Tuberose in this Area

Another failed year for Tuberose in my garden. All green and no blooms. Is anyone making it work in this area? What's your secret?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh Andi...I'm so sorry!! I planted a huge cluster a fellow DG'r was kind enough to share of the singles and various smaller clusters of the double tuberose....this all in a 16" (?) pot....thing was full of growth...looked much like grass but no buds....until the end of Aug. Out of all of that I ended up with 3 stalks (bloom stalks). Still waiting for the last one to open...hope the weather cooperates and lets it do its thing.
This is how the pot looked at the beginning of Aug (phone for size comparision).
I'm thinking the fresher the cluster, the better...other then that I'm not sure what to suggest. Maybe we'll hear from the others that have more experience with these.

Thanks Chantell -
The link doesn't work for me. The first year, I used a clump. This year I tried individual bulbs from HD. Neither worked.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

The HD bulbs definately did NOT work for me!! If you wait until early spring...folks start listing them on ebay. I started mine indoors when I received them - even then the things didn't bloom until Sept. (suppose to be Aug) Make sure they're getting enough heat and light. When I moved mine outdoors they sat on my front stoop which faces they had light all day. A clump is the mother bulb with her "children" (little bulbs) all around her - that's the only difference. Post in plant trading and maybe someone would be willing to share some fresh ones with you! As I said even with my huge pot...only got 3 stalks...which I was very grateful for!! I used the same plant food on them as I did for my Plumies.

That's how I got the clump I used last year. I will give it another try next year. Oh, well! At least we get them as cut flowers around here.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Andi - I found the link I was looking for:
I hope this helps!!

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