Show me your butterfly houses!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm glad James will be helping with the GH. I'm jealous! HAHAHA

Thanks Becky. Connie and I do compliment each other pretty dern good. We both think "outside of the box" on most things. I think we got that from our Dad. He was the handiest person I have ever known in my life. And always so much fun.

We're very lucky that we can do so much together and still get along! :-) We're a lot alike in some ways. In others, we differ immensely. All of the ladies at Goodwill think we're twins.

Beaumont, TX

No HOA ...well there is a historical society that throws a fit sometimes but I always get what I ask for. Nothing is brazen. Just a little strange. LOL Like the purple on the house. I had someone stop and chew me out right in the middle of it representing herself as a planning and zoning official. Come to find out she wasn't . Just a vigilante looking to scare me. But sure enough there were colors to pick from on a list at the planning and zoning office and nearly all were white and off white. I had to go to a city council meeting to ask "permission" from the historical society by requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness. When it was my turn at the podium to grovel and beg I didn't have to...they said they'd driven past to see and loved it ! and even asked what I was going to do with this and that (including the columns) ! I was so relieved. Of course I didn't know at the time I wanted to do the lizards. uh oh ....Maybe I should apply for a "certificate of appropriateness" before I begin. LOL

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh my, I'm wondering how you are going to explain that! LOL! Hopefully those people on the council haven't moved! I guess I can see where some things are necessary, like I don't want to live next to the guy who's covered his house in license plates, but then I don't want anyone telling me what I can't do either.

Reminds me of when I called about the neighbor caddy-corner behind me that built a deck for his above ground pool. He would sit a chair on top of the deck and he could look straight into my yard since he was higher than the fences! He can build his deck as high as he wants but I can't have my fence higher than 8 ft. That's why I added lattices to the top of the fence and let the passionvine grow on it.

Beaumont, TX

That doesn't seem fair! I live between two two stories so they can see me too on either side. I hate it. I'd have to have a 20 foot fence to keep the one on the greenhouse side from seeing down in my yard from their porch. But now the new greenhouse will block a whole lot of their view. I also planted a palm tree right in line with it and the pool so they can't see in my pool or me walking around on the deck ...on most of it. It's above ground too so it's fence is even higher and does block their view but I added another little section at the top because eventually the tree got even taller and even tho I leave the dead inverted fronds for privacy, those fronds will drop off then they will be able to see for sure.

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