Are these cranes?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Ohhh that guy is so cute!

(Zone 3b)

Baby animals are just tooo cute...glad you found the pic...

Beachwood, OH

HI Eq - How the heck are ya? Haven't been around much lately. Kids are keeping me way too busy. So busy I removed some perennials in favor of a bird nest spruce. I pick the leaves out of it and pat it on the head and thats it. That baby fox is adorable. And no we weren't at a teen dance - altho I guess they might have been teenies. That was a full day, on the 14th hole I noticed smoke coming out of the roof of a house and we went over to make sure they were ok - the teen daughter was upstairs home alone and blissfully unaware the house was on fire. So we dialed the fire dept and watched them hatchet in the roof. About then Mom and Dad rolled in. Talk about dropped jaws. It didn't look like much damage - except for the new roof they were going to need. My DH had led the girl out by the arm and one of the other guys had carried the dog out. Big non-gardening excitement.

And here I thought golf was boring! Lucky kid though if you really think about it. She probably had head phones on and was totally oblivous. kids!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

What a day for you aly! Golf is a most wonderful game. I bet they were glad you and your DH were there that day. Only a gardener -golfer (like you) would be scanning the landscape and notice the smoke...Very impressive rescue action!


Oh man did you hit that on the head debnes with your scanning comments. Have you ever seen alyrics in action? She is always taking in her surroundings. She doesn't miss a beat.

(Zone 3b)

Aly - Good going with your "scanning" abilities...very lucky family, I'd say. We just returned from the week down in Cancun, Mexico - it's just beautiful there, and way too warm!!! Here, it's not been above freezing since late October, so the 80+ temps in Cancun, were nearly unbearable..and, humidity like I've never been in...but a nice winter break nontheless..

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

NIce Kiska!
Mexico in fall, definatly a change from AK. How about the local fauna there in Cancun... Did you see anything cool and unusual? Take any pictures? :-) Can we see, huh huh?? lol. If you have a lot maybe you'd need a new thread.

Welcome back!

(Zone 3b)

Thanks, it's so good to be home...
unusual - --Palm trees; flowers blooming; warm breezes; gorgeous color of the ocean; tremendous thunder/lightning/rain storm...everything was so out of our realm, it truely was like being in another world..
Didn't take many pictures; one disposable camera is all we used..
time to finish unpacking and go shop for Thanksgiving; the winds are just howling and it's not going to be fun getting out into it and the below zero windchill, but that's just the way it is...

Beachwood, OH

Hi gang! I forgot to watch this thread. Just browsing DG before bedtime with my full tummy. Darn I'm a good cook. Yes I'm so vigilant. cough cough. Not really, Equilibrium I'm sure you met me on a good day. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Uh huh, that must be it... I met you on a good day ;) You always caught me weeding you little observant stinker you!

(Zone 3b)

Our Thanksgiving Day was just that - a wonderful day with our 3 grown children and spouses, 9 grandchildren and 3 "just like family" in-laws. Hope the same for you all..It's still 10 below zero, dark till well after 9am, and lots to do.
I've noticed twice now, that there appears to be just one crane left; I feel sure it's the youngest one as it's not as large as the other 2. I hope the others were laying down in the field and I just overlooked them.
Took this the other evening (4pm) on my way to town.

Thumbnail by kiska
Beachwood, OH

Yeah but that weeding was so endearing! It told me a lot about you. You didn't see anybody else scaling rock walls to pull thistles or whatever it was you were so passionate about - did you? - what was that weed? trying to remember - it was something I suffer from also that re-seeds like wildfire.

That was a fun day. I think my major plant purchase that day was the daylily Zebrina - the new striped one. I don't really recommend the plant - very puny and weak. They hardly did anything all summer and died back early. I would not be surprised if they don't make it thru the winter. And how do you kill a daylily?

Garlic Mustard, it leaves an incredible seed bank if left unchecked.

I evidently don't know how to kill a daylily properly but please do share the process with me. The ones I have planted here do just fine and when I had to divide them, I just wasted the division on the burn pile.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I hope the others were laying down in the field and I just overlooked them

I'd rather hope they have flown off south to somewhere much warmer! Ten degrees below freezing is much too cold . . . brrrr...


(Zone 3b)

Resin - I just returned from town, and didn't see any of them this time...I too, hope now they've all headed south...keep you posted..

Beachwood, OH

Ah yes, garlic mustard - I let it get going one year at the edge of the woods and I've been paying ever since.

How to kill a daylily? I don't know - I just think that Zebrina is weak to start with. All I know is dividing daylilies is serious manual labor - but it doesn't look like that will be an issue with the Z - unless they do the sleep creep leap thing for me in the future.

(Zone 3b)

A lily is so pretty - the few we have, have struggled for several years, and haven't really thrived..but, the blooms in August are worth whatever effort they put out..
It's been nearly a week since I've seen any crane in the field..hope they managed to fly out...lots of snow today...

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