Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving

Shenandoah Valley, VA

to all my Mid-Atlantic buddies. I hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful holiday tomorrow.

And I just wanted to remind Chris and Ruby and anyone else who would be better off not spending the day wearing themselves out in the kitchen, all the large grocery stores now sell precooked turkey dinners with all the sides. They're not that expensive either. Just a thought.

Big hugs to all of you. You are very special people to me.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Likewise - I hope all have a safe and blessed celebration - with family, friends and too much food! :)

Crozet, VA

Ditto and ditto. I am thankful for this forum and the kind folks that I am meeting here.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Ditto to the third power. Wishing the best to all! Quoting Veggie Tales--"and when you think of me, I'll be with you"

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You ALL are wonderful!! I am extrememly grateful for all of you...many blessing to you!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I feel so blessed to have friends at DG. You all have made some of my rough times more bareable, your well wishes concerns and garden talk with beautiful pictures to share have brighten many days for me.

Don't worry, hubbie is doing dinner, tomarrow. I'm just here to supervise LOL


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wanted to share with you all the Thanksgiving Arrangement my 17 y.o. dd made...and again a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's beautiful, Chantell. Thanks for sharing and tell dd she's one talented cookie.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Very Festive, and pretty. She did a great job. Thanks for sharing!

Happy Turkey Day to all.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Truth be known...she'll be turning 18 in Feb and has been working for a florist since she was 15! Thank you, though. :)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ditto to the fourth power? LOL Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving :)

Hoping this works - a card I received from another DG member and thought I'd pass it along!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

It worked- cute!
Beautiful flowers!
And I'm only taking a break cause theturkey's in the oven and company not yet here...........

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hope you all! have had & are having a Great Thanksgiving! We have had many Blessings...much to be Thankful for!
I feel very Blessed that I have had the opportunity to be a part of this great bunch of gals!!

Here's to you all! And thanks for the "comfy" place to be...


Thumbnail by music2keep
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hope this link works....I thought this was funny.


Crozet, VA

Hilarious Chris.. ha-ha.

Chantell, your daughter is very talented. That is a beautiful centerpiece. Can't wait to see what she does for Christmas.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

LOL, Chris! That is hilarious! And all this time I thought that turkeys were dumb! ;-) At least that's what I've been told!

Chantell, I'm like Ruby! I cannot wait to see what beauty that DD prepares next! :-D


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi, Joey! Tired of leftover yet?
My boss invited DH and me and 3 other couples to his house for a Lake Erie Perch fish fry tonight, I'm really looking forward to it.
I plan on making pecan pie bars, and kettle corn to take along.

I alway have to laugh at what wildlife will do! If we put a human spin on it it makes you ROFL. Now, if that darn squirrel would quit running across the road and scaring the daylights out of me I'd be happy!


Crozet, VA

Good to hear from you Joey. You must be keeping busy with school and the holidays. I have missed seeing you here.

Chris - What the heck is kettle corn? It is probably a same dish as we southerners have but just with a different name. I took a corn pudding to in-laws on Thursday for the dinner. My family really likes it. I make it by using canned corn, eggs, sweetner, vanilla and a bit of milk. It is all stirred together and baked in a buttered baking dish. Yummy. Is making my mouth water just thinking about it.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi Ruby, You never had kettle corn? And with your love of sweets, I'm surprised.

It is popcorn that you pop with sugar. You have to keep the popcorn moving at all times or it will burn. I have a "whirley-pop" pot that has a crank that stirs the popcorn on the stove.

Its called kettle corn because it is made outdoors in a large kettle and stired with big wooden paddles by hand.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Chris, I never get tired of turkey! :-D Everybody else does, tho. I'll have it again for Christmas...every body will really be tired of it by Then! ;-) LOL .... Yes Gods little critters can be so funny to watch. I call it "natures comedy show"! Fried perch sounds great! And those pecan bars....:-D DH said that he'll be right up! I like kettle corn with lots o' tea! Yummmm....

