A Butterfly Museum Visit

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's the top of the conservatory

Thumbnail by fly_girl
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm not sure what this is, I didn't take my purse in (no paper), so I didn't write everything down....next time. He's kind of pretty, like a lep/grasshopper cross.

Thumbnail by fly_girl
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

Not sure what these were, they were under glass

Thumbnail by fly_girl
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

This looks like some prehistoric mantid.

I took about 130 pics, so lucky for you they all didn't turn out.

Thanks for looking!

Thumbnail by fly_girl
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

It is awesome to see that many. If one had the time, you could probably see them eclose, which would be neat for people who have never seen it happen. With so many on there, they probably open constantly.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I wonder what the annual salary is to work there??? lol

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah sign us up... That's a great place fly, cool to live so close. Fine tour you're taking us on here!


The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

I bet people pay THEM to work there lol

I actually live about an hour away, but Houston traffic is bru-tal, especiallly if you aren't used to it.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Here is the link to the pics I took at Butterfly World in Florida at Christmas 2 years ago.
http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/241351410hVhYOD part 1
http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/241382393DYfjEj part 2

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Donna - THANK YOU for sharing the site of your photos from Butterfly World! I am about 2-3 hours away and have been wanting to go visit that place. Several of the teachers at my school are also interested. Maybe before Christmas break ends or during Spring Break in March ends, we will make a day trip down there to check it out. What time of the year did you go? Edited: Duh! I guess I was speed reading and missed that you went at Christmas time. Might be a good time to go since it is cooler in the winter vs. spring!

And are they flying free or are they in a caged area? Inquiring minds want to know! ;-)

This message was edited Nov 23, 2006 9:44 AM

This message was edited Nov 23, 2006 9:45 AM

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

they are free flying in a huge conservatory. Be prepared to spend the day. It is an incredible place

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

Great pics Donna! I loved that Indian Wing! There were quite a few that ours didn't have. Were those birds in yours?

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

yes they were at Butterfly World in another conservatory. They had Tropical Birds and Hummingbirds. They also sold Host and other plants

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

The Houston site could be improved, the only host seeds were in the gift shop, and they had a couple types of Butterfly weed. But then again, most of the butterflies were from Central and South America and not here.

Any idea why the birds were in the same area as the bfs?
That would be very neat to have a separate bird and hummingbird area.

Edinburg, TX

Am still ooohing and ahhhing over those photos!!! Do you know if the place is open all year around? Am wondering if the butterflies emerge only during a certain season or if because the area is climate controlled they are always breeding and they have new butterflies emerging constantly????

Am amazed at those nurseries!!! So many stuck together in a small space?! I guess if there is some sort of disease or infection all of them would get it? So many all eclosing side by side...it's a wonder their wings are more damaged...as they are at such a delicate and soft stage when they first emerge. Either way, it's an amazing view at a chrysalid assembly line :o)

It would be great if conservatories had seeds and plants for sale. There are many rare strays that we get in south Texas that come from the interior of Mexico and South America...I imagine if the addage "if you plant it, they will come" could work for those butterflies too.

Kind of reminds me of our NABA park and the Bensten Birding/Butterfly Center here. Butterflies are flying around by the hundreds...and I envy those who work there and get to see them every day. Of course, NABA mainly run on donations and fixed salaries and well, the Bensten place is a state park and and state salaries leave much to be desired...but if I were independently wealthy or retired I'd love to go do volunteer work there :o)

Oh well, am happy raising my few butterflies and moths and photographing what frequents my yard :o) but sure would like to find Green Shrimp Plant and other larval hosts to attract some of the less common butterflies to my yard too!!!

Keep posting photos...I love them!

~ Cat

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Donna - NO WAY!!!! Butterfly World has HUMMERS?????? OH ... my gosh!! Now I have to go for sure. I need to see what they look like in real life! LOL

Thanks for posting your photos. They have motivated me to go! :-)

This message was edited Nov 23, 2006 11:56 AM

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Fly-girl Butterflies are in their own conservatory by themselves and Hummer/ birds in anotherone together

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

That is the way it should be, but here there were birds in there...isn't that unusual and unsafe for the bfs?

The one in Florida would surely be an all day event!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

most birds learn quick they can't eat Butterflies. maybe the kinds of birds they have in there don't eats them lol. I don't know. I wouldn't put them together

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

We did see one, the only little bird I saw, land on the fruit dish and grab a big Owl with his beek and throw him off the dish. It was kind of funny. That's probably why their wings are so tattered. Lol. They also had bird feeders in there.

I looked at the Butterfly World site and it does look impressive. It says they have a caterpillar hatchery that can be viewed. I would love to see that, to see how they keep up with all those hungry cats. I wonder what size of crew they have to keep them all fed and frass-free.

Dover, DE(Zone 7a)

Happy Thanks Giving all


Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Great pics flyg! I think I have been to this place before but unfortunately it was before I was really into butterflies. The place I went to in Houston had a place where there was a glass wall and you could see underwater. Is that it?

I love the Blue Morpho's but it is annoying because they sit with their wings closed! My favs are the Paper Kites and the Owl's.

My son and I usually go to a butterfly exhibit when it's here at the Botanic Gardens. Last year he was thrilled when this little fella landed on him and started sipping! He felt special because everyone was coming over to look at him holding it.

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

This exhibit hangs their chrysalids with what looks like pins. ? This thing was huge!

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Paige, I didn't know there's an underwater butterfly exhibit, actually...I didn't even know they can swim haha.
Are you thinking of the aquarium?

Yes, those Blue Morphos would not cooperate, I was blowing on their wings to try and get them open and then they would and by the time I got focused again they were closed. I couldn't get dh to blow, there's just some things he refuses to do lol.

That's weird about the chrysalis pins, I wonder what kind of chrysalis that big one was.

It sounds like you've done a great job raising your son to be a critter lover!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Cute pic of Griff there!! Ben is just like that too... totally into critters.

Maybe the female Morpho is more cooperative than the male.. males usually hold their wings closed more. Another thing about Morphos, if the light isnt right, they look brown anyway. Light reveals the color plates in the wing which appears blue by cutting out all the other colors, leaving only that true blue sheen. Amazing isn't it?

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL...I know I am forgetful but I distinctly remember this place being horribly humid and there was this spot that you could walk down a few steps into an area where one side of a wall (low) was clear. I have old pics somewhere so maybe I'll have to dig them out just to figure it out. And no, butterflies generally can't swim. ;)

Maybe that chrysalis was to a giant butterfly I took a pic of too. ?

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, look at this pic. It's at the exhibit in our Botanic Gardens but it's like the place I'm thinking of in Houston that I went to. I'm not nuts, I swear! (I hope)

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

No, I don't remember anything like that.

OMG....that bf is beautiful...a Papilio of some kind?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Great pictures Paige!

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