where do you buy rockwool cubes

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Where do you get your rooting cubes at? and does anybody use the coconut husks for rooting?


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Paul, page isn't responding right now , I'll have to try thatlink again later


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I think it's your link that doesn't work paul
want to try again?


Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

I get my rockwool cubes at the local hydroponic store. (50 mile drive one way)
or you can get them on line .. just google hydroponics store you get lots.

I have germenated in coco coir before.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


I have a coir & moss soilless mixture that is used for rooting and seed sprouting. It's like a 30 lb bag. Is that what you are talking about, if so I can send you some very little postage it is light. Also there is a hydroponics store in Memphis and Terrye passes by there every day and I'm sure she would not ming getting you the rockwool cubes and mailing them to you. I have slab rockwool also what are you wanting? I will be glad to mail you some if this is what you are wanting.


Their URL is www.suncityhydroponics.com or www.suncity.com My internet connection is the pits right now or I would double check.

They have a toll free number so call and check out the prices before you order elsewhere.

Let me know.


This message was edited Nov 9, 2006 4:50 PM

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Gosh, You know Judy, I wasn't no where near close to wanting those cubes when you posted that. so Ijust passed up the opportunity, what a dumb thing to do.

I won't order from anybody else, I need to find out some prices from this place,

I've not used the rockwool slab before, is that just something you stick the cuttings in and cut off a square piece that you need?

I guess I need to get with terrye too don't I .

Darn, I missed out on this, wish I had been using my head when you posted that

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

the rockwoool slabs are like 4 foot long , 6 inches wide and 3 inches thick ... normally you would
lay these on the floor of your greenhouse or in leach trays , they are covered in plastic.

you would start your seed in a 1 inch cube till you got roots poking out of it. then you would place that
into a 3 inche cube that has a 1 inch hole on one side. wait till roots come out of the cube. then you
your take the slab and cut a slice in the plastic where you want the plant and set the 3 inch cube in the slot
on the slab . pop in some drippers for feeding .. and off you go ..

here is a photo useing rockwool slabs .. http://www.howardresh.com/images/resh-present22.jpg

http://www.howardresh.com/home.html main site , and i give his book a high recomendation. I got it and love it.
Hydroponic Food Production by Howard Resh – Sixth Edition

Brooksville, ME(Zone 5a)

I like the catalog Worm's Way for buying my year round gardening things that I need for indoor gardening. You can find a website at http://wormsway.com
I got some powder seaweed extract that I can't find anywhere else. Its water soluble

Presque Isle, MI(Zone 5a)

Is the green stuff (frogs)that florist uses the same as rockwool? I have seen rooted cuttings of poinsettias come in green root cubes.


Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

gary , nope , the florists use a foam product. its a very dense foam.

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