Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

To all of you my good friends on RM Forum, My surgery went well but because of unforseen circumstances the specialist from Spokane was not able to do the laproscopic type of surgery as planned. No body from the hospital told the local surgeon who was making the arrangement that Omak did not have the necessary equipment to do that type of surgery, so he in turn could not tell the specialist. I didn't know any of this until the surgery was over. So the Dr (avery nice and good doctor) did the regular type of reversal. He did make a tummy tuck when putting me back together. taking out 4 or 5 inches of skin including the old surgery from May 1. My daughter thought that hilarious that I now have had cosmetic surgery.

My son came over from the coast and brought me home Oct. 1 after Sept. 27th surgery The good thing this time that my body didn't have all the poison to contend with. I am feeling pretty good but very sore so not doing much. Greg has to go back home tomorrow, sure have been glad for his help.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I am glad to hear your surgery went well and that you are recovering. It's amazing what goes on when they have us knocked out! But it is just as well not to know until it is all over. Take it easy. As time goes on, I expect you will be posting more and more -- and eventually gardening.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Welcome home Doona! Take it real easy! I will hope and pray for a quick recovery for you.

Denver, CO

Excellent news, glad it went well. Take it easy, relax, and watch too much Oprah.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers.

Greg took me to the doctor's office Tues and he pulled most of the staples, said best to leave a few until next week. Still of course don't have much energy. Greg had to go back to the coast yesteday. Sure was good to have him here to help.

It is sprinkling right now, but I imagine that is all just a little sprinkle no real rain and things are pretty dry. Garden hasn't been frozen yet, but forecast down to 30 for Sunday morning. Am going back to lie down again, I am really good at that.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Lying down is an excellent skill to cultivate. Remember Lil' Abner's profession? Matress tester. I suggest that as an occupation for you for a while.

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