Amaryllis Propagation... I think I have some!

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

I had started a thread over in lilies and someone mentioned that there are some serious amaryllis people over here so I'm postint the link to my other thread.

I'm at the point now of deciding what to put my sprouted friends in... a soiless mixuture (and what is that?) or just plain potting soil?

I can see by the other posts here that I have A LOT of reading to do!!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Soiless mix means there is no loam (garden "dirt") in it. It can be made of a mixture various things like peat, wood chips, vermiculite, perlite, coconut fiber, sand, crushed rock etc. Proportions determined by the plant you're growing. "Miracle-Gro" potting soil is a ready-made brand name of soiless mix.


Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Robert - Thank you! I hate to say it, but anything ready made is just right for me. I'll look for it tomorrow!! :-) Thanks for the tip!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I've used Mir-Gro straight from the bag and have been satisfied with the results for many of my large-flowered hybrids.

But I have noticed that Mir-Gro can vary greatly in the proportions of its ingredients, like some bags are really low on wood chips and/or perlite, some bags are way too heavy on the peat, and so on. It's those bags that I will amend to improve them.

I don't why the mix varies so much, but it does.


west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't use miracle grow anything--there has been a lot of talk of fungal problems etc. with them--and then there's the politics of the company that I won't even go into. I also vote with my wallet.

I use professional growers mix with absolutely NO CHEMICAL fertilizers at all in it. Its very light weight and holds up for multiple years and the proportions are always the same. The only thing I have to add is organic fertilizers. I really don't like a lot of wood chips in mine (unless they are very small--which is the case in this brand) because I do a lot of bulb seeds in it (I do use germinating mix on some of the rare/expensive bulb seeds--or on the top of the professional grow mix sometimes). Sometimes I'll add sand with native Texas bulbs or Cape bulbs and pea gravel with Manfreda maculosa plants. They sell it at Lowe's and is made by Sun Gro. They also sell 3 other mixes that do have chemical fertilizers added if that's your preference. It probably costs a couple of bucks more for a 2CF bag (which is the only size they sell, that I've seen) than miracle grow but the quality is worth it. It may be the same price I've just never considered/compared buying it.

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