Octobers' daily weather # 4, wet, sunny, and very bright!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

First off, I want to thank the posters on this thread who supported my effort to re-instate a "New Posts" forum. You can now find it on your Home Page below your Favorites. Maybe we can keep in touch again.
As always, nice pics, everyone. From Roses, landscaping, high flying balloons to lowly slippers (comfy), where else.
Low was 45, high 55, now 47 and Partly cloudy. We had a couple showers over night and a quick downpour after lunch. Sorry, I can't say how much rain, it's too cold to leave the gage out.
Here is a single Cleome petal on an Iris leaf after a little rain.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
(Zone 5a)

Marylyn happy birthday!

Sharon - we actually don't normally do much grilling outside during the winter - at least not if there's snow! That was one of the nice things about Florida - being able to grill AND eat outside in November! :-) Nice slippers - I have fuzzy slippers too to keep my toes warm ;-)

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yes!! LOL Kelli, "Does not compute..." :-D

Sharon, Consider yourself with a spot Reserved! :-)) Trying to stay warm? ;-) I wear wool socks...
Darius, I've been seeing snow all day in Bluefield & saw some here just about Dark. :-))
Dyson, you don't like snow? I wonder...what you would think if you lived in NY where "nap" lives. :-)) I know ~ you would move!
Andy? is your Cleome still in bloom? Mine have been gone for a few weeks now. They are one of my faves. Their bloom is most unusual; & have that "herb" aroma.

Temp's goin' down....38* & spitting (those EVIL words) SNOWFLAKES !! ;-)


Thumbnail by music2keep
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well Marylyn I tried earlier to say Happy Birthday, even d-mail you, but this phone connection at this motel went blinky on me. Hope it was a great day and you have a wonderful year of great gardens.

Okay Joey is the Mitchell Steam Station anywhere near you?
Well Good Lord willing I'm on my way to West (by God) Virginia tomorrow. I would just hate to miss some good ole winter snows!
They have 9 weeks of work left there and I am really hoping to get about 7 of them. Six-tens hopefully at night.
I am all shopped-up on winter work wear and hate to have all that go to waste.
I will be calling them early to get a slot.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.

(Zone 3b)

9:30pm - 28 degrees...still and quiet with stars shining between the clouds.
Sidney - it certainly would be a waste of winter wear and hope you get the time you want. Tomorrow brings Jury Duty again...my duty month will end at the end of October.
It's been snowing nearby, but missed my area, so one more day we lucked out. The volcano, Fourpeaked, is a bit uneasy and has been venting steam and gas.
Happy Birthday Marylyn - hope it was a wonderful day.
This scene of the Matanuska River was taken 2 weeks ago; love going there to gaze...

Thumbnail by kiska
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Kiska - beautiful scene! Wow - what a view!
Sidney - Good Luck - hope you get the hours you want. Sidney - when was the last time we were this cool in October? It's been years!
It's downright chilly outside! Our high today is 69.
Temp: 40°F
Humidity: 77%
Wind Speed: NW 5 MPH
Barometer: 30.12 in.
Dewpoint: 33°F
Heat Index: 40°F
Wind Chill: 37°F
Sunrise: 7:34 AM EDT
Sunset: 6:45 PM EDT
A hawk flew past my car yesterday as I was leaving work, got a couple of pics of it. He just sat there on the limb and posed for me for a while - I was about 5' away.

Thumbnail by MySharona
(Zone 5a)

Good morning!

Great view Kiska!
Joey - is it snowing???
Sidney - good luck on your job hunt :-) !!!
Sharon - It must have been great seeing the hawk so close! Wow! It's a nice looking bird!

It's overcast here, about 28 and a light wind - brrrrrrrr very cold.

Sunrise was at 8:46 and sunset will be at 5:38.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I was going to post another pic and got caught up in morning stuff! Here's another..

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Everybody!! It's 36* & still "spitting" snow.:-)) It's still dark, too.;-) Pocahontas & Greenbrier Co.'s are supposed to get accumulation! (higher elevation)

Sidney, I hope you get the job in WV. But I have no clue where it is. I haven't ever heard of it, & it's not on my Atlas. Do you have any other details? or names? There are a lot of places in the state that are what I call rural (LOL ~ you can't get much rural than here!!). Some places aren't even on the map. If they don't have a mayor they are not "worthy" :-0 ( I don't think I have had enough sleep ~ too silly!) Good Luck!!! :-)) Hope you get a slot!
Sharon, you couldn't have gotten a better Pose! The ones here are very skiddish. Excellent!
Kiska, If I had one of those Mtns. I would be in heaven! ~ One of these days....

