Cleome lutea - yellow beeplant

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

I don't want to get any hopes up but I planted a bunch of the Cleome Lutea in April but then I also have some "self seeded" ones from last year and can't remember where the "self seeded" are or the ones I planted are (I KNEW I should have marked them but I didn't expect any self seeded to come up as they have never done that before here in Maine). But I'm QUITE SURE I have some Lutea seedlings almost 7-8 inches tall. Still too early for blooms in Maine but I certainly have my fingers crossed. Out there watering them daily :) Will update as time goes on :)


Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Sorry I've been gone so long. I have been combing the desert looking for this plant but we had so little rain this spring that the places I had seen them in previous years are totally bare. Not even the cheatgrass is growing! I have a couple more places to check on the east side of the state, but it's not looking good so far.

On the up side, I did find a few seeds of Brown's peony in the hills near my house.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Shelley, Try late July into August. You will have the best luck then if you have to travel to the place where they are growing. Theyu will have pods in all stages up and down the stem.


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Kim, how did you get yours to grow? I have one plant/seedling about 5 inches and I don't know if its gonna make it, the bugs won't leave it a lone.

Katlian, What is a Brown's peony?

Hi Suzy :o)


Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

It's a small native peony with inconspicuous brown and yellow flowers. It's fairly common in woodlands east of the Sierras and Cascades but not very showy.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


I'm not real sure how I got them to grow because 1/2 of them I direct sowed just out of the baggie in April and the other 1/2 had been in my fridge all winta. I'm not sure which are which. Last night I had to dig up 10 - 12 of the baby ones (some are bigger than others in the garden as I scattered the seeds in different places and depending on light makes a difference how tall they are. I needed the garden space they were in to prepare for JI so I put them in a window box and hopefully they will grow better as I amended the soil with fertilizer etc.

Like I said above, I'm not sure which are the self seeded pink, purple, and white ones and which ones are the yellow. I purposely didn't plant any of the pink, purple, and white so I would know which ones the yellow was but don't you know, for the first year my cleome came back on it's own. That has never happened for me before. I had been "weeding" my garden of something that didn't look like a flower and don't you know, one of them made it and it turned out to be a Datura....NEVER had that return before so there is a sign of a mild Maine winter *lol*. Next year I have vowed not to weed ANYTHING unless I know for certain it's grass *lol*

If I get any flowers I will be sure to post pictures of them and collect seeds but we are always behind everyone else as far as bloom times. I have had only 1 daylily seedling open and I'm not sure what that one even did. *lol*. I still have foxglove in bloom here so as you can see, we are behind as far as bloom times go. I would say August or September here in Maine. That is why I like Cleome, they bloom when nothing else is and bloom for a long time :)

Fingers crossed.


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Here is a picture of what I believe are my Cleome Lutea. I believe these are the Lutea because there are also Columbine seedlings with them and I think I sowed the 2 side by side. Also the self seeded ones seem to be taller and that would make sense if the seed were in the ground all winter, they would have had an earlier start. I had to pluck about 20 of the seedlings as I needed the area they were in to prepare a bed for Japanese Iris. I put the plucked seedlings in 2 window boxes with some leaf mold, sand, bat guano and pine needles. They seem to be adjusting to the transplant just fine. My plan is to mulch the window boxes real well and see if they return next year.

Fingers still crossed.......... xxx

Thumbnail by kimskreations
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Just a quick update to keep this thread alive.
Not sure if these are going to be white or yellow yet. I notice some of the ones that I THOUGHT were going to be yellow have little pink tips and one of the seeds that I'm quite sure I sowed as Lutea is pink?.....this is going to be interesting when they really start blooming....gonna be a surprise that's for sure.


Thumbnail by kimskreations
La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Kim,
Was just wondering how your Cleome lutea is doing. Mine is not doing so good, the bugs won't leave it alone so I don't think it is going to make it. It hasn't grown much at all :(


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Well Connie,

It is with a big frown that I write this but all of the cleome I THOUGHT could possibly be yellow turned out to be pink or white when they bloomed. So, thus far, I have not had one yellow bloom. Very sad. I guess I just wasn't meant to grow this plant *lol*
I have a few more seeds that I will try again this winter and after that.....they can stay where they live *lol*

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Although so far the Lutea hasn't showed face, I did get this VERY STRANGE Cleome bloom. At first I thought it was Solo but it's too tall and there is no red. What do you think?

Thumbnail by kimskreations
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Side View:

The blooms are so different from my regular Cleome. Even the seedpods are going to be different. Kinda neat.

Thumbnail by kimskreations
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Pretty cool.. Bet those butterflies will love this one too...

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

It may not be the yellow one but it certainly is unique. Be sure to catch the seed to see what it will produce.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Sure wish I had JUST ONE yellow bloom :(
Oh well, I'll just try again. If nothing happens next year, I give up on the yellow *lol* Too fussy for me.
I'll just be happy with my little unique "thing". *lol*

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Kim that one is called Dwarf Cleome, Clammy Weed, Clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra) I have them growing this year too and the seed pods are different. Don't have time to hunt for my pic's of mine but will post one later today. If you go to plantfiles, click on search and enter cleome you will see pictures of this one.
I sprayed my one and only yellow one with soapy water last night, found a small green worm on it :( May have to dig it back up and put it in a pot. You are lucky to have more seeds, I am completely out of them.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well here is a pic of the one and only yellow one I have and it has no buds on it and its only about 8 inches tall :( Don't know if it will do anything or not.

