Hi! New to Mid- Atlantic Gardening Forum

Marlton, NJ

Hi Everyone, This is my second year at Daves but my first post on this forum. Looking forward to talking with all of you. Helen

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi and welcome!
Did you get a lot of rain today? Here central MD its very wet out but mild. Looks like I'll have a nice morning Wed. for some raking. I feel like I'm ahead if I get them in the compost wet.
Any particular garden genres you like?
Sorry, can't linger but have a kid to get in bed. I'm sure some other friendly DGs will be responding.
This is salvia Coral Nymph, it reseeds a lot and is blooming well for me right now.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Marlton, NJ

Thats beautiful! Have you noticed any Hummingbirds hanging around it? I used to do a lot of daylilie gardening but now I'm more interested in things that attract Hummers, Butterflies and Birds. I would also like to learn about more plants that do well in my area plus extend the season with color.
Yes, very wet here today but not cold. Thanks for the welcome!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally -- that Coral Nymph is SO PRETTY. I read on DG it is only hardy to zone 8. What zone are you? How tall does it get for you? Do you have it in full sun?
Helen -- Welcome!

This message was edited Oct 17, 2006 8:12 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I would thinl the hummers like it, although can't swear I've witnessed it. I did have a magic moment this summer, when I happened to be in the garden when one came by. I heard the little twittering and was sorting thru my brain for what is that sound... it visited my canna and catnip- I don't think the salvia was up yet.
(there's a guy on martha stewart with a world record long gourd...116 inches and a 1502 lb pumpkin) but I digress..
Happy- I think I'm a 7a or 7b(can never remember which is warmer) I'm central Anne Arundel Co. The salvia comes from seed then dies each yr at hard frost. I've always pulled the whole thing out . I'll try to get a better pic today of the whole plant. Starts to bloom midsummer and keeeps going til frost. Seems good in full sun and part sun. Care free. total ht about three feet now. Should be able to get some seed too...

Marlton, NJ

Sally, Are you starting the seeds right in the ground or indoors first?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I got it prolly ten years ago and started it indoors the first time. Ever since then, Mother Nature starts it for me! It's one of the later things to appear. I have moved them in early July so they weren't very big then 6-8 inches tall. Here's a small one starting to bloom about ten inches

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

A short row of about ten plants. They got to 3 feet with no care at all. Some got taller 4-even 5 feet(that big one was in a row that I probably fed/watered and in zinnias that may have forced it up) Plant Files has some notes, and even calls it hummingbird sage.

This message was edited Oct 18, 2006 12:40 PM

Thumbnail by sallyg
Marlton, NJ

Sally,That looks very pretty!

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Helen, the humming birds that visit my garden seem most interested in the monarda and the cleome.

My next favorite birds are the little goldfinches that visit the poppies and coneflowers. I've put this picture up before, but it is one of my favorites, so here it is again!

Thumbnail by dayli
Marlton, NJ

Thats such a cute pic! I love the Goldfinches too. My Hummers seemed most interested in my Trumpet Vines but there wasn't much else to their liking besides Hosta Blooms and a few other things. Heres a pic from this summer.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

What a doll! Do you have many humming birds? Do you use a feeder or depend on flowers?

Marlton, NJ

They were more interested in the flowers until it was time to migrate,then they also went to the feeders. I saw 12 at one time and they say to multiply what you see by 3 or 4 and thats around the number thats actually around so yes I guess there were quite a few. I have 4 large Trumpetvines so that kept them busy and I'm sure there were neighbors with other blooms they liked.
Next Spring I'd like to get some Jacob Kline Monarda, some large flowering Agastaches, Salvias and some Honeysuckles. Heres a feeder shot.

Thumbnail by pelletory

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