scarlet runner bean

Salt Lake City, UT

How do I tell when the seed pods are ready to harvest for seeds. Are the like garden peas and have to wait tell the pod turns brown?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good question! I've got a 'Painted Lady' plant with a couple of big pods, but we had frost here so I don't know how much more maturing the seeds will get to do. The seeds do feel hard inside their pods. Baa put a photo in PF ( of a runner bean pod that's still green and labeled it "ready for picking." I just hate opening a pod and discovering that I should've waited longer for seeds to mature!

You mentioned needing to wait for garden pea pods to brown... is that true for beans also? I was trying to let some bean plants mature their seeds, but they got hit by the same frost and aren't looking too good. Hmmm, maybe I'd better just open a likely looking pod and see what's up with them.

Salt Lake City, UT

I opened a pod on mine yesterday and the beans inside were a pale purlple color and kind of soft , so I am sure they need more time. The pod was about six inches long and looked full, still green though.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I figure there's no harm in letting them stay on longer, as I don't think cold is going to hurt them, so I think I'll wait to pick mine until the whole pod looks dry. Thanks!

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

I saved scarlet runner bean seeds last year. I waited until the pods turned tan and dry before I picked them. Most of them sprouted.

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

If the weather turns frosty or wet before the beans have turned brown I cut off the stem with the beans on and hang them up inside to dry off completely. If they are very wet the pods sometimes start going mouldy so I shell them out and can usually save some viable seeds that way, then carry on drying the seeds as usual.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Pat! I managed to harvest 2 brown beans from a small pod this morning... The larger pod (the plant only made 2) looked like it needed a few more days, so it may have to be rescued as you suggested before the next frost!

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