Crinum thaianum finally in a "pot".

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

The goldfish kept pulling these bulbs out of the gravel and for a long time I just let them float around.

But now I have them in a pilsner pointing the right direction.

I plan to take them outdoors in spring, but haven't decided how I'll situate them yet.

This message was edited Dec 5, 2006 4:46 PM

Thumbnail by raydio
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I had no idea you could grow crinum in water like it a special type?

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Well it is a *truly* an aquatic bulb. From what I understand, this one *has* to be underwater. The leaves die if exposed to the air, but as long as they are on the surface getting or staying wet, they're fine.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Here's a pic from the web.

Thumbnail by raydio
west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Interesting Robert--the bloom on its great. Maybe put in one of those barrel water garden thingies they sell at HD and Wally World--with guppies maybe? They don't dig around as much--or at least not very powerfully.

I'm into the miniature crinums myself--Crinum lugardiae being my latest find. The big ones and all the hybrid seedlings I have are just taking up lots of real I'm thinking smaller with both crinums and hymenocallus myself. Hymenocallus palmeri being my latest small Hymenocallus. Hoping to get some interesting SMALLER hybrids--lol.
=) Debbie

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Deb~

The may well adapt easily to ponds and tubs and so forth and I hope that is the case. They occur naturally in streams and rivers.

I plan to try them in one of the tubs you describe. Haven't decided if I'll plant directly in soil or pot and submerge. Any thoughts?

There are two other aquatic Crinums with wonderfully shirred foliage, C. natans from Africa and C.calamistratum with the same ruffles but longer and thinner than natans.


This message was edited Dec 6, 2006 12:52 AM

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

They look happy with the fish, nice looking plants!

I found an article that says in their natural habitat they have leaves to 5 metres or more

I would have thought some soil is best, as they 'should' be growing on river bottoms and getting nutrients that way.

I also found an article on a forum, someone had been growing one in a 180 gallon tub, 'almost' got a flower

Good luck, and let us see pics of the flower 'when' you get one! I know you can do it!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the links, wallaby1. I'll look through them "directly".

Those little gold fishies are my little rescued abandonees that I posted about *somewhere* here at DG and I have searched for it but can't locate it. They are much happier in their new home and grown quite a bit since I took them in last summer.

I'm hoping the bulbs will find enough nourishment in the water as it is now to at least survive well enough to be planted in late spring after it has warmed up here. They seem to be holding pretty well despite the lack of many roots. Hopefully there will be some coming now that their feet are in the rocks and they're no longer laying sideways.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Found the thread with the goldfish rescue:


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Wonderful rescue story Robert, I would have been tempted to go straight in there I think! Such a shame people leave living creatures to suffer, one wonders why they have them in the first place, ornaments?

They know you wouldn't tell them off for pulling up the bulbs! Like naughty pussy cats.

I think I will have to wait 'until' I get a pond dug, if that ever happens. My bath tub overfloweth, but it 'could' take some small plants for a while...I'm not sure if they would survive in this climate outside either.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, I was tempted to just break the window first thing. Sometimes I'm a little too law-abiding. Should have gone with my first instinct. Fortunately those little sweeties made it through the week.

Next time, I'm not waiting!


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