First nice day to be outside.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

It has been cold and raining for a long time up here. Things cleared up and I was outdoors for a while. I took apart my tomato planters and put them away for the season. I harvested my volunteer pumpkin that grew out of the compost pile. I'll use it to make pumpkin chowder later.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Crozet, VA

Hi Chris - Thanks for sharing the pic of the pumpkin. It is that time of year, isn't it? I have to agree that we had a spectacular weekend in terms of being nice weather. We had a bit of rain, but it was during the early morning hours before anyone would be out and about yet.

My husband has spent the last four days at "The Home Place." He has actually spent the past couple of months weekends there dividing his family's household items between the five siblings. The past four days have been spent on a large tractor digging up azalea bushes from his parent's once lavish gardens. He has put most of what he has dug around the edges of our yard. He still has a few with large root balls on the back of his truck awaiting planting.

If these large bushes live, we are going to have some real beauties. We are not sure of the colors, but any thing will be beautiful.

Anyway, again I thank you for sharing your pumpkin pic with us.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Glad you're getting some of this beautiful weather as well!! Nothin' like fall is there? Love the colors and scents....ahhhhh!!! Pumpkin chowder? Recipe please.

Ruby - sounds like things are going to be amazing at your place come spring. Please tell me you're letter DH do the work and you're just giving verbal help?!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I posted the recipe in the recipe forum. I do use the small pie pumpkins for this recipe.

Yea, Ruby! Come on Spring!!! I bet you'll be out peeking at those buds for the first sign of color.

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