Carpathian Walnuts

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok... So I feel like a squirrel buying and hording seeds already.. But ordered some seed nuts and can't wait to plant them..

Anyone out there have any of these trees they planted from seed? If so how long ago and how tall are the trees?

If you bought a tree and are getting nuts how long ago did you plant it?

I would like any information you have ... What soil type.., Hill or swamp land.. Oh heck.. I would love to hear you story if you have any of these trees.

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

I've got a few grafts and a couple of seedlings - I've just not been impressed enough with the ones I've sampled to go hog wild on them like I did pecans & hickories. No nuts yet.
Everything I've read or been told by folks who grow them in KY & IN indicates that in our part of the country, they need to be sited similar to peaches - preferably on a high spot, with 'air drainage' - if they're in a low 'frost pocket', they'll be prone to damage by late frosts hitting just as they're blooming and leafing out.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I had the opportunity to see beautiful old trees growing in their native ( I'm assuming anyway )habitat last month. And they were in a mountainous area... So I certainly believe that.

I am wondering about soil types for Carpathians... My daughter just printed out a Black Walnut Suitability map for me.. She thinks that next the NRCS will do pecan suitability.. It was pretty interesting to see where Black Walnuts would like to grow.. Not that I seem to have a problem growing them.

Lucky, Did you start the seedlings yourself?

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes, they're not any more difficult to grow from seed than are pecans or BW - in my limited experience. Got seednuts from a friend in MI, who has some that are very precocious - his original bloomed as a 1-yr seedling, but my seedlings haven't displayed THAT sort of precocity.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

A relative brought two Carpathian Walnuts trees from Southhaven, Michigan about 38 years ago...and set them out on what is now the back of my back yard. I assume that these were likely seedling trees. They tend to start bearing in about 8 or 9 years.
Grafrted trees might start earlier.

My trees are on slightly low ground and bear in all but the very coldest years. I started some more from these.

My biggest problem is insects and/or disease. Many of the nut meats are not number 1 quality...some are but too many are not. Number 1 quality is light colored and plump meats.
The trees get about 30 feet tall and spread out a fair amout too. There are no surface roots and I have blackberries and asparagus not too far away.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm definitely going to give a try to starting some from seed next Spring. I ordered some seeds online.. Haven't heard a word from this place.. So hope they are good about sending out the seeds.. Since , I would think they need to be cold stratified.

And maybe if I get good at grafting I can try to graft carpathians onto black walnut rootstock.

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

I put a couple of J.regia selections on BW rootstock last year, and a couple more this spring. No more difficult to graft than BW, heartnut, or butternut.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Where did you get your scion wood.?. It will be a few years before I feel ready to try that.. But was thinking that I could try some of the good folks in the Missouri Nut Growers Association.

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

You're on target.
I got mine from fellow nutgrowers - can't say that I ever recall seeing anyone bring J.regia scionwood to any of the KNGA meetings - usually moderate to ample amounts of pecan/hickory/persimmon,BW, apple/pear available, but not much in the way of Persian/Carpathian, heartnut, or butternut wood.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Got my carpathian walnut seeds in the mail today.. Lots of instructions on starting them, but it said nothing of cold stratification.. I was surprised..

I have to patiently wait till warmer weather and then soak them in "rain" water for seven days changing the water every day or it will become acidic.. I found that interesting.


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I've had seedlings pop up under my Carpathian walnuts.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Indy, That is waaaayyyy cool...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How long have your trees been there?

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

About 38 years for the original two.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Yep, I figure I am planting these trees for my Grandchildren.

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