small Ananas

Munich, Germany

I have seen be germinate this a pineapple kernel today. It now lay 2 months.

Thumbnail by re01434
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's exciting!! I will look forward to seeing a photo when it grows into a little plant!

This would also be a great photo to add to PlantFiles when you have a moment... PF often has lots of flower/fruit photos, but the seed pictures are very helpful also!

Munich, Germany


yes, I`will do.

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Not many people grow Ananas from seed. The only commercial venture I know of is DuraFlor run by Chester Skotak in Costa Rica who is developing some really interesting Pineapple hybrids. He is also the guy who made the gorgeous Neoregelia Hannibal Lector hybrids.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I do not even know where the seeds develop on (in?) a pineapple!

The best pineapple I ever ate was in Hawaii (of course), and it was a "white" pineapple. What an amazingly sweet & delicate flavor it had! We did get some nice ones this summer at Sam's Club (the kind of big discount store where you can buy paper towels at half price if you're willing to fill the car with them), but they were the ordinary (still delicious!) gold variety.

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

The best Pineapple I ever had was grown by me and eaten by me fresh off the plant. They're easy to start and grow although they do get big. Home grown is always better (even when it isn't).

Munich, Germany

I has be 3 pineapple-plants they bigger as well. Moved from the leaf-mop .
I put the pictures purely still today.

Munich, Germany

Here is one of them

Thumbnail by re01434
Munich, Germany

number 2

Thumbnail by re01434
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Beautifully grown! So, you grew these by planting the green tops from pineapples? It will be interesting to see how long it takes for your seed grown plants to reach a similar size. And I see lots of other lovely plants at the edge of the photo... Do you have a greenhouse? (In case that term doesn't translate well, that's a place with light and warmth for tender plants, usually covered in glass or clear plastic.)

Dave, I'm LOL at "Home grown is always better. Even if it isn't." Nothing adds to the flavor like picking it yourself, especially after you've struggled to grow something!

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

I always have 3-4 pineapples growing. Pups also form at the base of the fruit.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

cool... that, I did not know! You'll have to post a photo of those pups sometime.

Munich, Germany


no the plants are not under glass. at present, they still get along Celsius exactly outdoors with about 5. but I will rebuild my balcony to the winter-garden.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You've got all that growing on your balcony?? I am impressed! Please let me know if you've posted photos of your balcony garden anywhere on DG... I would love to see more! :-)

Munich, Germany

a new picture of the tiny pineapple plant

Thumbnail by re01434
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Munich, Germany

here is a new picture of my little pineapple

Thumbnail by re01434
Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

I forgot to post this picture of a small fruit with two small pups emerging from the base. Sometimes if you leave the plant alone after blooming you will also get a pup from one of the leaf axils.

Thumbnail by digital_dave
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Dave, that's a cool photo! Thanks for posting it.... I was sure curious about where/how those pups formed!

I love watching that tiny seedling grow!

Merritt Island, FL

the same thing happened to my pineapple (the pups). thanks for the explaination

Smithfield, NC


I grow pineapples in north carolina I have 40 plants this year 20 2nd year plants and this picture is on a pineapple one month old it's going to be huge!
This one seems to be growing out of season also very differant then the others I grow most I got at walmart.

Thumbnail by sailoffwithme
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Do you mean you buy pineapple fruits at WalMart and plant the tops, or does your WalMart carry pineapple plants?

Munich, Germany

here the newest Photo of my pineapple

Thumbnail by re01434
Munich, Germany

an other Photo of a pineapple

Thumbnail by re01434
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool! It's fun to watch that little seedling grow... too cute!

What kind of conditions do pineapples like? I'm tempted to try growing one from a grocery pineapple top...

Since they do so well in Hawaii, I'm guessing they like moist but well drained soil... Would a standard potting mix with peatmoss and perlite (with a dash of polymer moisture crystals) work, or do I need something different?


Munich, Germany


thus turn tuft off, cut off down, lowest sheets remove. One day to lie leave, are then into completely normal flower earth and well cast on. So Mach I that always.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks! Is your "normal flower earth" like something you would dig up right from the ground, or is it a "soil-less" mix with peat moss (used mostly for containers)?

Munich, Germany

@ critterologist

I´m a german, sorry
which I mean is "soil-less mix with peat moss"


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the clarification! I knew it was just a translation thing... LOL... next time, just tell me in German, and make me look it up! :-)

I appreciate your tips on preparing the cutting. I would not have thought to let it alone for a day to callus over, but that makes sense!

Hmmm, now I need to get a fresh pineapple from the store... yummy!

Munich, Germany


Das macht das ganze für mich auch einfacher.
So muss ich mich nicht in einer Sprache quälen welche ich nicht so gut beherrsche.
Seitdem ich die kleine Pflanze selbst gezogen habe, schaue ich jedesmal nach ob ich neue Samen in den Ananas entdecken kann.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh gosh, I think I understood about half of that... I will have to find my German dictionary! Thanks! :-)

Munich, Germany

here is a photo from the last days

Thumbnail by re01434
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh! Bigger!! They're getting bigger!!!

So... how long until you can harvest fruit from them? ;-)

Munich, Germany


und ich dachte Du wolltest in Deutsch schreiben, war wohl doch nichts oder?


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Es tut mir wirklich leid, dass es so lange worden... since I took a class or used the German that I learned! I'm afraid I won't be writing my responses auf Deutsch... It is embarassing how much I have forgotten! I can look up a phrase for something that's tricky to translate, but your English is much better than my German!

Like they say about so many things, "Use it -- or lose it!" I think I've lost it. LOL

So please keep posting in English... *Das* macht das ganze für uns auch einfacher!


Munich, Germany

ok, in the next time i will keep posts in english.

I can see in your name box your hometown.

Where is Frederick MD?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We're about an hour's drive north of the Washington, DC. Frederick definitely has a more friendly, less "big city" feel to it, and we love it here. Closer to DC, houses are on smaller lots (often 1/5 acre), so part of the reason we moved out this far was that we wanted a larger yard (ours is nearly 1/2 acre, not big compared to many, but I can get a lot into that space!). My DH used to have a 35 minute commute (or up to 2 hours during high traffic times), but last fall his office was moved to a building 3 miles down the street! We are still celebrating. :-) He does have to drive down to the other office at least once a week, but he does not miss making that trip each day!

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