Doggone cold weather

Crozet, VA

Dang it!! I have been putting off doing a few things in the garden. Now I have had the time this week but am finding it way too cold to go outside and do any of it. I have several things that need to be dug up and put away for winterizing. I also have a box of new plants waiting to be put in the ground. I checked the weather forecast and it is saying that it is supposed to be in the high 60's on Saturday vs. this week which has been in the low 50's with lots of wind.

While typing this, I realize that I have already typed this somewhere else yesterday. I guess I am just venting a bit. I could tackle some of the many inside types of jobs that I have to do, but am not very motivated to do. A couple of the jobs require moving things in the spare bedroom that is now housing a huge assortment of house plants. My bay window is in at store and the contractor is supposed to be here early next week to begin installation. After the window is in I can place some of the plants there and have more space in the spare room. I am thinking of buying a futon for that room in order to have more sleeping room for company. For the two or so years that we have lived here the room has been just a catch all area. I am tired of seeing the mess.

Are most of us employed out side of the home? I have been "retired" (disabled) since 1993. I hadn't really found my niche until this past year or so with gardening. For a while I was involved in selling antiquey types of things on ebay and another collectibles site called Ruby Lane Collectibles. That was fun and interesting for a while, but didn't stick, like I think that the gardening bug will.

I sent hubby out a while ago to buy pies at the local grocer. They have Mrs. Smith pies half price right now. I am smelling the sweet aroma of Dutch Apple Pie as I type. I am calling it my Birthday Pie since I didn't get a cake. ha-ha.

Just checking in with you great folks. Gonna close and hope that everyone has a good day.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, can't you hire a local teenager to come over and do some of this stuff for you? You don't want to give yourself another setback.

I'd much rather have a birthday pie than a birthday cake. LOL

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby, I agree with Hart....take 'er easy! I also agree with her about the pie ~ much, much better than cake. Emily always wants an apple pie for her Dec. birthday. Yep ~ we're "pie people" :-D

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I bet those plants are well wrapped and will be fine for awhile ; since it's cool, they aren't going to get dried out. They'll just hang out. Relax and type som more!! There will be some more nicer days! the wind was bad here until today. but I was out anyway =: -) that's supposed to be me with blown hair. stole a bag of pine needles before the yard waste collectors came. it was huge so even dry was too bulky to drag, and it started splitting, so I had to drive around to the next court and get it in my van just to go from his front to my yard.... wonder if any heighbors were watching. The pine needles go under my blueberries, and around the azaleas my sistr just sent me from her place.
Forgot what got me started- I don't "work ", been home with kids. Was considering a nice boring little library job but keeping my brilliant disorganized boys doing required school work is taking all my extra time anyway, so its just as well. I worked for the health dept , took all the glamor out of eating out.
Sorry, I vote for cake on my Bday. My son asked for a blue red velvet cake once. Not easily done. the eggs yellow throw it off. Best I got was kind of teal...but it tasted good. My mom makes great pie! apple, peach and pumpkin. Sometimes she gets in the mood for mincemeat, and we bring the leftovers home and pitch them. Love ya mom but.....

This message was edited Oct 26, 2006 7:38 PM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I love to bake pies (and eat them), but I usually only do it around Thanksgiving: then we have apple, pecan, pumpkin and yes, mincemeat! Peach pie is wonderful -- I need to find a great recipe.

And I work at an office (in addition to dealing with my 12 and 14 year old daughters).

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Happy, peach pie is easy. Just use the same recipe as for apple with a little less spice and almond extract instead of vanilla.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby - BEHAVE....geez....what are we going to do with you for goodness sake?!! Mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for working? Hmmm....I work for a shrink 9-5 (on break now - LOL) then go home to my 14. 16, 17, and 20 yr olds...2 Rotties, 1 Akita mix.....and "a partride in a pear tree"
Pie or Cake? Mississippi Mud Pie or German Chocolate Cake - I'm in heaven!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Chantell, you give Ruby heck! I don't know what to do with her. ?????? I would think digging is out of the question. You need to gently exercise the arm and chest muscles, not put them through a marathon.

I work for a general dentist, doing all the front desk work. Have worked for him for 9 years, but been in the dental field for 20. My husband and I are empty nesters, our only daughter is an RN and lives out of town.

I like a moist cake and have a recipe for a scratch chocolate cake that is very moist, I like pie too but hate making pie crusts, so I get Mrs. Smith's when they are on sale just to have one in the freezer. I do like to bake so when I make a pie it is something that will taste better then the frozen ones. I also like to bake breads, yeast & quick breads.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yummmmmmmm! Chris, Love the yeast breads! And nothing like a bread maker. :-))

Ruby, Dr. Joey Says.....Don't over do it, young lady! :-D


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeast bread? still my heart!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The women up here make the best darned yeast breads. Must be something in the air. You all are making me hungry. :>P

Chris, have you tried the refrigerated pie crusts? The kind you unroll. I like those better than frozen and I can't make a crust that flaky and perfect from scratch.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yep, I didn't think they made any other kind ;)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Joey, The bread maker has been a lifesavor for me while I've been sick, I let it do the work and then bake the loaf/rolls/breadsticks in the oven. I even have my husband using it for breadsticks.

Hart, I do like the refrigerated pie crusts, they are much better then the frozen ones.

Crozet, VA

Alright folks - You will all be glad to know that after telling John that you all were concerned about me planting and digging, he has "volunteered" to do it for me. He just wants me to be there so I can tell him where every thing will go. It will still be a couple of days before we get them in the ground. Today we would get blown away by the wind if we tried.

On Monday the contractor and the windows are supposed to be here too. Yippie!!! I am not looking forward to the two or three days of mess and inconvenience, but I suppose that is a small price to pay for something that I am sure to enjoy for a long time. I might end up putting our small Christmas tree in the window if it will fit. It would be really pretty coming up our driveway and seeing it all lit up.

I appreciate everyone's concerns about my health. I suppose that it is good to have you all to kick around ideas with, so that if any of us begin to err, we can be gently reminded to take caution. You all have served as good support for me during this time and I am truly appreciative. I hope that I may have the opportunity in the future to pay you great folks back for the love. THANKS!!!


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby, Am glad to know that John will be doing the labor...And you will be doing the "snooper-vising" :-)) ;-)


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I'm sure when spring comes around you and I will be ready for some serious gardening. But right now we need to take care of ourselves.

Right now my chest is very sore from the radiation, even yawning hurts. I have been using aloe, & creams. I just took a tylenol, so I know I wont be doing much this weekend. We have a winter advisory up for tonight and tomarrow morning.

As you all may recall, last Thursday was my last radiation treatment, When I got to work, my friend and co-worked had been busy decorating my office with pink balloons, they were taped on my chair, file cabinet, computer, everywhere! I was so suprised. She also made lunch for the office.

My boss had this vase of flowers delivered to me at work with a lovely card.
It was a day of celebration, after a very sad Monday for me.

I do want to thank you all for your support and well wishes. I check in ofter to DG and this forum to see if anything is going on, so keep the posts coming.

Love you all. Chris

(Pic. taken at home)

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chris, just a thought and you should check with your doctor, but what about tea tree oil? I know a lot of people swear by that for healing skin. I haven't used it myself.

That was so sweet of your coworkers and the flowers are beautiful. I never did tell you how sorry I was to hear about your dog.

Ruby, tell John we're counting on him to make sure you don't hurt yourself by overdoing.

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