Storing banana plants for winter

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

I know I've seen all the answers to my questions but I can't find the thread. Anyway......... I want to dig up a couple of my bananas and store them on my screened porch covered with plastic and some heat and light (not too much) so that I can get a jump on next season. I'll probably be able to maintain a heat of 35-40 degrees. From what I remember, this will be ok. I know I need to trim leaves. But do I need to put them in soil in a pot or can I take them (3-4) and put them all together in some big pot (like a trash can) with very little dirt and maybe a little pine straw for warmth? They'll not take up so much room that way. I don't have a basement or garage. I do have a crawl space and I could wrap them in burlap or something and stick them in the crawl space. If I do that, can they go right on top of the ground or do I need to elevate them off the ground? My crawl space is onely about 2 1/2'-3' high so I'll have to lay them down. If I put them in the trash can with soil, should I give them a little water occasionally?

Thanks for the help,

I forgot to mention that my crawl space to my house is made of 2' x 4s built horizontally so some air does get in there, but I would put them on the south side of the crawl space. Thanks again!

This message was edited Nov 19, 2006 11:27 AM

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Here's an often cited link

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)


You're the best! That's perfect!


Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Thanks ma vie. This is all good info.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're welcome Barbara :D.

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