Poetry on the Pile

Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

awww thanks guys!!!
try it!!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Our refregirator quit today!
It's full of leftovers.
They can't be kept cold any more.
So they go in the bin.

We joined a farm cooperative -
We get dark leafy veggies,
But no one eats them except me!
They all go in the bin.

The kids buy "food" at MickeyDees -
That's not why there is money!
And still they do not eat it all,
I put it in the bin

When it is just too hot to cook,
The family goes out to eat.
The doggie bag's not for a dog,
It's for the compost bin.

~I was inspired by our current lack of refrigeration!~


Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

Thats freeekn great!!!
so much truth.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Will it buy me a new fridge, LOL?

Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

not even an ice cube

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Shucks. Poetry for appliances! Get it here, poetry for appliances!!!

Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

i'll send you a doll house toaster!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

These are the things I must confess:
That I must wait, and disguise what I obsess.
I cannot, in broad daylight,
walk to the pile (that holy plight)
and discard with unabashed delight--
lest my neighbors see and complain: “Oh the smell! Oh the blight!”
It is not their fault, they just don’t know,
what it is to turn new earth with a worn-in ho.
Around my cornered world I will spread this filth:
all around my little plot, my blessed land of tilth!
And when I’m caught, I’ll plead my guilt as true:
Yes I do, yes, I revel in this loamy stew.
Then the jury must devise its punishments,
but while they ponder, my pile still ferments.
I freely admit what I’ve done--let them take me away.
Only, let me do hard labor, let me dig the earth all day.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

We sound like moles in The Wind in the Willows - and that's high praise!

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)


Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

Garden Sox....... Poet Laureate of Davus Gardenus

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

I'd say we have a couple of em' in this thread.

Who is the Poet Laureate now? I just remember when Billy Collins had it two years in a row. sigh...I can waste an afternoon away with him.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Charles Simic is the current Poet Laureate. http://www.loc.gov/poetry/laureate_current.html

Poetry doesn't seem to be as widely appreciated as it used to be, which is a shame, because we have a lot of wonderful poets living today.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Nannie - funny thing (at least I think so). Just today, the library of congress announced that the new Poet Laureate is going to be Kay Ryan.

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

It's a small world, isnt it? Thats how it happened when I first heard of Billy Collins; someone read one of his poems to me aloud and in two or three days I saw where he had been made PL. I have several of his books.

Time to find out who Kay Ryan is now =)

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Wow you guys I forgot and deleted this thread. How sad this stuff is getting great. Love The romance Garden sox. I need to stop and compose some beautiful prose.

Greensboro, AL

The Pile that Wouldn't Die!

Good to see you Sofer!

Im watching to see what you come up with!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

If you all do not know--I have been away for 3 weeks now to my beloved Land of birth--Latvia. We have enjoyed the most hospitable people on Earth--our cousins and their families who have put is up, entertained us, fed us and driven hundreds of miles to show us the beautiful country this is. We came here to visit and also to attend the HUGE, every-five-years Song and Folk Dance Festival.

Please go to the Mid Atlantic Forum and to the ''Greetings from Latvia'' Post to read some of my commentary. I will also be posting my pictures there once I upload about 300 pictures.

So--here is my ''Farewell Poem'' to our visit:

The morning is slow,
But it is time to go;
To leave this lovely Land
With beaches of pure, white sand.

We have walked miles and miles
And seen nothing but smiles
All the food here is great
But--sadly it is getting late.....

Tomorrow we must fly away
All our good-byes we must say;
To all our ''family'' near and far
To us they were like a shiny star!

Tomorrow, over the Ocean we fly
Happy and sad--but we all will try;
All good memories along the way,
Hoping to come back another day...


Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Gita that reminds me of a poem I wrote to my wife several years ago before I left to go to England for a week. I had it printed in the local newspaper the day I returned which just happened to be Valentine's Day.

Over the ocean
In the land of the pubs
I've been the last week
Without you my love

But today I return
No longer away
To kisses and hugs
On Valentines Day

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Awwwwww. You're a mushpuppy!!! How cute!!!!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

You both fill us with poetic warmth
A deep felt rhyme and welcome mirth
Puts us close to the glowing coals
That deeply fills the needs of our souls

This message was edited Jul 22, 2008 9:03 AM

Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

nice sofer.

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

and then we could say,
One man's trash is another man's yardage

......lol its 3am. what do you expect? ^_^

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

makes sense to me.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Today I depart sleepily to the workplace
At first to just repeat the motions of yesterday
But soon the opportunity to brighten a soul
Lifts me and I find energy to the job
Another one finds hope, yet another release
I further rise and move in the moment without effort
Our energy from Starbuck's cup is nothing to the joy of others
To make us complete and filled with purpose
Yes another day to change the world around.

Enjoy your day everyone.

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Nice Sofer...

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/881246/ We are moving to here to shorten the down loads. Thanks Steve

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OH, WOW!!!!
This all was written so long ago! Started in Oct. 2006. I just read it all...again..
So much talent--and deep, deep thoughts! I cannot let this compost in the pile! NO!
Hoping this Thread is still alive--not like the "living dead"....
What treasures this Post holds!! It still fills my head.
Such talents and creative people....
who shout their love of "pooo"
It is black gold!!! for Gardens--
without it, what would we do?
Hoping that this will never end.
Now--I will hit "send" --(eyes closed..)

Hoping for the best. Let this LIVE!!!
It has so much to give--to our needy souls.
Hoping it doesn't go "North"..
SO--for whatever it is worth...
....I SEND!

OK! Here it goes! Hope DG is still able to put this in the right Forum.

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