Got a bad bag of my favorite brand of potting mix

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've been using Pro Mix for several years, buying it in those big bales, and I love it.

I picked up 3 bales last weekend to use for potting up various things I just lifted from the garden and for houseplants this fall. DH lugged them all down to the basement for me (that's where I pot), and I opened the first one and started shoveling chunks into a big container... then the smell hit me. Sour! Like bad compost. Not really an ammonia smell, but definitely not that nice fresh "dirt" smell you usually get from a peat moss mix. Definitely yukky, and not something I wanted to use.

My LGS says they'll give me a refund when I get around to lugging the bad bale back to them. They hadn't had any other complaints about this shipment, so I went ahead and opened the other two bales, and they were fine. *whew!* With a bunch of big banana plants and amaryllis bulbs waiting to be potted up, I did not want to go chasing all over town for potting mix, which can be hard to find this time of year. Maybe I could've sterilized it for use, but I'm not nuking a whole bale of it, 6 quarts at t time, LOL.

I just figured I'd post about it to see if anyone knew what the problem could be. Also, if you've got a new bag, you might want to open it to make sure it's all right.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks -- I just bought a bag. I bought the compressed stuff -- the really large one -- I think 3.8 cu. ft, though it is not nearby. Is that what you got?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes it is. As I said, 2 out of the 3 bales were fine, but the bad one had a nasty smell when I opened it. You might want to open your bag just to check. LMK what you find... I'm hoping my bad bag was an isolated incident!

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

jim must be so pleased that he has to drag the bag back to the store. LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, yes, I'm sure you can imagine. At least he doesn't have 3 bad bags to drag back!

I hope nobody thinks I'm knocking Pro Mix -- it's still my favorite, partly because it doesn't have the added fertilizer that I often don't want and partly because I really like its texture. I just wanted people to know that a bad bag was a possibility... I had no idea potting mix could be bad!

Thanks for the heads up Critter, I would be madder than heck to WS in Dec and find its a bad bag!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Critter, I don't think your bag was "bad". Sometimes they do smell bad, but they are fine to use. I go thru about 300 of those bales of compressed dirt a year, and every once in a while, one smells weird, but its fine. I have always used it, and no problems with the crop.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's good to know. But it smells foul enough that I just don't want to work with it. The bag is now back up in the garage, and we'll probably load it up and swap it when we head in that direction to the farmer's market this morning.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I only have had one bad bag of potting soil and I should have known better. I bought cheap and got exactly what I paid for. I bought a store brand soil and ended up with a handful of broken glass in my hand (yup, I don't wear gloves). I only got nicked but I was irritated, even more so after I called and didn't act the jerk, but just wanted them to know and got a "oh, really...yawn" response.

That was the last time I bought cheap. I see alot of people buying bags and bags of that soil and hope they don't have any similar experiences.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The problem with this bag was *not* the brand, and Pro Mix is still my favorite... but you're right about "buyer beware" with cheap potting mix.

Even "good" brands can vary year to year. I used to get the big bags of Miracle Gro mix at Sam's Club, because it worked out to be just a little cheaper than Pro Mix, and I didn't mind the added fertilizer for some things. However, this past spring I bought 6 big bags only to discover that the mixture was far more coarse than in previous years. I still used it to fill a bunch of big outdoor containers, but I went right out for another bag of Pro Mix to use in up-potting my seedlings!

I'm sorry you got such poor customer service, adding insult to injury... At least when I called my local nursery to complain about the foul smelling Pro Mix, they had no hesitation in telling me to tape up the bag and bring it back.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Critterologist ~ I am glad they gave you no grief on the complaint. Who produces Pro Mix? I used to get Sunshine and loved it. It is no longer available in this area.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I don't know... will try to remember to look on the bag for the fine print when I'm down there potting up amarillis bulbs this week!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm glad you posted this -- I've been wondering whether to use Miracle-Gro potting mix or the Pro-Mix for wintersowing, and thought maybe the extra fertilizer in MG was a good thing. I gather you didn't think so. Pro-Mix makes a number of different products -- I usually ask for a bale of it, but I'm not sure whether I should be specifying a particular type. I like the fact that the bales are so big -- it makes it more efficient than getting lots of bags of MG. I'm still on the fence.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The extra fertilizer in the MG mix is fine (beneficial, even) for most things, but I don't like it in my seed starting trays or for tomato seedlings or for potting up African Violets.... If you get some MG mix, PLMK what you think of the texture, as I'll bet it's a different batch again from what they were putting out this past spring.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I bought some MG at a sale a few months back, and I also have a couple bales of Pro-Mix; I think I need more. I haven't seen MG at the places I shop. One store (Behnkes) carries the Scott's equivalent of MG.

