New journal thread for Oct.

Leaflady~ glad to hear you have a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan. Hope and pray all goes well with DH....
It was cooolddd last night, making the rounds with the pumpkins trick-or-treating. Of course, my pumpkins were out to get the treats! ;0)
Ozark~ don't talk about the cold and rain yet....the weatherman doesn't always get it right! Maybe we'll enjoy a few more sunny days of Fall inspite of the forecast! ;0)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I just finished nearly an hour of online research about Bell's Palsy. Some interesting info out there. One suggest a type of Japanese massage which I have no problem with. I checked it out online and it isn't any religious belief just uses the energy of the body to concentrate healing in certain areas. The doctor at the ER told him to massage his face and do smiling exercises several times a day. I also found sites which recommend nutrients I am fairly familiar with and we'll use them too. We will do all we can to get him thru this experience. I need to make one more phone call about it. I haven't called our pastor yet. I need to get his phone # programed into my cell phone. Ok, just called and left a message on his answering machine. I've spent time on the phone this morning with family and friends letting them know what is going on, called some on the cell phone last night while driving home. Just a couple to give briefings. I'll fill them in more this evening or they can do online searching for themselves. I'll email what we are doing with alternative meds and practices.

I need to go outside and feed and water the poultry. I sort of neglected them yesterday and they let me know about it when I released them from the building this morning. I just watered then. I had idea when I left yesterday that we wouldn't get home until after 10 p.m. Of course they were in and asleep by then.

I hate to hear that the beautiful colors of fall are going to be gone. We saw some beautiful trees driving to Columbia yesterday.
GOD bless and keep each of you.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Dave, others, I need some advice. I have located some free almost total horse manure. But is nearly 70 miles from us. On the other hand there is that rabbit manure just about 35 miles from us for $25 or so for the same trailer load. Since the load limit on the trailer is 1000# we can't get anymore either way. Which way would you go? I'm leaning more toward just paying the $25 and traveling less distance. There is wear and tear on the van as well as the trailer to think of as well as being so much farther away from home is something went really wrong with the trailer or van, etc. getting the horse manure. As I get older I am learly of that sort of thing.

I found the rodent repellant properties of horse manure very interesting but can get a small amount of it right out here in the pasture from Holly's 2 horses and 1 burrow. I can also use garlicm castor beans, and aqua baskets to get similar results.

Just asking for imput to help me make a decision. Thanks.

Humansville, MO(Zone 6a)

With your van I would think it would almost a break even for the rabbit manure and no weeds if it has been kept clean or is fresh rabbit out of the barn Rabbit feed is cooked so it carries no weed seed

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Dave. I didn't even think of the weed seeds. Just the cost of the trip and wear and tear on the van and trailer. The rabbit droppings are all indoors and fairly fresh. I can go out and collect horse stuff from the pasture.

rural Hughesville, MO(Zone 5b)

Yo Leaf Lady - would two to three year old horse manure, delivered at no charge to you, be O.K., neighbor?, M

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Wow, yes!! I mean, I would come get it that close. Thank you. I never thought about you having it.

By the way, did you happen to notice that those iris you shared with me are labeled? And if so did you get Indian Chief, China Dragon, Dreamsicle & Olympic Challange? There were 2 that I think are border ones that weren't named & a daylily that the writing had washed off of the tag. We may want to do some swaping in a year or two. I've looked up everything but Dreamsicle & they are beautiful. One isn't an orange but I don't recall right now which one it is.

The family who is renting a pasture from us that has gone to wasteland for years and will soon be renting our cropland has been doing thousands of dollars of free dozing to reclaim the land for us. Yesterday he said he was getting ready to move the dozer elsewhere to work and wanted to know if there was anything else he could get done before he did that. I timidly mentioned the old barn foundation and this morning it was pushed aside, a hole made and the whole thing buried.. He leveled the soil and we'll get it planted in the spring. It is quite bitter sweet to have the last remnant of the old barn gone. Jack's ancestors built it in the late mid 1800s when they homesteaded this land after the Civil War. It was about 104 years old when it burned in the late 1980s or early 1990s. 4 generations have grown up working and playing in that barn. Some of the happiest hours of my life were spent in it even tho I had married into the family in 1963. I cried a lot over memories this morning. I can never again walk out there and stand exactly where the stalls, chicken room, milking room, etc. were because the concrete slabs for parts of it were still there. Except for needing a good paint job and some roof and siding repaired and needing new foundations under the front pillars it was in excellent condition. In other words, it looked terrible but the interior and framing was sound.

I was asked to come to work early in the morning. So I need to get to bed soon. GOD bless and keep each of you.

Elm Creek, NE(Zone 5a)

I can really feel your pain leaflady. Where we live my kids had a big ol' livestock barn with an upstairs. We would have picnics upstairs in the summer. About 7 yrs. ago a huge windstorm came through and knocked it off the foundation. There was no hope for repairs. All we have left are some priceless pictures.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

There was an old barn where I grew up, me and my little sisters played for hours on end in there, we made a play house, cooked mud pies and made weed salads. We also played "Big Valley" (Dona always got to be Audra) and Bonanza (I did get to be Little Joe's girlfriend) Oh, my how we used our imaginations. The floor was part dirt and the other part cement and the bottom walls were stone. They just don't make em' like that anymore, at least Morton doesn't. haha We would also play in the loft, too, which the landlord stored hay in,..... what fun times! Just the stone walls are left, at least a few years ago they were, it may be totally gone now, too. Priceless pictures and our memories......

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