What if seeds get a little moldy?

Chepachet, RI(Zone 5b)

About three weeks ago I took all my sunflower seed heads and put them into a plastic bag, thinking I'd get back to them later in the day and transfer them into a paper bag. Well--you guessed it--it's now three weeks later and last night when I went to transfer them I found that quite a few of the seed heads had mold on them. I took all the really moldy ones and threw them out, and did my best to get the rest of the seeds out of the seed heads and the seeds are now in an open cardboard box in my garage. Do you think they will still germinate? What should I do with them now? While they don't "look" moldy" I've no idea to what degree the seeds have been affected. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thanks!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm no expert or anything, but I know this: mold does not like light. Maybe you can store the cleaned seeds in a sunny but cool spot, even for just a few days. That might zap any remaining spores

Ypsilanti, MI(Zone 5b)

Yor right Clapa about the light. Hi! I'm new here. I did almost the same thing with some squash seeds a couple of years ago. Some were so bad I had to throw them away but some I cleand off the best I could and laid them on my kitchen window sill in the sun. Some of the stronger ones made it through the summer planting, only a few died. Goodluck!!!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi pickleluv, welcome to dave's garden, I'm sure you'll love it. I like your user name!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

We had had a lot of rain right for several days before I harvested hollyhock seeds. Although they were dry when cut they were moldy inside the pod. I just washed in dawn and let air dry.


Chepachet, RI(Zone 5b)

Thanks everyone--I appreciate the feedback a great deal. I was able to remove the seeds, dry them and I did have them sit in the sun for a while. I didn't think of washing them--I didn't really think of that as an option (as a beginner gardener I'm still not sure what will harm things and what won't.) In another day or so I'm going to put them in a paper bag and hope for the best. Thanks again! :D

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