Haven't written here for a bit....

Crozet, VA

So, I thought that I would check in with all you great folks. I have done a few things that are on my list as far as gardening goes. My friend came on Saturday and we were able to clean and organize my garden shed. Only thing left there is a few miscellaneous things sitting on the potting bench. Through out the summer I had left many pots, soil, tools and other things on my screen porch. They all needed to be carried back out to shed. The porch too still has a few things that need to be stored other places before I can call it in tip top shape.

I guess that I had worked so hard on Saturday that my body said "whoa" because yesterday I slept the whole afternoon away. Best sleep that I have had in a while, that is for sure. Thankfully, I didn't have any problem getting to sleep last night either. My favorite TV shows after 9:30 PM are on Nick at Night on the Nickolodeon Channel. I am now watching all of the shows that were originally on in the 1980's and loving them.

It seems that while I was raising kids, I gave up watching TV. I got tired of being interupted during shows, so didn't watch it for probably ten or so years. I started back watching when Princess Di was killed and been a junkie ever since. I especially love some of the shows on HGTV, The Learning Channel and Arts and Entertainment Channel. My favorites seem to tend towards getting houses ready for sales.

Before developing such an interest in gardening last winter, I had spent the previous year decorating and renovating my home. I live in a small home for our area, but have a couple of acres of land. We seem to be outside a lot when weather permits. While looking at my kitchen cabinets and the color that I chose to paint them, I am thinking that I might want to redo them some time this winter. Not a definite, but at thinking stage right now. They are a limish/minty green and the walls are a sky blue. I am not as happy with the cabinets as I was in the beginning. I am thinking something along the lines of a brick/terra cotta color. My house decorations are colorful. I had a friend visit last week from out of state and that is how she described things.

Anyway, I am just wasting a bit of time this morning. I have been in the back yard getting up dog poo and watering some plants and need to go out on my deck and give a drink of water to the containers that are out there. Thankfully, I was able to get all of the inside plants in before it started frosting here at nights last week. I have several jungles within some of my rooms. I am patiently waiting for the delivery to store of a bay window that a contractor friend ordered for my living room. The daggone thing is costing about $1,200. Seems that they could speed up the delivery a bit. It has been ordered at least three weeks and maybe longer. I will certainly be letting you folks know when the work begins, because I am very excited about having it done.

Anyway folks, just sharing a little more about myself. I hope that you will all have a good week coming up. Mine once again, will start with a Tuesday morning visit to the plastic surgeon for an injection of fluid in to my breast expander. He was finally able to begin that process last week. He put in 100 cc.'s so far and over the next 4 to 5 weeks, he will be putting in 300 more. After that we will decide whether to reduceand lift the other breast. Did I hear someone say something about having a 20 year old body? ha-ha. Not quite!!!

Have a good day all.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby, Glad to hear that you are soooo Perky! It certainly sounds as if you have been busy, but I hope you are not over-doing it! Please take care....just thinkin' about ya.:-))
And you just Might get that 20 year old bod! :-D

Here's a pic close to my house ~ Love Fall!!!
The New River


Thumbnail by music2keep

Glad to see you back, although I don't know you directly. Treat yourself to a DVR (from cable co) or a TIVO. They're really nice and free you from the TV schedule.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I looooove my Tivo. I Tivo a lot of shows just to watch later so I can fast forward past the commerials.

Ruby, I hope you're taking it easier than it sounds. And I hope your window arrives soon.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, did your Dr. put you on limited activity? How much weight are you allowed to lift?

Just worring about you! You must be right handed and surgery was on your left. I am right handed and surgery was on my right so I have to limit what I do. It is hard to break the habit of picking up things with my right arm. Even carrying my purse takes some thought. I keep reminding myself Left...Left....Left.

I am glad things are going well for you, you had a rocky start . Take care!

Joey I like the picture, keep sharing.


