Need advise on butterfly bushes please

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

That's about what it amounts to...I wish you would take some pictures of the mountains and dmail them to me, I would love to see the colors there!

Marlborough, CT(Zone 6a)

Neal, I am amazed it your description of how you store your lantana...don't the exposed roots just dry out?

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I would think since they go dormant like geraniums and some of the others the roots just sleep and then when potted up in the spring they wake up raring to go...isn't nature amazing! It has always amazed me that I can get this little dried up looking rooty thing known as an IRIS, plant it and it actually grows a beautiful plant by the next just love gardening! LOL

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, will do! The sun is shining, so I should get out of the house.

lillyo, I did keep some soil clinging to the roots so they would'nt over dry, and put a little peat moss around them. That's what I'd heard you should do with geraniums, so I just did the same thing.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

JanetS, a lot of my plants come back that shouldn't out of my zone because I plant them near the house, trying the hot lips, white ruellia that someone sent me from here and the malivsas (? spelling) drummondii, love pushing the zones a bit seeing what I can grow and apparently the person that gave them to me lol I planted some var. jasmine ground cover in the back too from a trade. Next year I'm going to plant some lantana if I can find a spot with enough sun in the back, down the hill where I've had elephant ears come back three years in a row, each time a little smaller though, don't expect them back this year. I don't think I would chance my pots on the front pourch though, would be afraid they would crack from the freezing, unless they are plastic of course. I have a lot of wind on the front pourch.

I left one of my grasses and a yellow butterfly bush in the garage just for an experiment, we'll see which ones comes out better, the ones sunk in the ground or the garage, I'm going to winter sow some more butterfly bushes, just incase :) I want the different colors though and they are so expensive to buy, anyone try WS any of the other colors, other than purple or pink and have any luck? I have a white one I'm going to try it with if the seed ever get finished on it. I was sent some dark purple seeds last year but they turned out to be the lighter color that I have.

I'm going to try and leave the lantana out front by the house to see if it will come back, I have calla lilies, the big white ones that come back there, they don't bloom but the foliage is beautiful! They're not supposed to even come back here. I wish Spring wasn't so far away, I'm going to die of couriousosity all winter! Maybe next year I will buy (or try to grow, if I have any luck) an extra lantana, only have two this year, and try hanging them like Neal was talking about, that sounds interesting, my basement is damp so everything like that goes into my room, needless to say, I don't have much I try to over winter in the house lol

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I am the same way, love to push my zone..I have lots of things are doing that for me. I will have lantana in the spring if you will remember to let me know..I will send you some...I may even wintersow some so I will have extras to share..but I do have extras now and I will have them in the spring..just remind me then.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

That would be great Janet, I won't forget :) Maybe I'll have something to trade you, I'll send you a list in the Spring sometime, this is great! Thanks!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

No problem..I love sending my plants everywhere, they get to see places I've never been..LOL It is nice to look into my garden and see all of the friends I have made in the past few years, and enjoy they bounty they have shared!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I know what you mean and we probably have close to every state in our gardens too lol

Marlborough, CT(Zone 6a)

Neal, Ok, I'll try the peat moss. Would this be a good method for any other container plants that you can think of? L

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm thinking of trying it with fuschias this year. They're woody like lantana, so who knows?...might just work! I love to experiment (that's how the lantana discovery came about), and I've got all these gorgeous fuschia that I hate to see die. I'm also curious if it would work on some salvias. I would try it on any tender perennial that's kind of woody or shrubby. If I had a basement, it would be full of pots of all sorts of things, lol.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

How big is your closet? I don't have that much room in mine, I sat bulbs on the floor, in my room last year in a box lol

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, it is a walk in, but this year I don't think there will be room for anything but plants. I have no idea where the Christmas decorations will go! lol

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Plants come first! lol

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

RE: yellow honeycoumb buddlia (b. weyeriana). Well, I guess I need to give up in this plant, unless I can buy it locally, but I've never seen it. I bought it twice from two different ebay sellers, plus I got 1 in trade. In all cases, the plants arrived healthy, albeit a bit wilted, and had good/strong root systems. Within 1-2 weeks all the leaves had fallen and stem was black. I still have them in my holding area, but I am not at all optimistic, after reading comments here.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've never had problems with it--I can understand if it's a little less hardy than davidii that people in the colder climates might have trouble overwintering, but in your zone it should do just fine.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I have managed to kill two, have one still in a four inch pot I need to plant...planted one and it is barely holding on...I don't know what the problem with this one is either...thinking maybe I will have to purchase a larger one early spring maybe to get it settled in and growing...I will keep my fingers crossed on the two I have....I also killed a pink just never took off like the black knight and the usual lilac colored ones for me...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

