Is dwarfing rootstock needed?

Buffalo, NY

When growing an apple tree, and wanting to keep it less than 9 feet tall, is it NEEDED to buy dwafing rootstock?
Or can I prune the apple tree every year?

Baltimore, MD

It is a lot of work to keep an apple tree not on dwarf rootstock at 9'. With mulitple summer prunings you can keep it any height but at some point the amount of work makes it not worthwhile. Well with a semi-dwarf rootstock such as M7 or M26 you could probably keep it at 9' with summer pruning.


Buffalo, NY

The reason I'm asking this, is because my apple on a super-dwarfing rootstock seems so .... UN-hardy.

I'd be growing the tree in a whisky barrel, which would probably restrict root grow, which might restrict growing even more?

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

The dwarfing/super-dwarfing rootstocks are just that - UNhardy. They're less than vigorous, have minimal, non-anchoring roots, etc. - hence the need to stake or trellis them, and they'll give up the ghost at the first hint of drought, unless watered religiously.
In a whisky barrel, I'd say a dwarf/super-dwarf would be in order, but unless you've got an unheated garage or other safe spot to move it into over winter, I'd anticipate you having to plant a new one every year. Sitting above ground in a container through a Buffalo winter would seem likely to spell certain doom.
Otherwise, regardless of rootstock, YOU are in control of how large it becomes. Prune, prune, prune - and preferrably in summer, not during the dormant season.

Buffalo, NY

We'll see how it goes over the winter. It was so pathetic all summer long after a brutal aphid attack. It was one of those "super-dwarfs" that only gets 4 feet tall.
I don't have a garage to put it in, and my greenhouse door is too small for it.
If it dies, I say "well, you are the weakest link! Goodbye!" and I'll plant a bunch of lettuce there. Or a better tree.

Baltimore, MD

Get a "dwarf" - they are much, much better than the super-dwarfs in terms of vigor. I have 100+ trees on M9 or bud9 and they are very reliable, I almost never water them, and I only stake them when they start to lean which is less than 10% of my trees. Also they are very easy to keep at 9'. M26 is just a bit more vigorous but is also not so hard to keep at 9'.


Buffalo, NY

Scott -
that's good to hear that the dwarfs are better than the super dwarfs...
cause this tree is PATHETIC. I'm not sure if I should pull it up or not.
I just don't really see it doing anything.

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