Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

For those around the Baltimore area----

Don't miss the Fall Chrisanthemum Show at he "Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory & Botanical Gardens" on Nov.--19, 2006. See the spectacular displays with thousands of colorful and unusual Mums.
The Conservatory is at Druid Hill Park, next to the Zoo. The display is open from 10AM-4PM. Take the Druid Park Drive exit off of I-83. At the 3rd light, take a right, and you cannot miss the 5-story Palm House staring at you in just a few feet. Street parking is available.
For more information, call: 410-396-0180.

This is an awsome place! it is the ONLY remaining Conservatory in the Baltimore City Parks System. They are renovating and growing. A dedicated staff and volunteers are always present at these beautiful Gardens and guided tours are available upon request. You will be dazzled by all there is to see!
The Conservatory consists of several "rooms"(Greenhouses). There is the Medireranian Room, the Tropical Room, the Cactus Room, the Orchid Room and, best of all, the 5-story Palm House. The "rooms" are actually Greenhouses full of plants native to those particular regions and are interconnected by doors. .

There will also be a Christmas display later this year. Keep your eyes and ears open for that one! WOW!!!!!

If this sounds like a "commercial", it is not. I became a volunteer for them this year and I can tell you just how beautiful this place is. Besides, in the main entrance room, they always have plants for sale that have been propagated from the ones in their Greenhouses. A great way to get something unusual to add to your collections.

Please! Get a bunch of friends together and go visit this magical place! Then, pass the word around!
A small donation of $2 is appreciated when you visit.

Can you tell I love it? Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the info. I passed it on to some friends. I have knee surgery on the 10th but you may see me hobbling along on crutches. I’ve never been there before and it sounds great. Holly

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

thanks for the info- haven't been there lately

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gita, thanks so much for posting this. I didn't know about this place and will definitely put it on my must see list!

I just love the Baltimore zoo. It's one of the nicest zoos I've seen. I wish I'd known there was a botanical garden next door when we visited the zoo.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I’m taking my bad knee (post surgery), my husband and a very good friend. The 3 of us will be down. Had surgery on the knee last week and it is healing very well so here we come. I won't even need the crutches.We will be coming down from Pa. any suggestions for a good place to eat when we are done? My friend grew up in Baltimore and didn’t know the Conservatory was there. She said she remembers some big buildings near the Zoo but didn’t realize what they were. Holly

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


That area of town is not so hot. I do not know of anything around there. I live in Perry hall/White Marsh area.

I am sure if you ask around, someone there will be able to help you. Sorry!
You are very close to Downtown there! Maybe you want to take in our beautiful Inner Harbor for some sights. athere are a zillion places to eat there!

Glad you will get to see the Show. I have not been as my knees are just killing me! I hope I can see the Poinsettia show, though, later on.

Take I-83 South towards downtown. Exit off at "Druid Park Drive". Go to the 3rd traffic light and turn right. It will be right there on your right.

I would not say this is exactly next to the zoo. Just in the same park.

Enjoy your trip! Gita

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I watched one of those Rachel Ray shows on Food Network the other night and she was doing restaurants in Baltimore. Maybe that will help. It's on again 11/23 at 2:30 pm and here's the info on the restaurants she visited. The show is called Rachel Ray's Tasty Travels.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

My husband and I have been to Inner Harbor before and we've had some great meals. Fells Point (? spelling) was one of the best just spent the day on the water taxi hoping on and off. Our friend is from Baltimore and really knows the area. I just thought you might have a suggestion. We were down about a month ago to take our Grandson to the Zoo but it rained and we ended up at the Aquarium instead. I haven’t had a chance to get him down there since and I still owe him a trip to a Zoo. It was nice seeing the Aquarium I haven’t been there since the remodeling but I volunteer at the Aquarium in Camden so he gets there fairly often and it doesn’t cost me any money. But it was a fun day anyway. Really looking forward to the weekend and we should have some nice weather too. Thanks so much for the posting. Holly

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You do know the last day for the Mum Show is tomorrow--Sunday?


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yep, That's when we are going. First thing in the morning. Holly

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, Thanks for sending us we had a lovely time. The Volunteers who were there today were very nice, friendly and helpful. We'll be back again. Here is our tour.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly Ann,

Thank you so much for posting all your beautiful pictures! I have seen them all, but I am sorry I was not able to attend the Mum Show. I will sure try to do so for the Holiday Show.
You have provided some irreplacable, free promotion to this wonderful Botanical gardens! They need it!!! I sure hope that all the people within driving distance of these Gardens will make the effort to drive there and partake of all the spectacular displays to get them in the Holiday Spirit.

Thank you--Thank you! From me--and also on behalf of the Conservatory Staff--if I may be so presumptious as to speak for them.....(am I forgiven?)

I am forwarding this Post and both your picture Posts to the Organizers.

Please keep in touch and maybe I will meet you there one day when I can volunteer some day.
I have gotten away from it a bit, but I need to just get my act together and do it! My knees have gitten so bad I cannot be on my feet for too long. It kind of puts a damper on things......

Next time you come, bring a crowd! Form an "Excursion". There are things to see there all year round. Besides, the outdoors is almost as nice as the indoors--and it will be much more when all the plans to expand the Gardens happen! It's in the works!!!!

Thanks, Gita

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