Pomegranate Wonderful

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)


I have just discovered that I LOVE Pomegranates, specifically "Wonderful".
Does anyone know if Pomegranate Wonderful will grow here in the Willamette Valley? I am hoping it does, and any tips on growing them would be very welcome!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

It certainly should grow well for you. I grew it in a 9a location. I don't have one here but others in the area are growing it. Here is an article from Purdue University. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/pomegranate.html


Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

Hi Yuska,

Thanks so much! That is a great, very informative article!


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i wish they grew here-my boyz were munching them down last night-peeled 3 fruits-yummmmmmy

Waynesboro, MS(Zone 8a)

They taste better when completely rippened when the fruit splits revealing the inside.All I see in the stores are not completly ripe.

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

Hi Charlie,

Do they grow in your area? I tasted them from my brother-in-laws tree in California. They were divine. Then when I bought them here locally, they were nothing at all compared to the ones picked off the trees so maybe that is because they are picked when not fully ripe, as you say.


Waynesboro, MS(Zone 8a)

Boel I grew them in Mobile and I brought some here, which is 75 miles north, and lost them to a freeze before they matured.Mobile is also zone 8-B however they get more heat than you and less cloud cover. There is a nursery in OR.I have bougth rare tropical fruit plants from however I have forgotten their name.If someone knows who they are perhaps they are raising them.

Waynesboro, MS(Zone 8a)

I came across a old catalog of the company I had in mind.It is Oregon Exotics Rare Fruit Nursery at Grants Pass They listed eight varieties including Wonderfull.They stated that trees have survived 5° in Oregon but recommend planting on a warm wall to get fruit.They list all kinds of goodies.

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

Charlie, thanks so much for that information! I will check that company out, sounds interesting!


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