Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I’m sure that if you live anywhere near me you’ve been hit with this wind yesterday and today. I spent a lot of time watching the storm clouds blow in and out yesterday. They really put on a beautiful show and today the little puffy ones just fly by.
We went out yesterday morning and gathered up what ever was left in the yard we thought might get blown away but I see we will be checking the hedgerow for some items from my daughters boat she has stored in our pasture.
Yesterday while we were out buying a new cover for our Hot Tub the old cover decided to go out with a bang. We bought a used tub several years ago and the cover that came with it didn’t quite match. It was very old and the tie down straps broken and not exactly the right cover for our tub so it was a little big. We got home last night after dark to find that the cover from the hot tub had blown off. Since the tie downs were broken we had weighted it down with a half cinder block, 6 ft lead pipe and digging iron. It sits on a deck about 8ft from our pool. When it went it also took a 12 ft tarp and 2 metal wire panels that are 2 ft height and 6 ft long that had been zip tied to our deck to keep the pets from accidentally falling into the pool.(We have a much loved blind cat and idiot beagle.) All of this is now in the bottom of my pool. I will be putting on my wetsuit which is only 3 mil and rather lightweight and getting into 50 degree water today to get everything out and check for damage. Oh what fun. ;} Anyone else have a wind story? Holly

Marlton, NJ

It certainly is windy! The smallest birds are having such a hard time flying around. Just saw a Dark Eyed Junco get pushed by the wind gusts right into the house while he was flying. He was okay . Heres a pic of one from this morning.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

You're right about that. The squirels were at the feeder this morning but there is only 1 bird in the yard a rather large black bird and he is sitting is the grass picking at dropped food. None of the regulars are out there.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi all! It was windy up here too. Started yesterday late afternoon, still getting gusts but at least the sun is out. No damage, did not loose power so that is a good thing.

Pelletory... I was thinking this morning about the birds not getting a good nights sleep, having to hold on to the branches so tight. Funny what pops up in a gardener's/ bird lovers mind.

Holly, just thinking about you in that water gives me the chills, I'd jump right into the hot tub if I were you.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

OK, Been there done that.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chris, you're right I would have jumped right into the Hot Tub but my husband is in the process of repairing it. That's why we were at the shop yesterday. He was picking up parts and getting a new cover. Hopefully it will be up and running by next week. I love Hot Tubing in the snow.

Pell, I keeping watching my empty feeders and thinking those little birds need that seed to make body heat and in this wind they can't get to them.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Shenandoah Valley, VA

The wind was unbelievable last night. It's still a little gusty this morning but nothing like it was last night.

No real damage here. A large plastic tub I use to store some of the pond supplies was blown into the pond. No damage. It was empty but had the lid still on and was just bobbing around in the pond. A couple of larger limbs blown off trees further up in the yard - not close enough to anything to do any damage.

I have a tin roof and when the wind blows like that, it rattles the tin. I love the sound of rain on the roof but that roaring rattle from hard wind isn't very pleasant.

Marlton, NJ

No power outage here thank gooodness. Since the birds were having such a tough time at the feeders I sprinkled seeds on these garden blocks and some on the ground. It made for a good photo op too! Heres a female Cardinal thats on the blocks, they would never normally get this close to the house (especially with me right at the window).

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

Heres another pic of this bright eyed girl.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I did the same thing too. When I went out to top off the feeder I made sure that there was a lot on the ground. There were 5 Doves walking from the hedgerow across the yard to get to the feeders and there are acouple of cardinals sitting under the feeders about 1/2 hr ago. Haven't seen any of the little birds at all today.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Enjoyed the pictures Holly & pell. Your cardinal closeup is great, she looks so healthy.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sounded like a blizzard here last night!
Great story Holly~ can't top that.
Great cardinal pictures- have never looked at one that close up.
I put suet out yesterday, and seed but as others said, didn't see any in the feeder. Heard some doves taking off from the place where I had seed on the ground(actually, my septic tank lid, which makes a nice cleanable surface) for them. Had a nice visit from a white throated sparrow on the fence, near where I was poking around. Raked leaves out from under the deck, went looking for help gathering them, by the time I got back they were all down the cellar steps~~~Just no good raking when it's THAT windy! But it was pretty enough out that two of the menfolk did battle with a big euonymus stump and won, now hold me back before I plant something else in the hole.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Hate the wind! Trying to finish up planting in the garden and supposed to be pulling the plastic up over the greenhouses, but neither was accomplished with the wind - "hid" inside and played on the computer instead. Hopefully the wind helped dry out the soil from last week's rains and I can finish my planting today, anxious to get it done so I can get my new arbor installed. Only good thing about the delay is that I had intended to plant Wisteria on the arbor, but now I'm thinking of changing to Climbing Rose and Clematis - neither of which I have but there's always next spring! Now if I can just find a spot for the Wisteria :( Also have some new Peonies I received on Friday from Song Sparrow that need to get in the ground quick!


Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Debbie, which peonies did you get?

Crozet, VA

Yes, the wind can really put a damper on some of our plans. It can also damage a lot of wind chimes. I have probably had about three sets of wind chimes be broken by the fierce winds this year. I am on a hill side and I don't know if I am getting more than others are getting, or if the wind everywhere has been heavier this year than before.

My dogs do not like the wind either. They especially hate to hear some door beads that I have hanging near our front entrance. When I leave that door open to get air through the house the beads hit against the wall and the dogs go running from the noise. Poor guys.

