Zinnia seeds & questions

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

I bought some of these plants this year (a hot pink color). They have done well and I'd like to save the seeds. This will be my first time. #1 If i'm not mistaken, the seeds are in the flower head correct? Treat kinda like a marigold right? #2 Will I get the same color? I want to winter sow this year and I thought this would be a good one to try. Thanks in advance for any information

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Yes, the seeds are in the flower head, similar to how you find marigold seeds. Zinnia seeds are flat and sort of grayish, instead of like the little black 'spears' that are marigolds. If you've had success collecting marigold seeds, then you should be able to find the zinnia seeds with no problem though.

Depends on whether your zinnias were Hybrid or Open Pollinated as to whether you will get exactly the same color. Hybrids are the result of cross breeding to get a certian form, color, or trait, and the harvested seeds will display all of the genetic options contained within. Not a bad thing, and some folks love the variety...but if you are saving seeds for a very specific color or form, then you need open pollinated plants to start with.

Zinnia pollen is insect borne, so if there are any other zinnias planted nearby, then the chances of cross pollination are quite high. They are such good attractors of a wide variety of bugs capable of moving pollen...(natures way of assuring reproduction) Just bear in mind that you may have some 'off type' flowers.

If you trade seeds, remember to tell the trader that you collected them from your garden and there will be variations. Don't ever trade a 'named variety' (hybrid) without this disclaimer, as the 'Pink Sunset', or whatever name it is will not be like the parent.

I have a half whisky barrel that I've got planted with some short zinnias in hot pink and orange....they reseed every year without fail, and for the most part, they are hot pink and orange single flowers. Sometimes, I'll get a white one, or light pink....and sometimes a tall brother or sister will sprout. I let the off colored ones stay, simply because of laziness...but pull the tall ones out. I've had this barrel for 4 years and have seen very little off typing, so good luck...zinnias are fun and great seeds to learn seed saving techniques on....they generously give us plenty of extras.

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Thank you so much melody. I plan on taking the dead flower heads and storing them until Jan try wiinter sowing. Would they be ones that would be easy to sow directly in the ground?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

That's what I would do. Sow in late winter and let them naturally germinate in spring...that's the way my barrel does....sits through the winter till conditions let the seed sprout. I always have to thin the seedlings, I get so many.

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