Crozet, VA

HI ladies - Thank you all for the concern. I am doing well as far as I can tell. I "skipped" my appointment with Plastic Surgeon this morning. I has been raining really hard here since last evening and in order to get to his office in the hospital, I have to walk quite a ways. As you all know, I would melt if I got wet. Not! ha-ha.

But, I do watch getting wet even though they say that getting wet in intself won't cause illness, but I am immune system compromised due to medications, so don't need to be in the rain if I can help it. I will go next week and hopefully have another fluid injection and be back on track again.

The rain is good to have. I am hoping that one day is all we get for a while though. A little while back it rained for days on end and began affecting my mood. The rain is also good for another thing. I don't feel pressured to do much on rainy days other than rest and relax. I have already instructed hubby to buy Kentucky Fried while he is out, to have for dinner tonight.

I agree with Chris regarding the pics from Joey. You have some beautiful country side out there Joey. Yep, I enjoy the pics too. I took a few more plant pictures a few days back but haven't checked them out yet. I will post them when I have a chance. I wanted to have them to send to my nieces. They have both bought houses this year and one has already mentioned me coming to help her get a garden started. The other niece and I got together during either August or September and did a day of shopping. One of the places was Harpers Lawn Ornaments in Harrisonburg VA. I picked out what I want for Christmas that day. ha-ha.

Don't you all agree that I NEED a cement bench somewhere in my yard? Now, to decide between the very many styles that they had. Some of Harpers outside fountains were out of this world lovely too. We will have to think about and see if investing in one of those is in the future.

Once again, I will mention that my hubby has spent at least the last two weeks, almost daily at "The Home Place" digging from his parents garden that is many years old and once upon a time was a delight to behold. They had a day lily operation going once upon a time before age caught up with them. This week he brought home some peonies and hostas. When I first met John about 14 years ago he took me to visit their gardens and they had gigantic plants in it. Some of the hostas were a couple or three feet wide. Never seen them before or since like that. One of the leaves on a plant that John brought home is quite large, so maybe we will be gifted with at least one of the very large ones.

Andi and Hart have me thinking of checking in to Tivo now. Don't know a thing about them other than they record programs for you. Might be an idea for the family for Christmas. Hmmmm........

Anyways, you guys have a good day.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Do you have Directv, Ruby? Tivo is only $5 a month with Directv and they nearly always have a special that gets you the Tivo box for free or very low price, with installation. Also, if you do opt to get Directv and don't have it now, if you know anyone who already has it, be sure to ask for their customer number. If you say they referred you, they'll get a $100 credit (or $50 some months) credit toward their Directv bill.

Harpers has a great selection of benches and fountains. I personally want the lifesized pig planter they sell. Seriously. I think it's sooo cute.

Did you see the windchimes they sell? They are the most wonderful chimes I've ever heard.

If you have cable, they may offer a DVR for about $10 a month with no contract. You can give it a try and return it if you don't like it. A cable DVR has fewer features, but you will get the gist of the product and can get a TIVO later if you like it. It's great. Nothing like the vcrs where you had all of that hassle to record and tapes to deal with. You can tell it to record all episodes of a show with a few keystrokes, and can pause a show you are watching in real time. And then you can forward through the commercials while watching the playback.

This message was edited Oct 17, 2006 9:40 PM

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby ~ Chris: This is for you two! Both of you take special care ( am thinking of you!)


Thumbnail by music2keep
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

And this one, too....

Thumbnail by music2keep
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Just dropped in on this... take care while getting better Ruby, no point telling us not to garden. LOL just take care. And, of course you need a cement bench to rest on during gardening days. TV is my companion many days and I've a friend who swears by her TIVO, never has to watch the boring parts of a program and zips right by the commercials. Says it makes it so much easier to keep up with her soaps... much better than her VCR

Crozet, VA

Hi Blooms - You folks are sure good sales people for Tivo. Gonna check on them next time I visit an electronics department.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning, Everybody!
I hope you are taking care of yourselves! :-)) (just checking in)


Thumbnail by music2keep
Crozet, VA

Okay - That does it!!! I am going with Joey on the next photo session. I am missing too many beautiful places. I love water in whatever form it comes in. Great pic.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hey Ruby! Nature does a body good! :-)) This is the New River at Sandstone Falls. I went Thursday ~was totally by myself. :-)) You would love it there....LOTS of water. It's pretty in the spring & really pretty with an ice cover...total year-round beauty. (except when it floods ~ then it's scarey!)