Well, gotta eat some breakfast..... Have a Great Day! :-D

Joey & the tail wagging dog! (It doesn't stop!)

Thumbnail by music2keep
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Sidneeeeeeeeyyy! Record low at JIA **37**!!

(Zone 5a)

wow sidney that is COLD!
Joey LOL - that photo always cracks me up :-)

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Rannveig, I don't know what it is about a camera ~ but he poses every time!.When I get the camera out he sits. And it's like he's thinkin' "Oh, Goodie! What are we gonna do now?" And the tail doen't stop! :-D
Either he's just a happy fella or he thinks that he is getting a big treat. :-D When I take him outside & want to take his picture ~ he won't sit still. He's running everywhere. My camera does do video, but I haven't fooled with it enough to try it.....Guess I'll have to, huh?

His tail is actually not "going" in this pic ~ but only becuz he's sitting on it.


Thumbnail by music2keep
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Sharon I had the boys put bed sheets over my main bed of coleus and turn off the sprinkler.
Here are the temp stats for
Historic Springfield, Jacksonville, Florida
Elevation: 37 ft / 11 m
Temperature 47.7 °F / 8.7 °C 52.9 °F / 11.6 °C 43.7 °F / 6.5 °C
Right now
Humidity: 43%
Dew Point: 27 °F / -3 °C
Wind: 2.2 mph / 3 km/h from the WNW
Wind Gust: 3.6 mph / 5 km/h

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

It was 51 F when I went out this moorning in my usual morning attire, short nightgown and housecoat. The Doxies raced out ahead of me and I met them coming back in as I reached the door. They obviously thought the ice age had hit their world. LOL When the 10 MPH wind from the north blew up my nightie, I thought so too! So, it's finally winter!!!!

At the risk of being ridiculed by all you "frozen north" people, I'm going to have hot soup, a good book and cuddle under my fleece blankie with my wussie dogs. When I asked the cat if he wanted to join us, I just got a dirty "talk to the tail" look as he went out to harrass the squirrels.

Anyway......I'll enjoy it while I can, back up in the 80's by Thursday (sigh)

(Zone 5a)

LOL - Pati that sounds very cozy :-) I would have liked it just fine if I could have just skipped going outside today - no such luck though - cold wind from the north did not make the 30 - 32F weather feel any warmer.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL Pati! Have we mentioned how glad we are to have you back???

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Well, we had snow flurries all morning. Only the tops of the bird feeders got any to stay, and then not for long. I've been outside, burning the willow that came down. Without Richard here to cut dry deadfall up on the hill, it's hard to keep the fire going because the willow is so wet.

Thumbnail by darius
(Zone 5a)

It's sooooooooo COLD outside ! I just got back inside from the garden - my 3 year old was "skating" on the pond. The ice is too thick to smash so now it's a skating pond - I think they like that even better. I used the time to tuck my japanese maple in for the winter .... Frozen nose, fingers and toes here ;-)

Sorry about how fuzzy the photo is it was getting a bit too dark

Thumbnail by rannveig
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

62.4°, 35%, waaaaay to cool for my likens,

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

You guys are a chatty bunch. I can't keep up, lol.
Good luck, Sidney.
Stay warm all you Southerners and Icelanders.
Cool pics again, I think I come to see the pics as much as anything else.
Joey, that cleome petal pic is 2 weeks old. All my Cleomes are frosted now, compost material. My dog 'Sidekick Sarah' is camera shy, as soon as I aim it at her her happy expression fades.
What I still have is this Malva that shrugs off the cold. This shot is 2 days old.
It was a nice day here. A little colder than normal with a high temp of only 52 and partly cloudy. Breezy. Dew point of 32. The same is expected tomorrow.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
(Zone 5a)

Andy that Malva is sooooooo gorgeous - I'm drooling! What's it's name???? Dyson I'd be happy with 62 - even 52 ! or 42 ......it's 28 and dropping ...... the good news is that it's supposed to warm up tomorrow or Thursday ..... the bad news is that there'll be heavy rain and wind ..... oh well, can't have it all :-)

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Dyson, 62°F...wow . That is nice.
Andy, That Malva looks like the hollyhock type flower here that volunteers like weeds.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

It's a Malva 'Zebrina'. Often sold as a perennial but really an annual type of Hollyhock that re-seeds itself like crazy.
They are at their best in cool weather, spring or autumn.
Here is one plant (a volunteer), shot last week. You have to look closely to see the stems are covered with flowers.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Down to 38.7°(F), guess tonight will totalty finish off anything left in my pittifull garden.