But if I find the MG I will let you know. . ..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK! If you're particularly looking for the MG mix, I think our newly expanded WalMart (now a "super center") had it in stock a couple of weeks ago. Lots of places here carry it "seasonally" by which they mean in the spring & summer only.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I think all the compressed peat based soiless mixes have a starter fert in it, as well as a slow release lime charge to combat the low PH of the peat. Most of the companies-farard, Berger, Sunshine, Pro mix make different types of mixes that are used for different potting needs. Some are coarser for better drainage, or esp fine for starting plugs or seeds-they don't have any sticks in them.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

As far as I can tell from the labeling, Pro Mix doesn't add starter fertilizer to their mix.

I understand about different textures for different needs.... my comment about the Miracle Gro mix above was because last spring's MG mix was far coarser than that which I've bought (same variety, same labeling etc) in several previous years... There seems to be enough variability that, if I need a particular type of mix, I'll buy one bag first and open it to be sure it will suit before loading up the car!

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

^^^Hands down, my favorite growing medium ^^^

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I think MG has begun to cater to WM and Sams, etc. They have quit catering to the consumer. I have found their "moisture control" soil dry and difficult to rehydrate. I have yet to find a brand I liked as well as Sunshine which was heavy in peat and imported from Canada. I will check out Sun Gro and am open to suggestions but limited to availability in this area where it takes sunshine a week to get to us... pod


"last spring's MG mix was far coarser than that which I've bought (same variety, same labeling etc) in several previous years..."

I, too, have found this to be true this year. I've been very unhappy with MG and will be looking for something different in the spring.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I've read on other threads that Pro-Mix is an excellent potting soil, but it's harder to find than Miracle Gro, that I've used extensively for the past several years. The added fertilizer is a nice plus, in addition to the polymer moisture crystals. It worked beautifully last year with my wintersown seeds.

What does 'LGS' stand for?

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I'll take a shot that in this contex it meanst: LOCAL GARDEN SUPPLIER or LOCAL GARDENING STORE, like WM, HD or Lowe's!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yep, LGS = "Local Garden Store." Sorry, I guess I just adapted that from the "LFS" (Local Fish Store) that I'm used to seeing on aquarium sites.

Shirley, I'll be interested to know how you like the MG mix that you buy this year for WS... maybe it will be a different (and better) batch than what they put out this past spring.

Personally, I like the control of adding my own Osmocote fertilizer and polymer moisture crystals to the mix, especially since there are times when I don't want the added fertilizer.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Eggs... I see where Sun Gro IS Sunshine out of Canada. Swell, now if I can only locate some... Thanks, pod

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)


I get mine through my job. If you can find it, I'm sure you'll love the texture. I thought it might be a bit coarse for seed propagation, but I haven't ran into a problem as of yet, with seeds starting. As a matter of fact, with some (most varieties, actually) seeds this past spring, I had a 100% germination rate. (And, consequently, WAY more plants than I had planned on! HEH)

The 2.8 cu ft bags, which go a LONG way (about 3/4 of one bag fills up a 55" hayrack), cost me $11, wholesale.

Won't hurt to contact them directly:

15831 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98008
United States of America

(425) 641-7577 Phone
(425) 641-0138 Fax

I'm sure they could point you to a distributor, either near you, or on the web.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the explanation on 'LGS'.

Critter: I can understand when you say you want to add your own fertilizer & sometimes not use the polymer crystals, especially if you are wintersowing herbs. However, last season I used Miracle Grow with fertilizer & polymers crystals added and sowed lavender, basil(s) and thyme very successfully.

