Wintering over tender perennials Zone 6b/7a

McLean, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm looking for advice on saving my tender perennials/tropicals over winter. My garage is filled with these plants which I have removed from the garden beds. I have dug out and repotted a brug, a papyrus (from the pond), several colocasia, a ruella (tall), a tibouchina, and a very special fuchsia. I'm not sure which can go dormant and which have to go inside. Also, I have some beautiful salvias: leucantha, 'Lipstick','Silke's Dream' and an agastache. I am in McLean, Virginia. This is a 6b-7a. Should I bring in the salvia and agastache? Can they be let to go dormant? Can they be left outside (they are planted in the ground) and just mulched? I just am in Zone Denial and don't own a greenhouse! Thanks,


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Agastache- should be OK outside and possibly give you seedlings net year too..

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The salvia should be fine too if they're perennial annuals.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

salvia leucantha looks like too tender there. "lipstick ' looks OK. got these by checking plantfiles. Sorry I have no experience with the others....

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I've been told that there are a few colocasias that are hardy to our area - just need to mulch well!! I rec'd mine in a trade and is a I'm keeping it potted inside till spring.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Don't ask me what on earth I was typing up there. Sheesh. If they're perennial salvias, they should be fine.

Sally, I can't tell you how many plants I'm growing in zone 6 that I've found listed in plant files as being hardy only to zone 8 or somesuch. The plant files hardiness listings are not reliable. Always double check elsewhere.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

HA HA Hart~~ we were going to ask you to bring some of them 'perennial annuals' to swap!!!
Good point about PF zone listings. I will bear that in mind. Per something somebody else wrote, I put a lantana in the ground this year to see if it comes back here.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It never came back for me and that was in a protected area right next to the house, so I would guess they're pretty tropical.

I swear my brain is addled this week. But don't laugh, I have some annuals I could call perennial annuals I can give you at the swap. LOL

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