This pink one you're talking about Janet, it doesn't bloom lavender and then turn pink it's just pink to begin with? I haven't seen any just pink ones around here, maybe they just don't grow in our zone, will have to look it up in the plant files, I have trouble with them coming back if I don't have them planted by the middle of the summer, the only reason I was going to plant these so late was that I bought them from a guy getting rid of his inventory for mums. Plus I was suppose to have a guy build me a leanto greenhouse this fall but haven't heard anything from him yet, I have the glass in my garage :)

Does that black knight have any seed on it :) hint hint lol I have a white one waiting for it's seeds, not ready yet, looks like only one bunch of them are going to make it.

I'm going to the plant files, do you remember the name of the pink one?

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I think the pink one was called "Pink Delight" ....I will check and be sure tomorrow..I think I still have the info somewhere. I will check the black knight and see if I have seed, if not I may have some in my seed bags, I will have to look there to be sure, can't remember if I still had some left...or not. The pink one was really a pretty pastel look, it was unusual so that was the reason I got that one...I haven't checked on it in a few weeks, but it didn't look like it was going to make it...I don't have the white either, I ordered several last year from Plants Delight, they were the ones I got the yellow from also, well, the ONE out of six I bought that lived, actually was supposed to be yellow...and when it was a little thing it bloomed, they sent me two more of the yellow...those are the two I am hoping will make it...maybe... maybe not...I was really upset the rest of them died, but I had already had to have plants sent because of a shortage in supply, and then they sent the wrong color, and now I just plain don't want to bother them anymore..I haven't had much luck with their plants here, so I figured, I would just forget it...maybe it is the difference in their location and mine, I don't know. I usually purchase plants grown closer to home and have never had that if the yellow don't make it, I will buy it somewhere locally next year. I even bought crocosmia from them that was also a yellow that had bronze foilage...and I can't kill the ones I grow...ever! I have thrown them into shaded areas and they rooted and bloomed..LOL So anyway, that's my story...LOL.hope you aren't sorry you asked...

Marlborough, CT(Zone 6a)

In my zone 6a garden, I have a thriving pink buddelia which has survived it's first winter; also have purple, fucia pink, blue, bicolor and yellow all of which have made it through at least one winter now. The ones I've lost are just one pink and about 40% of the yellows. It isn't a very scientific study, but this would suggest that the yellow is the least hardy and perhaps the pink is less hardy that the blues and purples.

All that said, the remaining pink and yellow buddleias are doing well so don't give up.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Janet, I saw the Pink Delight in the files and it is hardy to 6a, looks like it would have made it, didn't get to look at any of the other ones, I have dial up and it is slow as a turtle tonite lol Too frustrating!

I had a white seedling come up from a White Profusion last year and this is what I'm taking seeds off of, didn't look in the plant files for it to see if it will come true from seed but the Black night says you can collect the seed and no one commented that the seeds don't come true, and since the seedling from the W. Profusion is good, I figure the seeds must be true? If you want I can WS some and then send you some seedlings from it, if that would be easier for you? I mean after all, you're going to send me some Lantana :-) Just a note, they said Pink Delight doesn't come true from seed. I always look for this because I love growing from seed lol

I was planning on ordering some plants from Plants Delight for the Spring, haven't checked them out in Garden Watchdog yet, maybe I won't, I seem to have a lot of trouble with Gurney's like that when I order plants, no problem with the seeds. It took me two years to get a Blue Mist Shrub! lol

And I'm not sorry I asked :) I'm a little wiser about Plants Delight!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks lillyo for the encouragment! I will be doing the happy dance for sure if my yellow ones make it till Spring, if not I don't think I will run out and buy one, of course mine isn't the Honey Comb, not sure what it is, just had a tag in it saying it was yellow, that's all, I hate that! lol They do have the long yellow blooms.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, I would love for you to WS me a white one..thanks so much for the offer. I have the lavendar/lilac ones sprouting up everywhere, I even have one in a pot on my porch that grew and flowered there this year from volunteer seed...I have given so many away too..but it is a true seed from the is a picture of the one that seeds everywhere for is named "ellen blue eyes"...very good performer for me..

Thumbnail by JanetS
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

He sure is pretty, ok I’ll work on that white one this winter :) I hope the seed finishes up. I have one that starts out pink and then turns that color lol

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