saving potbound clematis before frost

Silver Spring, MD

I bought a Nelly Moser in a 2 Gallon nursery pot I think in July. It has been sitting on top of an 18"x18" planter full of potting soil, surrounded by a vigorous annual sweet potato vine. As it has been regularly watered the roots have grown through the bottom into the potting soil.

I need help figuring out how to plant it without damaging it before it is killed by the frost. The nursery pot is quite sturdy plastic. Would it likely require some kind of hand saw and considerable dexterity? If I manage to get if out of the nursery pot could it survive in an identical pot which has only had annuals, so could have soil replaced. Could it be sited at the base of a 7' flowering quince growing on one of the few slopes in our yard at the SE corner of the bungalow front porch? Would it grow up through it and what could I plant to shade the Nelly Moser's roots? I would appreciate your ideas.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I would carefully cut it out of the plastic container and plant it at the foot of the quince. Plant it deep and fertilize in spring..they like bone meal....I would think that the quince will be enough shade for the bottom .

Silver Spring, MD

Thanks for your reply. Do you think I should try to keep entact all of the roots that have grown through holes in the nursery pot? It hadn't occurred to me that I could prune those roots away, although that would be a lot easier than cutting away the entire pot (rather like trying to remove a plaster cast without being a doctor)!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

yes just cut them off

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