
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm so GLAD that you got a special place to explore the genus!

Robert (mostly lurking til I get more than G. callianthus.)

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

We will soon change that Robert! I have my special 'all-luring' powers!

GLAD your are GLAD!! Thanks!

PS, have you seen CountryGardens posted, he grows them! No excuses!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Way to go Wallaby--another "bulb" addiction for me! I must admit I don't bother with the hybrids but I am getting pretty interested in the species....

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Haha, I didn't bother with the hybrids either, only on the odd whim I have stuck some in a few years ago. But when I started to look at some of the gorgeous ones available I think I have to change my mind!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm pretty much a "species" bulb addict---so you know I have it bad! lol

Crinums about the only exception here.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Ye I am a species addict too. Any species!

The gardening bug has a habit of changing your perceptions along the way, never say never!

Crinums, I'll have them all! Hybrids and species not so different.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm trying to resist all those wonderful pix of the species on another thread....some are like orchids and all those markings! combining diverse colors and OMG, the allure of the Gladiolus species is calling, but I will not give in till I've filled out my Hippeastrums and Crinums collections.

I mean it!

(Did you believe me?)


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

No not at all! Like I have not really been interested in growing more Clivias, until I see some that make me go Ooooh ahhhh.

There's a breeder in China selling on ebay at the moment, seed is just ripening. I had come across their website via a link I found on a Sth African site for clivias only a few days ago, they do sell small amounts and if you can pay by Paypal they sell a minimum of 5 seeds with $6 postage. I discovered a clivia seller here gets seed from them too, but you pay much higher prices of course!

lilywangxuan if you need to look it up! I bought 3 sets of 5 seeds of a really strongly variegated Monk long leaf clivia, $4 a set plus $6, they consider if the leaves don't hold up towards vertical quality is diminished but it is a long leaf one! They also sell through another name with gemstones and had some others there, I also got 2 seeds for $4 of one with 'poor variegation' which doesn't mean the plant is poor, but it had the most seed pods she had ever found, 52 of them with a stalk 60mm thick. A $1.50 extra charge to cover the ebay costs. Well, imagine trying to cross breed those two!

So Robert, be prepared to get busy on the species Gladiolus!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Just looked at the offerings on ebay from lilywangxuan. Interesting selection. I like the orange-tip one with all the yellow in the throat (4 seeds-Monk Clivia).

I think getting seeds from even an "inferior" form of variegated Clivia is good for increasing the likelihood of some eventual offspring showing a superior form. The genetic line would be good to have if you're breeding for variegation and don't have a better gene pool to draw on. Maybe those with little bits of variegation will one day be the ones that produce seedlings where the variegation settles in the center or on both edges and stablizes there, whereas those showing large amounts of variegation would overwhelm the pattern?


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes I get what you mean, my thinking too, they must throw back some genetics. The one my seed is from has very broad variegation, a lot of creamy yellow and well defined green, actually I copied the pics for reference. The better quality one they showed had very mixed variegation, I liked the well defined better. The Darumas have shorter leaves than Monks, interesting but not always the best.

Well then Robert, have you been tempted? Perhaps others might like to know, I could start a thread, or do you want to buy yours first??

The web site has a really nice good quality variegated one with seeds on offer, the flowers are gorgeous with a large yellow throat. I was about to contact and buy those but came across the ones on ebay. I fell for the leaves instantly!

Look at S-02

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


The foliage is super on S-01 and the blooms on S-02 are gorgeous!

I love the stateliness of the Clivias. Noble aren't they? (tee-hee) Those ranks of leaves are just a wonder to behold!

I must say that I don't care for the 'Light of Buddha' leaf color--looks like a physiological fault more than true variegation. Really looks ill to me.

Go ahead and start a thread if you like, but I won't be getting any seeds soon (sniff-sniff), I just cannot buy any more plants! I just can't!

Oh, I really need to get a real job and earn some cash!


Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

What have clivia got to do with gladiolus ?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Sorry CountryGardens, absolutely nothing at all other than Robert's desire to go with species glads, and my desire to also go with other plants I wasn't going to go with!

That's why I mentioned I should start a separate thread, just a little diversion as often happens here on DG....

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, yeah, we wandered off the Gladiolas path a bit.......



Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Yeah, someday we will have 9800 forums on DG!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Robert--Wallaby and I know you too well! You've got it bad too! Before its all over and done with you will have seeds from every rain lily I have and every glad Wallaby has....let's just face it, we are the three most bulb addicted growers there are around here. About the only thing I can say no to are tulips, most daff's and cannas. Any other bulb, if I don't have it--you can bet I'm "lusting in my mind" for it.

CountryGardens, we just can't help ourselves--one bulb discussion just naturally flows into another for us. We are hopeless (but extremely happy) bulb addicts. I just got a new batch of seeds and I'm so happy I could dance.......


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