come out, come out, wherever you are.......Chris

Crozet, VA

Haven't heard from you since the beginning of the week. Are you doing okay? It is the weekend again, so I hope that you will be able to find the time to post here. Has the pup Penny shown up yet? Maybe you are very busy making her feel welcome. Talk to you soon hon.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi Ruby, Got your surprize in the mail today! I love it. Will D-mail you later.

This week has been a very emotional one for me as far as Penny goes. As you know, (by the way you let the doggie out of the bag) LOL; I was suppose to get Penny Thursday, but that hit a snag, so tomarrow , Sunday is the day. My friend and I will be traveling tomarrow AM to the Cleveland Dog show to transfer Penny into my arms.

For the rest of my friends on this board, Penny is a 5 year old Brussel Griffon she is retiring from breeding and shows. She has one eye, lost in a tiff with another dog. I will post a picture of her when she is settled in.


Crozet, VA

Wonderful!!! Have a good trip picking her up. I hope that she will be able to settle in nicely. It is great that you will be able to take her to work with you. Have a great week Lovey.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, My friend and I decided that it was too early for me to get up, on the road by 6:00 am. So she will call me when she gets home so I can pick up Penny at her house. Talk to you later with an up date.

Crozet, VA

Shoot.....I guess that all good things are worth waiting for though. Hang in there honey.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Just a quick up-date on Penny, She is here and sticking to me like glue. She is very timid, and will not go to other people, she will either hide behind me or hide in a corner. Nothing like Dutch who would go to anyone. She will need a lot of loving.

Well got to run, today is the boss' birthday and I'm making the cake. Made cake a week back, in freezer but I have to assemble and frost this morning.

Crozet, VA

Wonderful news!!! I am glad that Penny is finally there. Now, you have to introduce her to the board some time this week. She is your early Christmas present.

Yeah, poor little Penny is going through some stress by the traveling and new surroundings. I am sure that she will adjust soon. You have the heart to give her attention that she will need to blend in to your life. She is a lucky gal, that Penny is.

I totally understand the differences in personalities of dogs. All three of mine have their own pecularities and such. One dog named Blue for his blue eye, but also for his moping personality. We also sometimes call him Eeyor from Winnie the Pooh who was known for being sooooo slowwwwww. Blue is like that. When it is treat giving out time, Lucky and Dagmar come running to the treat jar. Blue just sits where he is and knows that he has us trained to bring his to him. The crazy thing!!!! LOL And, oh yeah, he is way overweight too.

I am leaving here in a bit to go to bank and get the money that I will be giving as gifts for my sons. I also have to run to Dollar General Store and pick up a few things. Oh yeah, grocery before coming home too. Tucker is having exams this week and didn't have one this morning, so I am later leaving than I like to be. I am a morning energy person. I ain't worth a durn as the afternoon rolls around and by evening I am zonked.

You have fun with Miss Penny. She will come around hopefully and bring you much joy.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Awwww. Welcome home, Penny! Give her a big hug from all of us.

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