Good topic HollyAnn. Love the bird pics Pelletory. Take good care all.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Great weather yesterday for working in the garden - even had to change into a t-shirt - sweating! Got a few more Ferns planted, edged an area with a few rocks - I need more! Didn't get the peonies in the ground but have the area ready and plan to get them planted today. The more I walk around the gardens the more ideas I get - looking at a spot to work in a small patio for a couple of chairs so I can take a break now and then and have a beautiful view of the mountains :) Thinking we need to put a railing up around the walkway of our pond, and THEN maybe some steps to walk over to our new "arboretum". I've got to stop walking around the gardens and "thinking" - I'm creating way too much work for myself!!!

dayli, let's see if I can find the pictures:

First one 'Lil' Sweetie' - wanted one of the Fern Leaf types but wanted single not double blooms, so trying this one

This message was edited Oct 31, 2006 5:09 AM

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Then I was looking for one that's similar to one we already have in our gardens - a single that was originally from Rick's grandmother - this one is pretty close - 'Midnight Sun'

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

And the last one - wanted a white one similar to the one above and this one sounded good, description said it's vigorous with strong stems and supposedly a little shorter so it won't get floppy - 'Dairy Anne'

Thumbnail by rcn48
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Debbie,
Me too! I will be retiring in May and can’t wait I have so many plans for my yard. This year I planted a Holly Hedge, a row of Leyland Cypress for privacy and a Red Maple that will need a shade garden to go with it. I want to beef up the bed in front of the house that has Azaleas and the lamp post bed with more Clematis.Not to memtion the pond. Ect, ect, ect, Holly

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the pictures, Debbie, I am such a pushover for peonies. I've been looking at singles too. All my herbacious ones are doubles. Are they fragrant? You know the midnight sun looks a little like buckeye belle, which I've had my eye on for some time. Let us know if they live up to their catalogue description.

Holly, when I walk around the garden, I get really good(okay sometimes bad) ideas. I pick up the shovel and see what works. This is as close to Heaven as I can imagine.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

dayli, not sure if they're fragrant but that would definitely be a plus! This is Rick's grandmother's Peony I was trying to duplicate - looks like the Midnight Sun is a little deeper in color, but the same form.

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Holly, LOL :) Don't get me started on Clematis - since I'm beginning to run out of room in the beds I'm working on, thinking the only way to "grow" is UP! Been looking at alot of Clematis and thinking I need to order some next spring and add them. We lost a beautiful 'Seiryu' Jap Maple that was planted in the center of 3-4 Hostas. Yesterday I finally dug it out and 'planted' a small upright trellis in the hole, it's just begging for one of the smaller bush forms. The railing I want for around the pond walkway is just a ploy to provide another spot for more Clematis to climb on!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I love climbers the link below will take you to my new Clematis project for next year I looking for some suggestions. Also next year I need my husband to build me a Pergola large enough to span the driveway for my Wisteria. It was planted on a fence near the drive and has badly out grown the fence and doesn’t show to best advantage I need to get it up higher and give it more room.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Me> Jumping up and down hand in air, I'm also a Clematis junkie.

I have been getting mine from Bluestone. They are young plants, and had some bloom for me the first year I planted them.

Here is Princess Diana (first year blooms)

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Here is Betty Corning, first year blooms.

This is a mini vase, the flowers hang down like a bell. This stem broke off the plant so I put the flowers and buds in the vase to enjoy.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, They are beautiful I wish I had pictures of mine to share. I will next year. Now that I have some extra time I have decided to document and photograph my gardens. I’m keeping tags and taking clipping from catalogues of the new plants I buy. I going to do a diagram of the beds as new plants emerge and note bloom times and color.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, Why not start your journal in DG. You can add notes and pictures for your plants. A nice way to keep tract of what you have. Feel free to view my journal, Just click on my name at the left and click on journal (can't remember how it is worded) but I have more pictures to see.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I was thinking of that but haven't gotten around to reading anyone's journals yet. Thank you for the invitation. I'll do that. Holly

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is a picture of the Wisteria from last spring. As you can see it absolutely needs that new pergola. The poor fence is collapsing under it. By the way I always have starters in the Spring if anyone wants them.
Debbie be careful where you plant that Wisteria.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Debbie, Holly is right about the Wisteria, I have one that was growing up the side of the porch when we bought the house 34 years ago. We had the porch torn down and had a smaller porch put on. The wisteria was torn out, not a good thing to have growing up the side of the house.

About 10 years ago the wisteria show up again. I tryed cutting it out but not sucessfull. so I trained it into a "tree".

Here is a picture, it also blooms more for me this way then when it was left to do its own thing.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2006 6:40 PM

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chris, 'Princess Diana' is a gorgeous - I'll have to search for that one! I've been following this thread and thinking of ordering from her next spring based on everyone's comments.

Well heck, now I'm not sure what to do about the Wisteria. The one I'm thinking of planting is W. frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' which is not supposed to be as aggressive as the Chinese Wisteria. Even though I'd love to wait to plant Clematis on the arbor, I finished with my measurements yesterday for the winding path to the arbor and I'm really anxious to get something planted on it - Wisteria is available, Clematis is not :(

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, I like the Princess Diana, too. I have been following the same thread on Clematis Suppliers. Trying to get ideas for my Lamppost bed. Here is a description of the Clematis project.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Thank you, if you can't find Princess Diana, Dutchess of Albany looks like her twin. I have 2 pictures of DofA in my journal.

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