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Andy it's so nice to have you dropping by along with Janet and Pati.
We have a pretty varied look at that always interesting thing that affects all of our lives, the weather.
Cold out here in NJ. and pretty cool in Jacksonville too.
Dyson was it really that pitiful? Did you get anything out of it?
Andy does that Malva come back on it's own or do you save seed until the ground thaws in the spring?
It is really pretty.
Dyson maybe you need a golden retriever, to help you garden like Sarah helps Andy. I'm sure that's his secret.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Helloooooo! we are at 38* and chilly. It didn't get above 40* at school today, and it was gusty.

Andy, Love the Malva. Gorgeous! There are (were) some around here & I didn't know the name. Thanx!
Rannveig, your little Hildur looks as if she's trying to figure out what she wants to do next! ;-)) Too cold! for outside work!
Sidney did you find out anything, yet?
Darius, You have been a busy bee! I would have been trying to roast marsh mellows! :-))
Dyson, did you get any snow?
Pati! LOL I haven't been called "frozen north" people before....hehe!
Sharon, are you "chillin'? Or sould I say ~ "Stayin' warm".;-)

Good night all!


Thumbnail by music2keep
(Zone 3b)

7:50 pm, if the forecast is correct, snow by morning...we'll see...It's way past due. Love seeing what everyone has in their area. From 80's down to freezing, we have it all on DG.
Sheila was a sweet dog, howled beautifully and even though she's been gone a few years, she's never forgotten.

Thumbnail by kiska
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Every Body!!! It's still 38* and Dark... ;-)

Kiska, Dogs are special friends & Sheila was beautiful!. I love to hear them howl. Jack doesn't howl at all, or at least I have never heard him do it. He's a great bird chaser, tho......pretty funny.

Well, gotta get ready for school...

Have a Great Day!!


Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Good Morning! It's 41 now high today is 70 (very nice)!
Did anyone else have a problem with DG last night? Wouldn't come up for a long time, then when it did, I posted, but my post isn't here. :( Oh well...
Andy - That Malva is gorgeous! I wonder if it would survive here or would it get too hot in the Spring/Summer.
Joey - I was stayin warm last night! Pulled out the winter comforter and had my slippies on my toes!
Kiska - Got snow?!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr Awwww, Your Sheila was beautiful.
We were supposed to get down to 39, but not sure if we did. Weel, Steve Smith just said we have tied the record at 40 at JIA - said he's thinking we'll break the record within the next hour. I'll keep y'all posted!
We'll be back in the 80's for the FL/GA game this weekend. I could care less about the game, we'll be busy at the resort tho!
Our Prissy is snuggled up with her blankie!
Temp: 41°F
Humidity: 79%
Wind Speed: calm
Barometer: 30.14 in.
Dewpoint: 35°F
Heat Index: 41°F
Wind Chill: 41°F
Sunrise: 7:34 AM EDT
Sunset: 6:44 PM EDT

This message was edited Oct 25, 2006 6:04 AM

Thumbnail by MySharona
(Zone 5a)

Good morning!
Kiska - what a pretty dog she must have been :-)
Joey - Hildur Eva was twirling and skating her heart out - "see mom I can skate!" I was just freezing ;-)

Andy - if Zebrina likes it cool it should thrive here ..... I might have to give it a try ;-) Thanks for the name.
Sharon - Prissy sure knows how to stay warm and cozy !

Today's weather: still freezing, calm winds still, about 28 and partly cloudy skies. The forecast calls for rain or snow later today with strong winds, I sure hope not - I have to make too many trips to Reykjavik today for this to be a "drive very carefully because the snow tires aren't on yet" day ........

