.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Cute babies!! I love the Bully Breeds...and Rotts of's my trio last year

Thumbnail by Chantell
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

They're beautiful and such expressive faces! How did you manage to get them to all pose & cooperate at the same time?

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

hi & happy holidays....i'm new ( i have had "chatted" with hart) and wanted to share a picture of our new puppy, eva, (didn't think i'd get another more unsupervised trips to petsmart on adoption days!) with our oldest pup, gus (augustus sweetpie)...lynda

Thumbnail by larlienda
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Welcome Lynda! You will definitely love it here, I know I do.
I have learned to never say "never"!.:D You have 2 precious pups.

Chantell ~ they Do pose well! I couldn't get 3 to sit still for nothing! I have trouble getting (& have never accomplished it) Jack & my brothers pup to sit still for a pic!

Shirley, that's one beautiful boxer.:)

Here's Jack with his new sqeeky toy....Santa thought that he was a good boy. :D


Thumbnail by music2keep
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes - big ole welcome to you Lynda!! Joey said it best...that is a precious picture if I've ever seen one!!! Mercy!!

Jack's lookin' mighty pleased with his new toy!! How long do those types of toys last in YOUR house Joey? LOL

Thanks all for the kind words re the photo!! I was sitting there when all the sudden I realized what great natural lighting was coming through the windows. I bellowed to my 16 DD - come help me please and bring some cheese. So I directed - she positioned - we both said stay and then I directed her as to where she was to hold the cheese beside my head. LOL Funny eh? They'll do anything for cheese!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chantell, those are the shiniest rotts I've ever seen! They're all so pretty. Lynda, your new puppy is adorable.

Joey, the reason my SO is holding Java in the picture is because she was prancing around, so proud of her new outfit, I couldn't get a picture. She loves to be snuggled. If anyone is sitting on the sofa, she's either lying with her head on your lap, or lying on the sofa cushions behind your head with her head on your shoulder or curled up in a ball in front of you.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Chantell, to tell you the truth...they do last a good while....Maybe a week! :D If they last any longer it's becuz he hasn't sneaked outside with it! LOL That's when they get totally demolished in no time!

Hart, I totally understand. They're always so busy, just like kids. Jack likes to sit on your lap (when you're in the floor) & that's after a good "play" of fetch, or when there is company. But, like right now, he prefers being outside.


Thumbnail by music2keep
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks hart...believe me the sun had it's hand in that shine!!!

Joey - might have missed it but what breed is Jack? What a beautiful head he has!!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Thanx Chantell, Well he's part Sharpei (the ears) for sure & the vet thinks the other part is Lab. Some folks think that he is PB, but since he likes to go after birds so much I'm inclinded to go with the vet.


Thumbnail by music2keep
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Joey, your picture reminds me of something that was written in one of the pit bull books I got when I first got Java. In all seriousness.

"Pit bulls sometimes injure themselves when they fall out of trees they've been climbing."

Java has never shown any inclination to climb the trees around here, but with those bear claws, I'm sure she could. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ah...I did ask you that before...LOL. Folks are probably saying Pit b/c of the boxiness of his head...Pit Bull's seem to be the default breed when folks see a square head. Although the chasing of birds can most definately be a Pit trait...they do have high prey drive. He's beautiful...a very handsome boy!!!

Edit to add: have heard and seen that first hand, hart - pits and climbing trees. Ginny York is a wonderful breeder of pits and I'm fairly certain I heard her mention that at one time. They are incredible dogs!!! Ours was a handful...but I loved her dearly!!!

This message was edited Dec 28, 2006 12:03 PM

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

How interesting! He does like the "varmits"! But Sharpei's are varmit dogs. He's deadly to moles! He does a pounce thing that is thuroughly amazing. He hears (excellent hearing) a noise in the weeds & does one pounce with both front feet & then he goes in to pick it up ~ that simple.
And last week my SIL had thrown an old deer leg on top of the "burn" pile & he went climbing up to get it. He fell on his rear (& was a little bruised) but he got the bone! I told her she needs to put that sort of thing in the trash if she doesn't want the dogs to get it. More worm medicine for the Jack-ster.
Jack's claws don't seem to be to awfully long, but then again he keeps them well trimmed ~ los & lots of running! Faster than greased lightning. :D
Heck, Jack may be all 3! Pit/Lab/Sharpei (for sure)
Thanx for the compliments ~ I think he's really handsome, but "mom's" are supposed to. ;)


The tail that never stops....

Thumbnail by music2keep
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yepper...I see "Pit"...he is gorgeous...lucky boy to have you for a mom!!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

lynda: Welcome to DG & the Mid-Atlantic Gardening Forum! I just love your dogs nose-to-nose picture. What sweethearts!

Joey: Thanks for your compliments on Ginger. Jack is a very handsome doggie. I definitely can see the Lab in him. What a beautiful shiny black coat he has! Do you add fish oil to his food? I always add it to Ginger's meals and she loves the taste, besides keeping her skin & fur very healthy.

Chantell: Of course the treats kept their handsome faces locked on the camera's lens....bribery, I mean yummies work every time!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Thanx Chantell & Shirley!
I don't do any thing special for the shinies. I do give him a little bacon on the week-ends. But he eats Purina dog chow & few treats. It's just a natural thingy., I suppose :D


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