Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I've never put an order in with them so I'm guessing this message refers to their site. Are they still in business?

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I followed a direct link from Garden Watchdog to their site (as well as a Google link) and both came up with the same message.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Looks like they are having trouble with their domain host/web site provider. Let's hope this is just a temporary glitch.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I hope so! I've been eyeing their site for awhile now and was thinking it was about the right time for them to put up their 2007 catalog so seeing the above really had me wondering.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm the only one in chat - and lonely!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Sorry Dyson I'm at work and Boss made sure our puter isn't enabled for chat. :(

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I just went to their webpage yesterday ,thinking it was time to start making up the first draft of seeds to buy and got the same message. Hopefully I'll still get their catalog for '07.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, mercy. My favorite supplier. I'll try phoning.

This message was edited Nov 15, 2006 1:10 PM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Please let us know what they had to say Yuska. :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I had no problem. Hmm.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Neither do I now :) ......... 20 minutes ago it was still showing what I posted above tho.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I LOVE Baker Creek. They are fast and give you lots of seeds per packet!

Louisville, KY

I post at Baker Creek -- IDigMyGarden Web site where gardeners meet and discuss gardening and things of interest. Yes, they were down for some time due to their service provider. They are now back online for your information! It is a great supplier of good Heirloom Seed for serious or casual gardeners! I am pleased to see that so many of folks at Dave's Garden support them.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I love that place! Their catalogue makes me drool (and spend money!!!).

You have the best taste in shopping, Gary!

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Just a blip;)

I ordered stuff from them al the way from Spain and found them to be very generous with the seeds and prompt with mailing. Very interesting catalogue too!!! Would use them again and again!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

BizzyLizzy, I love Baker Creek too, but if I were in Spain, I'd order from some of the great organic seed companies. Ever tried them?

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hi Zeppy

Organic seed companies? In Spain? - let us know who they are.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Oops, I meant in France, as it's closer than the U.S.A. But I'm having trouble finding the companies I'd hoped to name. Spain does have a company called Ecolur, I believe, which offers non-GMU and organic seed. Sorry not to be of more help. And I recognize this is the vegetable forum, not the organic one.

Here's the UK-based Franchi Sementi:
another great company out of England:
French companies:

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Zeppy ~ Thanks for the links. I have used Real Seeds and found them quite good and I like the philosophy - for sheer variety though, I don't think any of these seed merchants can beet (get it?) Bakers Creek!!!! Groan - sorry! What I do is get together with friends and order together - that makes it more worth the postage and less wasteful on fuel miles.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I'm sure I'd do the same thing. Zone 10a... can't even imagine that!

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Sure you can...It's a bit like SoCal here but more humid!!!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I support Baker Creek with an order just about every year...great company...and Jere Gettle is a member here also, although he rarely posts anymore...he's so busy with all of his projects...but is a great guy.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Does anyone got to their annual festival? I would like to go this year.

Fayetteville, AR

I see they've had trouble before.
I went there today to place a second order and got:
Address not found.

I think they forgot to pay their yearly domain fee. It's about $25.
If that's the case they'll be back up as soon as it's paid.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I am sure that Bakers Heirloom Seeds was in business maybe a month ago because they sent me a 2007 catalog. There are lots of explanations for computer malfunctions. I have accessed their site recently. I say give them a day or two. They are a first class seed company. The owner travels all over the world looking for new and interesting seed. He got seeds from Thailand on a visit there and somewhere on the web II saw his photos from a trip to Mexico where he was checking out large Mexican pumpkins.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

They're definitely still around like Pajaritomt said, just give them a call or check back.

Fayetteville, AR

They are back up.

I'm pretty sure this was an oversight in paying their yearly fee for their internet address.
Happens to a lot of companies.
A few years ago a Microsoft site went down and it made the news when someone in Tennessee paid it for them. I think in that case that Microsoft paid the person a $2000 reward.

This message was edited Jan 18, 2007 2:04 PM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I just placed my order to Baker Creek. Got the catalog, and just drooled over it for about a week before I had to let reality kick in, and thin down my want list. Sheesh, I could have easily become one of the biggest stock holders in the company.

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)

I just placed my 2nd order with them the other day for Tigger Melons. I'm gonna start them inside first. At first I was a bit put off by their not listing DTM's for the tomatoes, but I learned I can get me rough estimate somewhere else if I'm interested in a certain type. Most of all my tomatoes are coming from Sandhill this year, but my 2nd order with Baker Creek includes some sweet peppers I learned about in the pepper forum. I too love Baker Creek and I'm afaid to look in my catalog or their site again for fear of spending more money there !!!!!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

The "page not found" error message can also occur when the traffic is heavier than the server can handle.
Considering the weather conditions these past weeks, I'll bet Baker Creek is having heavier than usual traffic as gardeners try to get away from the snow and ice outside.

Hayesville, NC(Zone 7a)

I ordered from Baker Creek by mail in mid-December 06, and my order has safely arrived. They even threw in some free seeds.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

they are just about my main supplier of vegetable seeds. they are reat.

I am wondering about their magazine. I have subscribed to it as of November 2006, but have never heard a thing from them. No notice that they recieved payment, no magazine. I'm not sure what months they print, or if they have set dates?


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)


I have received their magazine for 2 or 3 years. They put out 4 issues a year...spring, summer, fall, and winter. I have the fall issue, but don't see any winter issue around...don't know if that one is out or not.................

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I've been receiving the magazine almost from the charter issue, and it is quite worthwhile. Not fancy - recycled paper - quite in line with my philosophy. The informational content and the artistic illustrations are quite good. I don't have the winter issue yet either but know it will be along soon. There are also online forums as well. Yuska

San Tan Valley, AZ(Zone 9b)

I've ordered their catalog 4 times over the last 6 months and have yet to receive one or any other correspondence...what's up with that? Do they send them only to those that subscribe to their magazine? In the meantime I placed my seed orders with other companies yesterday. Maybe I'll try them again for my fall garden seeds. If it wasn't for all of the great things being said about them here at Dave's Garden, I would not give them another chance.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

That's weird. They've always been good to honor requests, in my experience. There's a glitch somewhere. Ordering seeds is really separate from the magazine. I'd send a "what gives?" inquiry -

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I do not subscribe to the Baker Creek Heirlooms Magazine but I get their Catalog every year. I did begin by ordering from the internet, so they had me already hooked before they ever mailed me one. You might try ordering from them from the internet or request a catalog over the internet.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I order from them each year, usually several times each year! I can only think of positive words to say about them.
Last time I called them Jere himself was answering the phone and was very sincere in his words and actions.

I think this is a busy time for them but I bet if you want to call or email you'll get quite a good response.

If you like, I feel perfectly comfortable asking Jeremiath to come say hello!


Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I just got my latest order from Baker Creek yesterday, and as alway the packets were way over filled with seeds, and I got a free pack of tomato seeds. Gere is running a really great company. If you have never ordered from them, i really suggest you give them a try. They are by far my favorite seed company.


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