How to germinate Manihot carthaginensis-Tapioca Tree SEEDS??

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Can anyone tell me how to germinate Tapioca Tree Manihot carthaginensis seeds???


Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Surely the info is in this - I didn't read the whole thing ;-)


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Sharon,

Thanks for the site link. I did, however, come across this when I was researching and can't see that it tells 'exactly' how to germinate the seeds as a 'germination chart' would. I know my seeds germinate because I have seedlings pop up in my beds from seeds that I missed. I have shared seeds with several and don't know how to tell them to actually germinate the seeds.
Do they need stratification?
Or, just nick and soak?
I recently put a few seeds in soil and baggie and place in my refrigerator, so will wait to see if that helps.

In the meantime, I was hoping if someone had actually grow the Manihot and could tell me exactly what they did to get the seeds to germinate.

Thanks again,

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

I've been poking around on the internet for over an hour looking for this info! LOL Surely somebody knows.

Do you have any easier questions? :-)


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Sharon -

Yesterday I was at HUMONGOUS Powell Plant Farm on a tour with my Master Gardener's classmates and asked their Horticulturist if he might know about the Manihot plants. He did not, but did tell me who to contact - which was going to be my next step anyways.
So, I have a call in now and will post what I can learn.
I am contacting
Texas A&M University
Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Overton

Thanks again,

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Please post what you find out!

Sharon :-)

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok, Sharon - will do.


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