Hope you all have a nice day :-)


Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, JIA is at 39 (another broken record) and we're at 40!
Rann - Isn't it funny how all children "don't get cold" while their teeth are chattering and skin is turning blue?! They just have Fun! Be safe driving!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Joey, you were 38º this morning? It was 23º here!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good morning, everyone! It's overcast this morning and we're supposed to get another 3-4 inches of rain. I'm sure it will wait until we need to go out to start falling. (grin)

Current conditions:
Overcast 72°F (22°C)
Humidity: 71 %
Wind Speed: NA
Barometer: 30.02" (1017.0 mb)
Dewpoint: 62°F (17°C)
Visibility: 10.00 mi.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

What a beautful tree!
Pati, it's so good to hear you whine! It always makes me smile!
Kiska, I don't know what I would do without a big store 20 miles away from me.
Great photos!
Kiska, have you ever gone over that hill looking thru binoculars. It would be the ride of your life!
Happy Belated Marylyn!
Thanks Andy! I noticed that was new!
Hildur is so pretty in red!

I'm getting over another whammy of cold/sinus. I can't wait to feel 100%. We haven't had Indian Summer yet either. I'm waiting!

It's 50* windy and sunny. Got a load on the clothesline blowing pretty good! It's been freezing or below at night, all week.

Here is my green grass taken the 23rd of this month. (on Marylyn's B-day : ) My Zebrina is on the garage. I have the dark and light violet.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Up to 58.1°(F) up from 52° when I ventured out earlier - may try again in a little while.

Sidney - I got some really tasty tomatoes evrything else failed because of the soil I was useing and the fact that I did not want to go "non-organic". Next season will be better.

(Zone 3b)

mmmmm-can just imagine the fresh smell of the line-dried clothes, very nice. It's 9:30 am, daylight arrived , but no snow yet. Temp is 30 degrees, high expected of 35.
Maryalyn: did you get more rain? Is this typical winter weather?
Your litte Prissy looks awfully comfortable, sharon-lucky puppy...Going through older photos, I came across this next one of Sheila, on the deck railing; she loved being up on something. When I find a picture of Kiska, will share.
Good weather to everyone -

Thumbnail by kiska
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you, billyporter! :-)

Kiska, the rain hasn't come yet, but it sure looks like it wants to! Rain in the fall is very typical for us. We don't get "winter" until December or January if at all. Our last frost date is right around Valentine's Day.. I'm not sure when the early frost date is, but certainly not until very late in November. It does get colder north and west of here in Texas, but here in Houston we are in an insulated bubble this close to the Gulf of Mexico and we don't get quite as hot or nearly as cold as it does even in College Station (where the Dave of Dave's Garden lives), only 85 miles away.

This message was edited Oct 25, 2006 1:08 PM

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Same as yesterday but a bit windier. Mid 30s to low 50s, 60/40 clouds/sun, dewpoint 33. Not bad but the wind is blowing a lot of leaves off the trees.
Predictions are for the leftovers of Hurricane Paul to pass by on Saturday with lots of wind driven rain. That storm came from the Pacific and is going across the country. Marylyn, could that be what brings your rain?
Sarah doesn't howl but she does emit a soft, muffled growl some times. Like she is trying to whisper it. Funny
The Malva was planted about 12 years ago, it has been re-seeding itself ever since like Cleome. It makes an impressive tap root. Rannveig, it may do well for you with the cool Summers. Many catalogs offer them.
Here are some Burning Bush seeds
Andy P
Billy, I had a load on the clothes line today, too. Work shirts and jeans. They don't get so stiff when the wind makes them flap around, lol.

This message was edited Oct 25, 2006 4:12 PM

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
(Zone 5a)

Andy those are pretty!
Kiska - love the photo of Sheila in the snow!
The weather stayed pretty decent all day - no rain/snow or heavy winds as forecast. That'll be tomorrow (rain that is - no snow anytime soon). It warmed up a bit today - at least above freezing - close to 35°F I think.

Sharon it is amazing - I'm always telling my older daughter to put a jacket on and her answer is "I'm not cold" even though it's freezing outside. I don't get it. I do tend to bundle them up a bit too much at times since I'm always cold. I blame it on the years I lived in Florida - I'm still adjusting back to the cold weather I think ( or not adjusting - it's been 18 years already!) .... the summers are fine but the below freezing temps don't agree with me at all.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Andy, hmmm.. Our rain is coming from the southwest and from Mexico, but I don't think it can be from Hurricane Paul yet.. Its center is just about to hit the far west coast of Mexico now. But if you are supposed to get it on Saturday, maybe this is the outlying rain bands from it??

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