Roses in West Palm Beach

Lake Worth, FL

Okay-l know I'm crazy-Yes I have heard it many times--Unless you live out in the rose bed, you cannot grow roses down here but I refuse to give up. I ordered several dozen plants on the special root stock from Apopka, babied them through the summer and they are still alive. I have managed the black spot for the most part. However, I am having a problem with the buds browning before they open up. Most of the blooms do open and the inside of the rose looks okay, its just the few petals on the bottom. I spray them with funginex, I dug out all of the dirt and planted them in the proper rose mixture so I don't thinks its nematodes. I don't see any insects. It could be botytis but it doesn't look like that disease from the pictures I am seeing on the web. Most of the roses are doing okay but half of them have this problem. Help!

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

there are some great florida, rose gardeners, over on the rose forum. im sure they could help you alot. Check into messenger in the spring. It keeps the black spot under control...amazingly enough.

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