Lavendar ?

On the banks of the , VA(Zone 7a)

I bought two huge big gorgeous pots of lavendar last week at the farmer's market.

My intention was to get them in the ground but I've had a long week.

Would it hurt them to over winter in the house?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Do you know what variety they are, Luna? Some lavenders, including French and Spanish, are tender in our area and are better off inside anyway. I doubt if it will hurt any of the hardy types either. Just be sure to keep it pruned back so it won't get woody.

Crozet, VA

Hi Luna and Hart - Hart, please tell me what you know about growing lavender. I keep killing all that I try.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Get the hardy kinds. Munstead and Hidcote are pretty easy to find. Plant them in a very dry spot with lots of sun. You might need to water them a little the first year but after that, they'll be fine with no watering. If you over water them, they'll rot.

Make sure you prune them in the spring or they'll get woody and ugly. Once they get woody, it's hard to fix because you can't prune them too hard.

Mine are growing in the worse, rockiest, driest soil in my yard and have been very happy for years.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I have Munstead, Hidcote, Providence...hmm, and three others...can't remember their names. What hart said is exactly what I do with mine...except I didn't realize the part about pruning...will remember that with the newer ones...Munstead's already woody...I just hack it back 1/3 every other year...LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think the Munstead tends to be woodier than some of the other varieties unless you're religious about pruning. Hidcote is a shorter variety and might be easier to keep the woodiness out.

I've never had any luck growing any of the more tender varieties, either here or when I was living in Manassas in zone 7.

BTW, luna, it's not too late to plant those lavenders now and won't be for at least a few weeks. They're very tough provided you don't mush them out by putting them in a spot that's too wet.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

The "test" always seems to be the first few months and then winter...if they make it through that - they tend to stay. I planted 2 groupings of the's thriving now 3 years later in the one spot...the other? Died within 3 sad!! Wally world was even selling Province this past spring...pleasantly suprised to see that. It's one of my fav scents!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I have two lavenders, I think they are Munstead growing on each side of the front steps. They have been there for at least 10 years, good drainage is the key. I trim them back each fall and then fine trim any winter damage in the spring.

I use to make Lavender wands in the summer and give them as little gifts.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

How do you make those? Sounds very cool!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) internet researcher guru...thank you!!!!

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