Yep, Ruby. School has been right much of late...with an 80 hour practicum to squeeze in, But I am finished with the practicum (sqeezed it into 2 weeks!). Now I can concentrate on my finals. And I love corn pudding, but nobody here will even try it & I can't eat it all by myself! Just like this cheese ball I'm trying to finish off! :-D

I'm getting ready to go into the woods & look for some ground pine (Lycopodium). I like to use it for Christmas decorations.
Are you in the mood yet?


Thumbnail by music2keep
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Joey, we always called that running pine or running cedar. I wish I knew where I could get some around here. My mom always decorated for Christmas with it when I was a kid and it reminds me of the good old days.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ya'll have made me STARVED...running for left overs now...LOL Mercy you guys have been busy, busy!!

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Must have been a smaller turkey than usual. We've reached turkey soup already! Happy, happy Thanksgiving!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Joey, turkeys ARE dumb!!! Years ago, when we did the whole 'back to the land' thing, we had a work horse, chickens, rabbits, pigs and turkeys. One day when there were hunters congregating in the field by our house taking a break around lunch, our turkeys waddled over to them to see what they were up to :) The hunters were pointing their guns at their heads and laughing at them - As I watched from my window, I didn't think it was funny :( I have to admit though, dumb or not, I really enjoyed them - they used to follow me around the yard and they were quite comical. One night when a fox chased them off, I was so worried that I was out at 5 AM the next morning calling to them to come home - they were so cute, they heard me from wherever they had safely roosted during the night and came running up the road! Needless to say, when my husband slaughtered them that fall for Thanksgiving, I was in tears and we never raised them again, I just couldn't take it :(

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hart, I couldn't find any. :-( But I think that I'll go back up tomorrow & go up a little higher on the ridge. It's not my property but no one is ever up there. And it's really hard to look for something when you have snoopy dogs with you. My brother's dog always finds me up there & she stays right with me. Not to mention mine, but Jack does his own thing & comes back to check on me periodically.

rnc, That Is rather comical! (your own comedy show) ~ But I have to ask...do you fix the turkey & eat it?

Has anyone ever heard of using Christmas Fern for decoration? I have heard that long ago folks used to, but don't know of any who have....just curious.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Joey, yes we "fixed" the turkey and ate it - one of them was 28 lbs and we had a hard time finding a roaster large enough for him! Another reason I couldn't raise them again - I don't have a problem eating turkey I buy from the store but these Toms were my friends :( Had the same problem with rabbits, they were just too darned cute - stopped raising them as well.

Another 'bird' story :) We raised chickens mostly for eggs, but we did have a few meat hens as well. We had one rooster for the whole flock. He, Andy, was a beautiful rooster but he had lousy attitude! He knew I was scared of him. Finally after a few years and several "encounters" with him (last straw was when he 'attacked' me when I was pregnant), we decided his time had come. We chose to prepare him for dinner - stuffed him and cooked him - when we sat down to dinner, it was the toughest bird I've ever had - dry and almost like rubber! I figure it was Andy's way to get back at me - just one last time :)

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

RCN, LOL!! Revenge of the Rooster! :-D
He was probaly too old, that was why he was so tough. What a "bird"story! :-) Thanx, that will make me smile all day !


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Debbie, loved your turkey stories. I'm afraid if I raised them, I'd end up with a large flock of very old turkeys too.

I had chickens for a while but my rooster didn't chase us. He was fairly tame. He was so pretty. But if I get chickens again I'm not going to get a rooster. My mom, who was raised on a farm, has probably asked me, appalled, at least 50 times, "Why did you get a useless rooster!!??" LOL

Joey, I hope you find your running pine. Do you ever shoot mistletoe out of trees?

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hart, I've never seen mistletoe here in the trees, just squirel nests. I'm getting ready to go look now...for the ground pine.

Lots of holly...

Thumbnail by music2keep

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