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Connie, give it a shot of Miracle Grow :)
It looks GREAT...a little behind schedule but that's OK, it's still only the beginning of August. September and October can be VERY warm so I would say ..... patience *lol*. I'm SO disappointed I didn't get even 1 yellow. One more try next year and I give up. I think my seeds will be like 2 years old so they probably won't do anything but after that....too fussy for me *lol*

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh Kim I have given it Miracle Grow :o)
Last night they had stated on our weather that we might get hail, so I took a BIG pot and covered it and set a rock on top so the pot wouldn't be blown away, We didn't get a drop of rain (thank goodness it went around us) But it is starting to look nasty out again so if it starts storming I am gonna cover that baby up again.

Also here is a pic of one of my Polanisia dodecandra, look close and you can see the pods. I have already collected seeds from this one.

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

I labled mine so that I'm sure to collect seeds from it this fall. I am really enjoying that one.
Is yours shorter than the regular cleome? Mine is and I think I will plant it someplace else next year :)

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh yes it is way shorter, I have some that are almost as tall as my privacy fence :o) Going to move them out back to the big garden bed next year. You can't even see my clematis because they are sooo big.

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Kim

My one cleome lutea is growing but it isn't flowering yet, I hope it gets to. It is right around 2 ft tall now. I watered it with mighty plant and man did that help it to take off :o) The cleomes I am showing in the picture in the above post, has now grew taller than my privacy fence. I have already started gathering seeds from each of them.


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh Connie, that is WONDERFUL to hear!
Be sure to post a picture when it blooms for you OK?

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Kim, here is a picture of the cleome lutea now, it has buds on it :o)


Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Connie, THAT is AWESOME!
OOOOH I can't wait until she blooms for you :)
You have done a GREAT JOB!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks :o)

Now as long as the storms don't do a number on her. we have had some bad storms rolling thru here for the past few weeks. She is to tall now for me to put a pot over her. lol I hope it won't be long for it to bloom and seed pods start to show *grinning*

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

That is SO GREAT! Too bad she's not in a big pot because you could always bring it in and grow it as a houseplant until the seeds are ripe.
I may have to do that with my Impatiens that are in a window box. But there is still plenty of time before the first freeze too :)
I can't wait to see pictures of it!!!
I am so bummin' that NOT ONE of mine even grew :( So disheartening. I have to say, it was my only real gardening let down this year but I am SO Excited to see yours :)

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Still waiting to see the bloom. Cindy

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Me too...following closely, that yellow is just wonderful! Hope you get blooms!!!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I took a closer look at those buds and there is a pink hue, I will be greatly disappointed if this is not yellow. The seed packet said cleome lutea so hopefully it will be like my dahlia, it had an oragnge hue before the flower opened but now it has pretty yellow flowers on it :o)


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Connie, not to be a downer but you know what? My package said Cleome Lutea and I'm almost 100% positive that the seedlings that came up in an area are where I planted the seeds and mine turned out pink/white. Isn't that strange? I still have some seeds and I'm going to put them in pots next year so that I KNOW for SURE. Lesson learned *lol*

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Its Pink :(

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Connie, are you certain it was a Lutea seed?
I'm wondering why we BOTH would receive seed labeled Lutea and BOTH would get pink blooms? Is that strange?

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Maybe the person we got them from got them mixed up???? No Clue :( But it is so disappointing..

I email a man that I had emailed last year, He has like 4 different yellow type, but no seeds. He told me he would let me know if he gets any. I will let you know when he does.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Maybe the seeds are late to emerge? That is SO strange. I totally understand your disappointment Connie as I felt the same way BIG TIME! I KNEW I had planted yellow in a certain area and yet they were all pink. *big, hug* think of the triumphs you had this year....that's what I've done. This was by far my biggest disappointment but the triumphs outweighed this one disappointment by far :)

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

:o) OH YES the triumphs did out way the bad.

Here are links to the cleomes that Paul is trying to collect seeds from,

4. Cleomella: Cleomella plocasperma - no link

Hopefully he will be able to go back to the area he seen these in and collect some seeds.


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Stunning Connie! I sure hope he is able to :)
Man, these have just been the hardest acquisitions haven't they been? What a challenge :) Gotta love a good challenge :)

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

:o) I love challenges lol

I just emailed a friend of mine that lives in Arizonia, she loves to travel and who knows she may come across these plants. So hopefully she can get some seeds of these. I sent her the link so she could see what to look for.
Paul had stated in his email to me, that when he seen the flowers they hadn't produced seed pods yet, and the location is quite a distant away from where he lives. He is not sure if he will be able to get back to the location, but if he does he and he can he will gather enough to send me some to. Will let you know. Oh yeah, I told him there where several of us looking for these seeds :o) Hopefully he can get back there and send me enough to send to you and the few others that are interested in these. *Keeping fingers crossed*

I really liked that orange looking one too.


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh Goodness, wouldn't that be just wonderful?
I loved them all :)
I'm not usually a yellow person but some reason this flower has enticed me from the get go. I love cleome and the length of blooming time :)
Keeping fingers crossed here too :)


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Cindy (riverland) here is the picture of what was suppose to be the cleome lutea :(

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker

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