How to root leaf cuttings of Epiphyllum Oxypetalum

Waco, TX(Zone 8b)

Can anyone tell me how to to root leaf cuttings of this plant. I received them from GSkinner for postage.


Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

They root easily for me by just putting the cut end into rooting medium and watching them grow. They have rooted in two weeks and some took two months. Just be patient . They will root.! I had some root accidentally this summer when a squirrel got into my hanging pot and broke and chewed some off. I found them rooted in the ground when I was bringing my plants indoors for winter. Enjoy it. Lou

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Lou, that helps! You don't use rooting hormone on them, do you?

Here's what JanetS Dmailed me recently on this topic:

"I looked this up and found thesej tips..couldn't tell you
Plant in a well draining, porous soil mix, I used AV with perlite in it..almost half and half, plant the cuttings one half to one inch deep. Do NOT water the cuttings for several days, then keep moist but NOT wet."

I also asked GSkinner for suggestions and got this response:

"I really don't have any tips. They root really easy when they are warm. I actually had threw some in an old trash pile at the biginning of the spring. After I realized it was a different plant from the e. oxy I went and got them out and they had rooted. I got them out in August and they had no soil or anything. I've also rooted some in water and that's supposed to be a big no no. So just put them in some soil and keep it warm and damp and I feel like they will do fine."

So I basically treated mine as if they were Christmas Cactus cuttings... they're in barely moist, light potting mix (half perlite) on an east-facing windowsill. My fingers are crossed!

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

They will do well. Very carefree plant. Lou

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