Composting Bounty

Aubrey, TX

That's a good idea. I never thought about Craigs list.

Citra, FL

If anyone's near Ocala, FL, Ill share a little bit of my pile at work. I don't think I can share much, tho....

Thumbnail by halo
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Is that a matchbox truck? ;)

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Halo--- that is a sawmill traqiling isn't it. We have some around here about twice that size. some have been burning for many years. well not really burning per see. They will smoke from interior heat.

Citra, FL

That is a manure pile from a horse training center where I work. We have over 80 horses in stalls during the height of our training season. Its been piling here for about 6 years, so its really good stuff.

No Dave, not matchbox truck. Tho if I could convince my insurance company that it was I might get a break in insurance!

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

Now that's a big pile of poo!

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Halo---- I bet it is good stuff. Around here I use Turkey manure. We have a wealth of poultry producers around here. The people I buy it from own 15 turkey barns. They turn out up to about 50,000 turkeys every 6 months in each of those those barns. Everytime they take out a bunch of turkeys they run a bull dozer thru the barn and clean up all the dropping and mash and take it to a composting operation they have. They have a giant barrel composter in there 50 ft long and 10 ft in dia. They put 55tons at a time in that thing and turn out compost in a few days that is mixed with corn cobs ground to about the size of pea gravel. They sell that stuff to farmers and nursies all over mid west. It is a good way to make some extra bucks if you have a lot of manure. It is good enviormental practice as well. The ground corncobs make a very good for water retention when it is plowed down about a foot.

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