what are we sowing?

Shelton, WA

What type of seeds are we winter sowing? I am a newbie and need all the help I can get. Have a make shift greenhouse setup. Will this work?

Waynesboro, MS(Zone 8a)

Many years ago I made a make shift green house by throwing poly over a clothes line.I planted cool weather vegies such as lettuce,radish,endive,spinach,cabbage,onion,parsley,kale,chives and brocoli In early spring I planted my tomato,pepper,egg plant and flower seeds in flats.When there was a possibility of a heavy freeze I ran a 100 watt bulb inside

Calais, ME(Zone 4b)

Hi froggie42 and Hemental, I am very new to winter sowing also although I have gardened for most of my almost 50 years. I just found the winter sowing forums a little over a week ago. I sent for the free seeds for postage that are offered by the Wintersown Educational Organization and my list of what I will be sowing this winter is;

a variety of tomatoes (mixed seeds)
a mixed package of North Eastern Blend of wildflowers (I'm in Maine)
a mix of columbines (very happy about this)
a mix of Larkspur (very happy about this too)
orange butterfly weed
Halberd-leaf Rosemallow (anxious to see these)
Simply love Hibiscus (anxious to see these too)
Hopi Red Dye grain Amaranth (haven't a clue about these)
Green Machine melon (this will be interesting)
Siberian Blue Dianthus (I harvested these from my own plants and want more)

Those are the seeds I have now .... and I want to get;

Aphrodite mix alyssum...I want these across the entire from of my perennial garden which is 21 feet edge to edge
Cleome....the ones that have the dark purple flowers mixed with the ones that are white with pink tips
Foxglove the ones called Foxy

My DH thinks I am nuts to try this but sees all the posts of successful winter sowers so he knows it can be done. I just tend to go very overboard with a new hobby and he is expecting this to happen again. I think he is afraid I will have a zillion seedlings come spring.....gee....I hope he's right!!

I am winter sowing a lot of native flowering plants:

Perennial sunflowers
anemone virginiana
rudbeckia "gold drop"
native coreopsis
Southern Bushy Evening primrose
small flowered evening primrose
appalachian flame-flower
eyed grasses (work really well!!)
soloman's seal
Penstemon smallii

rostriculata dependens: a really cool and unusual fall blooming shrub.
Evodia danielle or Korean Evodia tree

In this warmer climate, I tend to sow the annuals closer to spring.
So far I have:

Dwarf strawflowers
tons of the tagetes type of marigolds
hibiscus maniot
purple majesty millet
white hyacinth bean vine
lots of re-seeding petunias
moonflower vine
some tiny yellow annual daisy type, low growing annual I found in the cracks of the sidewalk up the street...
Salvia coccinea "snow nymph"
Tithonias of various size and color

This is just the start. Those where from the newest seeds I've purchased or traded for. Doesn't even touch the stuff I've been saving since last winter :)


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I don't have a greenhouse, but I do have a large fenced in area behind my dh's workshop that I plan to use as my wintersow open-air environment. My ws preliminary plans are to just place lots of cardboard and paper on the ground, topped off with pine needles, to discourage weeds in the area. Then, I'll set my ws containers right on top. Since I have three dogs that are free roaming yard dogs, I have to ensure that my ws area is well protected from what would be their eagerest to dig through and scatter my containers.
I will use the workshop to make a similar greenhouse effect as Hemental mentioned, using poly over some shelves. Haven't decided which plants will get the more protected workshop greenhouse though.
My seed list includes the following. Should anyone read my list and see a potenial problem, I'd really like to hear your opinion:
Over-kill, I know...
Common Name Gen. Species
Rose Mallow Hibuscus manihot
Lily of the Nile agapanthus africanus
CandleStick Bush cassia alata
Daylily Various crosses
marigolds Tar.
Iris Siberian
Rain Lily..plant now
Tropical milkweed Asclepias Curassavica
Devil’s Trumpet Datura
California Poppy
Blackeyed susan vine
Lemon basil
Blue ageratum
Obedient plant Physategia Virginiana alba
Blackeyed susan Rudbeckia Hirta
Japanese Lanturn
Nature Walker Heuchera Micrantha
Poppy Papaver Rhoeas
Swamp milkweed Asclepias Incarnata
Pot maigold Calendula Officinalis
Northern sea oats Chasmanthium Latifolium
Beardtongue Penstemon Sp
Great burnet Sanguisorba Officinalis
Butterfly weed Asclepias Speciosa
Showy milkweed Asclepias Speciosa
Common milkweed Asclepias Syriaca
Swamp milkweed Asclepias Incarnata, subs. Incarnata
Swamp milkweed Asclepias Incarnata. Subsp. Pulchra
Verbena verbena Bonairiensis
Floss Flower Ageratum Houstonianum
Zinnia Zinnia
PurpleConeflower ‘Magnus’ & White Swan Echinacea Purpurea
Priairie blazingstar Liatris Pycnostachya
Coreopsis Coreopsis Lanceplata
Gayfeather liatris Spicata
Red hot poker Kniphofia Uvaria
Bronze fennel Foeiculum Vulgare
Bee balm Monarda Didyma
Gaillardia Gaillardia grandiflora
Gaillardia Gaillardia Puchella
Millet Pennisetum Glaucum
Mexican sunflower Tithonia Rotundifolia
Mexican Sunflower Tithonia Diversifolia
Texas star hibiscus Hibiscus Coccineus
Mexican petunia Ruellia Brittoniana
Old fashion petunia
Caterbury bells Campanula
Sweet Williams
Stock dwarf
Phlox dwarf
Aster crego

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

My list maybe long, but the actual amount of seeds on hand is very slim.


Orgiva, Granada, Spain

Got some tomatoes in the greenhouse, never done this before I hope It works!!

Micro tom (Brazil seeds swap)
Clear Pink Early
Early Girl
Chadwick Cherry cuttings
Planting Mesculun
Just got Broad beans and garlic in

May plant some flowers, whats a good safe bet?

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