If you live in the valley or nearby - really cold forecast

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It's supposed to go down to 22 tonight, 24 tomorrow night. Just thought everyone would like to know in case there's something you need to protect or bring in.

On the banks of the , VA(Zone 7a)

You are so sweet, Ruby. : )

We had ice in the water troughs this morning for the first time.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby is sweet but she's not me. LOL

I just checked. It's 29 right now.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ugh. It is 38 degrees here (just 3 doors over the DC line), but it is supposed to go to 30 downtown. So here I go to drag everything inside!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

i had ice in the bird bath this AM but still only frost damage on part of the moonflowers and cannas. tonight should be the real deal. I dragged my plants back in yesterday after giving them two more days of freedom on those Beautiful days.
happy- wondered what the xterminator said..

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

brrrrrr! After sweating in the gardens on Wednesday and now this - everything has already been protected, dragged inside, etc. but had to drain all the hoses yet once again :( Went outside at the end of the day to take a few pictures but it was way too cold to push the buttons on the camera! Grabbing my fleece for this morning's visit to Harpers - the water gardens there will probably be frozen!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I doubt it - mine isn't frozen. But speaking of remembering to drain the hoses - I knew there was something I forgot to do yesterday and when I got up this morning my elaborate 5-way hose doodad was spewing water all over the place. sigh

It was 23 out when I went to bed last night.

On the banks of the , VA(Zone 7a)

Uhm...oops? *blush* I'm so sorry, you've both been kind answering my questions and I've been a little slow off the mark since it got cold. I do apologize. : (

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It's okay, Luna. For goodness sakes don't be blushing and frowning!

On the banks of the , VA(Zone 7a)

well I felt kinda dippy : )

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Oh, gosh, I do something dippy at least once a day. I blame it on menopause. LOL

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