Thumbnail by music2keep
Crozet, VA

Joey, your Thursday sounds like heaven to me. I happen to enjoy my own company and often times prefer doing something alone vs. having bad company tag along. ha-ha.

Keep those beautiful pics coming.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I'm glad that you like them, Ruby. I took way too many (68). I just could believe I was by myself ~ just to do as I please... :-))

The river was actually up a bit. Above this falls the Greebrier flows into the New & the Greenbrier was very muddy, but the New wasn't.

Thumbnail by music2keep
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby, How are you doing?
Just trying to keep "tabs" on you & Chris. I do hope you are taking care of yourself!
When you come this way...you can have a "sit" here. You'd Love it!


Thumbnail by music2keep
Crozet, VA

Hi Joey - Thank you for checking in with me. I am doing very well, thank you. I saw the Plastic Surgeon this morning and had 120 cc's of saline inserted in to the expander. I am thinking that only about two more times of saline solution and then the skin and muscle will be expanded enough to take the implant. Anyways, still have quite a few more trips to clinic for this.

Thank you for posting another gorgeous pic. Actually some of your pics are beginning to remind me of a place nearby that my husband used to fish all the time. It is called Sugar Hollow and is a dam and water supply for our county. It too is a lovely place to just go to and look at scenery and enjoy the water all around. Thinking on it, I realize that I haven't been there for a while. It is about time for a visit. Now would be absolutely gorgeous. They are saying that this year's leaf display is the best in ten years. They attribute it to the weather this summer.

Alright, big question. Are you male or female? I am supposing that I am talking with a female due to your caring nature, but I have been wrong before. ha-ha. Now second question.....WHERE IS CHRIS????? Come out and update us honey.

It is cold here today folks. Yesterday it didn't warm up very much either. I have yard work to be done but hate to have to do it when it is this cold. I guess that the winds are what is causing it to bother me. I could probably handle being outdoors if the wind wasn't as strong as it is. I will have to begin paying better attention when the weather is on.

I hope that everyone will have a good week coming up.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

HEE! Ruby, your guess was right on target! I am a "girl" ! Actually am too old to be a "girl" as I have a daughter that is 24. Glad to hear that things are going well.
I conversed with Chris this morning....She needs prayers, as she lost her loving pet...maybe, she will get in touch with you soon.

Continue to take care!!


Thumbnail by music2keep
Crozet, VA

Another beautiful picture. Okay, girlfriend. I will be turning 51 years old tomorrow and still think of myself as a girl. I have a 25 year old son and also a 16 year old son. My dogs names are Lucky, Dagmar and Blue. I like to walk around during the day while doing my chores and sing little ditties to them about their names. I am goofy as can be. ha-ha.

Yes, I saw where Chris had posted and told of her dog dieing. I wrote her a message of sympathy. She is loaded down at the moment and I will pray for her.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ha Ha, Ruby! You're only as "goofy" as your kiddies tell you! Mine tell me that I'm crazy; I tell them that it makes for more fun! ;-) I have a son as well (Garrett) he is 17 (almost 18) & a step-son (Ben) who is 18 & a Feshman in college. Emily is a Senior in college & will graduate this spring with a 4 year business degree. I thought that she would never Finish!.....has taken her dear old time. And we are close to the same age...I turned 53 in Sept. and will graduate from (all 3 of us are going to the same) college, with a 2 year degree in Aquaculture. I know that going back to school at my age is insane, but I was laid off (perminately) from a job that I did for 20 years. The way I look at it is....God has given me an opportunity....and I'll take it. ;-)
I almost forgot! The baby of the family!!!! His tail is always waggin'! :-D JACK

I'll be sending you wishes in the Morning!!!