If I come across ProMix in the local retail stores, I'll definitely buy it, but will have bags of Miracle Grow as back-up, just in case. You get the weirdest looks when you ask for potting soil in super large bags in January & February!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I will do so, thanks much for the info and the source. pod

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's good to know, Shirley. Actually, a little added fertilizer is fine for WS, I think. I don't want it in the mix though when I'm potting up african violets, and I was advised not to add fertilizer when potting up some irises in late summer so as to avoid forcing too much new topgrowth. For most things, the MG mix is fine, regardless of its texture.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I love promix, but can't find anyone who sells it retail locally. I got used to it working in a greenhouse several years ago and thats what I compare any potting mix to. Sunshine gro mix worked great for me and was a great price, but has'nt been available here for the last few years. So MG has been what I've had to use for the last couple of years, and I too have had a bag or 2 that had a courser texture. I also like Fafard brand, but could only get it wholesale through the flower shop when I worked there.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Jill, I forgot to ask, was your fowl smelling promix wet when you opened it?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Nope, it was completely dry and tightly compressed.

The smell didn't actually hit me until I started breaking off chunks and raising a little "dust."

4 bags since that one have been just fine. :-)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I noticed MG seemed coarser this year compared to other years, too. It didn't seem to make a huge difference, at least not that I noticed. I've never tried sowing seeds in it, though. I use my own peat/vermiculite mix or seed starting mix for that.

Reminds me, I need to stock up on potting soil to get ready for wintersowing. Though I hate shopping there, WM seems to have a better price than HD, about $2 less per large bag.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My DH uses Pro Mix for the seeds he raises downstairs and buys it directly from a large local nursery that grows their own plants from seed.

I bought MG (with the food and the polymers) and had no problems at all.

I've heard the man from Fafard, twice on radio, and he's thoroughly enjoyable and I was very impressed with the number of mixes they offer for every possible plant use.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

The amount of "starter fertilizer" in these compressed bales is so minimal that I don't even think about it. I transplant small seedlings in it every year, and start my regular fert plan 1 week later, but thats because I always wait to fert after I transplant one week. There really is a very insignificant amt of fert in the soil and the reason is that they know that growers transplant small seedlings into it, and that if there was a large amt, it would most likely burn the seedlings.

Edited to add that I just looked at the label of pro mix and it does contain a starter fert, but like i said above-these amts are very small

This message was edited Nov 3, 2006 9:01 AM

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I am delighted. Today I found Sun Gro potting soil! It was at Lowes ~ their Signature Series potting soil. I was down to it and desperate. I wasn't going to buy more MG and saw this at a fair price. Loaded one bag and my eyes fell on the fine print on the back Sun Gro 15831 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98008 United States of America. Yeah! Needless to say, I stocked up. I haven't opened it yet and hope I won't be disappointed. : )))))))))
Thank you Eggs_Zachtly!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

oh, good to know! (I have a Lowe's nearby!)

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I garden mostly in containers and the Sunshine was high in peat which made it easy to keep watered, even in this climate. I hope this will prove the same...

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Good news podster! =)

Fulton, MO

I have abandoned the use of Promix, Miracle Grow, and similar peat-based potting mixes for most applications. I want to suggest that there might be superior potting mixes for general use. Here is the rationale.

the Sunshine was high in peat which made it easy to keep watered, even in this climate.

Peat-based mixes are easy to keep watered, this is true. However, water retention is not the most important thing for a growing media. To paraphrase Millet, the three most important things for a plant root system are oxygen, oxygen, and oxygen. After that, the fourth most important thing is oxygen.

The problem with peat-based growing media has been elegantly described here previously by Tapla: Also elegantly described here: I won't repeat the entire rationale, but I'll summarize it by saying that peat-based growing media have smaller particle size which causes them to compact, retain water in the bottom of the pot (elevated perched water table), aerate poorly, and lead to root problems. The key is larger particle size, long lasting structure to the growing medium, and aeration. For larger particle size you can use bark, coconut husk chips, grit, Turface, perlite.

When would you use a peat based mix? Tigerlily is a commercial grower. Shes pushing her crops along quickly. These crops aren't going to be in their containers more than perhaps 2-4 months. So these issues won't be such a problem for her. I use it for vegetable production, where they may be better: And I use it for plants in small containers which I expect will be outgrown by the plant in a couple of months.

Otherwise, I use 3-4 parts bark or CHC, 1 part peat, 1 part perlite, with additives for most stuff. It's cheaper and I think it works better.

I'm not trying to create a big debate. I just wish I had found out about all of this 5 years earlier. That's why I'm posting here.

This message was edited Dec 16, 2006 6:33 AM

This message was edited Dec 16, 2006 6:37 AM

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