Will definitely gown next year!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Out of all the annuals you grew/planted this year which one will you do again next year and why?

Pictures please, if you have one.

I just loved this: bloomed all season and got better looking all the time. Must have it again. Petunia, Millionbells "Callie Orange"

OK! who caught the error in the title... "Gown" when will I learn to proof read before hitting send. LOL

This message was edited Oct 30, 2006 7:54 PM

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Have some old standbys, but one experiment this year was Jewels of Opar. I only had one seedling survive, but someone in DG has a pic of a bed of it, and I like the lime-y foliage with the sprays of pink and orange above. I have to save some seed (thanks for reminding me) in case it doesn't self sow. don'thave a picture handy
Fall pansies are the only annual plants I bought for myself this year. others seeded.
Your Callie Orange is very nice, esp in the fall color now.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

One I grew this year that I will definitely grow again if it doesn't self sow is salvia coccinea "Lady in Red." Striking bright red blooms, such a pretty color, all summer.

Last year I grew cosmos "Cosmic Red" and "Cosmic Orange." I didn't find the plants this year but plan to look for seeds for next year. The colors just glowed. These were shorter than the standard cosmos too.

I can't have enough tall snapdragons (they're still blooming and they tend to come back every year) or calendulas (they're also still blooming.)

Not quite an annual, because they will come back up from the tubers if you're in an area that's not too cold, but I love my four o'clocks, both the broken colors and Limelight, which has lime green foliage and dark fuschia flowers. The scent is heavenly in the late afternoon/early evening and as an added plus, they attract luna moths and hummingbird moths. And I don't think there's an easier flower than the tall, giant zinnias. So many blooms for so little effort.

Chris, you can edit the title as well as the text of your posts if you want.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I didn't catch the gown gaff.... I liked the Salvia coccinea 'Forest Fire' I got in a tray of annuals at the nursery. They were almost four feet high, I was expecting little bitty plants. I'm saving some seeds, but they might come back on their own.

Marigolds. I was really impressed, just a lot of color for such an 'ordinary' plant.
I love your petunias!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Haven't gown or grown (hugs, Chris) it but plan to each year based on others raves about the scent. Nicotina (sp?) 'fragrant cloud'

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I planted so many perennials this year I am hoping to only have to plant a few annuals, my favorites are of course MG's and Lobelias, I love the Blues - but, they don't last all season on my deck - too hot for them! And not enough shade!

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I posted this on another Forum earlier, actually looking for an ID, but now I know what it is and will definitely be looking for it next year - Plectranthus 'Mountain Mist'. Bought it originally for the foliage in this container.

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

The container was basically a failure :( Had never used the container and didn't realize it wouldn't drain well - after all the rain the end of June, the plants were "floating" and it took forever for it to dry out. However, the Plectranthus fared well and when it bloomed in September, look at this - definitely on my "list" for next year!


Thumbnail by rcn48
Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Poppies---the flowers are beautiful and enough of the seeds escape my pastry and the goldfinchs' poppy seed buffet to grow the next year's crop.

Thumbnail by dayli
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I love the petuna million bells it reminds me of flower boxes in Austria. The Plectranthus is very pretty. You 2 have given me so ideas for next year.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Dayli: What kind of poppies have you grown successfully? I haven't had much success with them. (Of course, I am short on sun which doesn't help.)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

rcn.... I like the planter sorry it did not meet up to your expectations. I wonder if you planted it with something that liked wet feet sort of a bog planter? Sibirian iris comes to mind right now.


This message was edited Nov 1, 2006 3:33 PM

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Bec the deep violet color is wonderful, with white and yellow. Debbie I agree with Chris, really like the planter too. Would it be possible to drill drainage holes?

The poppies are papaver somniferum bred in Belgium, I was told, to produce better seeds than sap, I've been growing them for more than 20 years and the flowers are variable. Some are deep pink and double, most are single, purple or pink with deeper flares, occasionally they are white. They will grow in part shade but I think they do better in the sun.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chris, no I didn't plan on it being a "bog" LOL Since it was hypertufa I thought the drainage would be fine, however now I know the teeny little hole in the bottom was nowhere near enough for the container to drain - thinking next year I'll either have to enlarge the hole, or plant bog-loving plants in it :)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

rcn, I also like the blue of the Plectranthus I did a search in the plant files... could not find "Mountain Mist" is it new?

And I also like the poppies, Day

Too many..... I got to have thats LOL


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

dayli, beautiful poppies! I bought seeds several times but not never got them planted :( Your pictures might just inspire me to throw them in the dirt this fall and see what surprises I might have next spring.

Chris, I had a really hard time finding information for P.'Mountain Mist' - think it was new this year - one of the Proven Winners selections http://provenwinners.com/plants/detail.cfm?photoID=8060&doSearch=1&searchKeywords=plectranthus+mountain+mist&. When I read their description I couldn't believe they didn't have the beautiful flowers listed as one of the "Features"! But then their photos don't do justice to this plant. When I have time, I'll have to add it to PF.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

All this Poppy talk. You guys just made me remember what I had in that seed container. I was cleaning out and organizing the back room and found a plastic container of seeds. Didn’t have a clue what they were. Now I remember my son brought me home a large bouquet of Orange Poppies that where growing wild in a field not to far from his job site and I saved the seeds. Now I have to think of a place to plant Poppies. So many plants so little room.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Debbie, I added the site to my favorites, It will be great looking through it this winter. I'll need to get a drool cover for the keyboard LOL


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