Rooting Christmas Cactus cuttings

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

I keep thinking I should know this but, what is the best way to root cuttings? I picked up two huge pieces yesterday at home depot(with happy permission) and I think they were sitting for just a day or two. I want to go ahead and put them into some potting soil but want to make sure thats the best way to get them rooted quickly and easily. Am I right or is there a better way?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

That site talks about propagating Christmas Cactus. It says to cut a piece 2 or 3 sections long, and put in the same soil as the mother plant.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Ill check that link in a mintue but quick thought.

These pieces are about 8 inches long each so I could cut them and essentialy have about 6 pieces and make a fuller pot, right? Also since they like to be pretty rootbound I would also assume I should put them in as small a pot as I can comfortly allow? Guess I should go to that link now.

Thanks much,

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Howdy Folks...

You can root each segment if you choose too, doesn't necessarily need to be X inches long but rather at least one segment. Rooting a piece with several segments will give you a bigger plant faster.

And yes, Dravencat, root them singly in small pots or you can put all the pieces in a bigger pot, root them, then divide them into other pots when they become fully rooted.

Have fun! From those pieces you got you'll have plants that are pretty much maintenance-free, love benign neglect, put forth beautiful blooms, and are great as gifts once you get too many! Yay!


Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL, Thanks Shoe. Ill be sure to try one out on my mother, she has a black thumb so if there is a plant that loves neglect she might stand a chance on keeping it alive a few months.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

For your pleasure...

just took this pic, kind of in the dark, but it shows some of the colors I have. "Hot Pink" plus one that is also more "purplish". Also have some "salmon" colored ones but couldn't fit them in the picture.

Best of luck/good fortune to you and your black-thumbed Mom!
Have fun!


Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Shoe,Oh you have alot of nice looking cc's.I don't want to hijack the thread but I would really like to know what the taller plant in the green pot is in the upper right corner of your picture.I have one that was given to me but I have no idea what it is or how to care for it.Thanks!

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL Nancy, I was wondering the same thing! You just asked before I did. I dont have one but it does seem to draw your eye to it.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

LOL It has been driving me crazy ever since I received it.All it said on the tag was epidendrum.No care instructions or anything else about it.When I saw one in shoes pic I thought "Thats It !!! Now What Exactly Is It?"Hee Hee

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

hehehe...sorry ya'll, I didn't mean to drive ya bonkers!

That plant is known as (most often sold as, I should say) "Lucky Bamboo". I got it a couple years ago and posted on DG for identification and discovered it was not related to any of the bamboos but is actually a Dracaena. Dracaena fragrans 'Deremensis Group is how it is listed in Plant Files.

Another plant I've really neglected but it still seems to hang on, or come back from the dead. It has never been potted up but just sits in a pot with water at its base. Having just read the reviews (again) in PFiles maybe I'll baby it a little, I've never seen it bloom and would like to.

Cedarnest, do the pics at the Plant Files link look like what you have? Epidendrom is an orchid type plant so am wondering if they look similar.

Happy Day to Everyone!

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks shoe.I have a lucky bamboo and you are right.The leaves look just like it.This other thing I have isn't as full as your bamboo and drapes down from the pot over the edge but the leaves look like it.(does that make any sense) It probably is some type of orchid. I noticed today it has a bud so I guess I will wait until it hopefully blooms and go from there.
Thanks for your help : )

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yay! It has a bud!? Well that should surely let us know what it is. Hope you have a camera so you can post a pic of the flower when it opens.

Maybe you'll find something in Plant Files that looks like your plant. There sure are lots of pics of Epidendrum.


Greensboro, AL

the mice got into my Christmas cactus cuttings last night. The took bites out of them, and pulled some of them out of the potting soil. There were roots starting on them. I hope they dont mind the mouse bites, and being stuck back in the soil. Those mice had quite a party.

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