Wintersowing - Everybody's doing it!

Albrightsville, PA(Zone 4a)

Checking some on my bottles yesterday for more later sprouters, I found this one that the chipmunks must have added their own contribution to.

Thumbnail by woodthrush

LOL! those silly munks!

DFW area, TX(Zone 7b)

That's so funny !

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

LOL, too cute! I have seen several chipmunks around our property, but the neighbor's cat likes to kill them - she got one recently when I was outside. I was a horrible sound. Now my cat, he's too lazy to even SEE the chipmunks. My Jack Russell on the other hand, is always stalking them but never sees them make the mad dash for their house under my basil plant!


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)



Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

That is precious :) They're even careful not to knock the bottle over while making their secret deposit, lol. I love chippies.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Sweet :)!!


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

yep those little critters are really talented :o) Love it woodthrush


West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Squirrels and chipmunks are avid gardeners, but normally they direct sow - I find walnut seedlings in the darnedest places, a hundred yards or more from the nearest walnut tree. They even stratify the nuts!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

That is so cute. What did you have planted in there? You are very patient to have kept that bottle for so long. It is almost time to plant again.

We have a walnut tree growing in a flower bed that must have been a gift from a squirrel or chipmunk and I don't know of any walnut trees in the area. It must have carried it a long way.

Albrightsville, PA(Zone 4a)

I had japanese anemone seeds planted in the bottle. Some seeds just take a while. The hardy cyclamen just sprouted a few weeks ago.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Ok, now I understand.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Too cute! I think the little munchkins were trying to help you.
:) Donna

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Did you see the article in the Washington Post about this being a bumper year for acorns?

Albrightsville, PA(Zone 4a)

That must be a regional thing, Devon. It's been a very light year for acorns here. Usually our driveway is like walking on marbles, but this year there are very few. Maybe you'll have heavy snows and we'll catch a break this winter - lol

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd actually welcome the heavy snows! It would give me a (false) sense of security in the face of global warming. . . .

Albrightsville, PA(Zone 4a)

We are definitely having warmer summers here in the Pocono's. We never needed AC when we first moved here 27 years ago and now we have one and use it more each summer. But in January, when we get nights hovering around zero and below, it's hard to be convinced of global warming -

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

We had a lot less acorns this year. We usually have bags and bags to rake up and this year it was only three from our two huge oaks. Normally it is dangerous to walk on our sidewalks, we live on a hill and have to get out there everyday to sweep so the neighbors don't fall down when go for a walk their kids and dogs.

We are having an unusually early cold October. Such a switch from how our climate has been warming up.

Denver, CO

There was a discussion in the tree forum about acorn crops. It was hugely regional, but effected each place in an extreme way- either tons of acorns or near-non-existent. Here, we had a bumper crop on the few oak in the valley.

I have to admit that I saw the picture at the beginning of this thread and didn't understand the joke at first- I wintersowed acorns, so it looked perfectly normal to me!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

The squirrels do all of the winter sowing for me.
Our oaks produced very little acorns this fall. Thus according to the "old wives tales" we were to have a mild winter. So far we have. We did have 6" of snow last night, our first measurable snow of the winter and the weatherman tells us it will be gone by Wed.

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

We had tons of acorns this fall, I fretted it would be a terrible winter. So far it's been very, I really don't expect it to last. Time will tell. But I will say I have held back with my winter sowing because the weather is unseasonably warm at the moment. I have done some containers but would feel better about it if winter was "normal" meaning snow, ice, cold......

Going to wait another week or so before doing the rest of my containers.

~Julie =0)

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