Thumbnail by music2keep
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday! Ruby

I thought it was in Oct. You had it listed once in DG and then it went missing were you trying to hide it? LOL

Joey, it is great that you are in college, never to old to learn something new. Give Jack a big hug for me!


Crozet, VA

Thank you Chris - Later today my family is taking me out for mexican food. Yum, yum. Haven't had mexican for a long while it seems. I told hubby last week what I wanted in the way of a gift. We will need to stop at Pier 1 before eating and get a Tao Chest that I saw on their web site. It is a medium sized, asian themed box that I want to stash my stuff (candy mainly) on the coffee table. My too smart dog, Lucky knows how to open the other one and get my tootsie pops out of it. ha-ha.

Anyway, the weather this week has been cold. It has been in the 50's and won't get out of 50's until Saturday when they are saying it will be in the high 60's. I received a big box of plants from a nursery that I ordered from last week. I just remembered it today. I need to get those things in the ground, many bare roots and plants. i am going to wait until Saturday though. I checked and the plants are still moist and things look okay enough to wait until then to plant.

I am only hoping that this new batch of plants will do as well as the ones that I planted last fall did for me this year. I tried three times last year to get a bleeding heart to live. Died each time. Does anyone have any hints for keeping them alive? The bleeding heart and lavender are two things that I cannot for the life of me get to grow. Makes me mad too. I will try each of those one more time and see if I can't get them to live. If these die, I give up.

Everyone have a great day!!!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Have you tested your soil, Ruby? I've had no luck with bleeding hearts here either. I know it's too dry and suspect it's too alkaline. They like it pretty moist and shady. Lavender will do fine as long as you plant it in a really well drained spot and make sure you get a hardy variety. If the ground is soggy, they'll rot.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday, Ruby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hey Ruby! Happy Birthday! 'Hope Your Day is a Great One!! Mexican sounds really good!

I haven't had any luck with Bleeding Heart either. But one year a "certain dog" (& a puppy at the time) was too curious & rolled on it. I could have planted one this year had I known that he would mind me better & not waller things. Maybe next year....

Ruby, Here's to you ! Having many more B-Days!


Thumbnail by music2keep
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Chris, I gave him a great Big ole Hug! ;-)
Take care!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Well tomarrow (Thursday) I'll have something to celebrate. My LAST radiation treatment. Yea!!!! I don't think my skin can take anymore. And I'll be able to sleep in an extra hour too! Then next Monday after we turn the clocks back I'll get 2 hours. LOL

While I was in treatment today I saw a little bird hopping around in the large pine trees. They have ceiling to floor windows that look out into a small garden area with bird feeders. His size and shape reminded me of a chickadee and he jumped around like one too, but I know a chickadee when I see one and looking in my bird book when I got home did not help. But I was entertained for a while, wish I had my binoculars and bird book with me.

The sun was out for a while we were on the road and the leaves that were still on the trees from all the rain were very pretty. I noticed there were not very many reds so when you did see them they really stood out.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yeaaaaa!!! Chris, I'm so Glad that you will be done with all of that! :-D Here at the end it probably seems like pure torture. But you made it! (Whewww, So Glad....) :-D


Shenandoah Valley, VA

How did I miss Ruby's birthday? Getting senile in my old age. Happy birthday, Ruby!!

And super congrats on the last treatment, Chris. Doing the happy dance for you!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Cheers, Chris! I bet the nurses are really nice, but not having to do that is nicer.
Birds have a way of knowing when you don't have your B and BB. That's happened to me.
The white throated sparrow is back for winter here. It took me a long time to ID the call last spring, then noticed it gone in summer.
and when I hear a song sparrow, I automatically think what we need for the school bus, because that's beeen my cue from the bird clock that we gotta hustle to the morning bus stop

This message was edited Oct 26, 2006 7:33 PM

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