Cleome lutea - yellow beeplant

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I am looking for seed for this, does anybody have some for trade or sasbe???
This link is to a picture of it.


Cincinnati, OH

Oh wow, that is nice. If anyone does have alot of extra seeds, I would be interested as well.

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Wow, I wish I had some! Hopefully you will find some, grow them and offer seeds later. Thanks for showing this new plant to us.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I came across this plant on the Winter Sown website, looking up the flowers that I can winter sow for zone 5. I have e-mailed Trudi to see if she has seeds for this... Who knows maybe she will have them and send me some that I can also share....


Cincinnati, OH

You need to find people that live in the Northwestern states, in doing my own research, it says that this is a wildflower there, and also in Colorado.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

kaykay, I put a post in there too and nothing, so hopefully someone will come thru in this one or that one. cg

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

yes, I finally found a site that sells this seed, it is 2.60 for 2 grams. does anyone know how many seeds that would be???? I am going to order and I was thinking of get a total of 4 grams, but don't want to over do... Shipping is 1.99

this is the link


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

well that was a bummer, I called that company and they don't have the seeds for that cleome, haven't been able to get any for 2 years, seems like they would take it off the order list or state it's sold out... :(

Cincinnati, OH


Backus, MN

I can provide thousands and thousands of seeds in white and purple cleome. I have never seen the yellow, but surely would be interested if anyone has any to trade.
Since I am new to this online-chat type thing, someone needs to tell me how to go about the seed exchange without putting my mailing address out there for the entire world to see.
I can also take photos of the cleome that I have grows up to 6'tall and blooms all summer. I am in zone 3

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I have all the other cleome but the yellow one. thanks

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

JamesCo is from Colorado - dmail him and see if he has seeds.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Kay :)

Cincinnati, OH

Basket case, I only have the pink, could you spare some of your seeds? I can sasbe, or trade. I have white liatris, marigolds, or zinnias.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

kaykay, I have got some of the pink/white (white/pink) which ever lol and the pink. Will send them to you. I would love to try some white liatris :o) Do you have any of the other colors of liatris? If you do would love some of those too....


Cincinnati, OH

I do have a bit of purple. I will send it!!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

thanks Kelly,

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well I just wanted to let everyone know, that I winter sowed some Cleome Lutea seeds and they are sprouting :o) I am so excited, I hope they servive, then I should have plenty of seeds this fall :o)

Any body else having luck sowing their Cleome Lutea seeds?


Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Hi Connie,
just wanted you to know I haven't forgotten about your request. I will be going back to the Tonopah area this summer and should have plenty of opportunity to collect C. lutea. If anything happens to yours I will likely have backups.
PS. I'll post when I find some ripe seeds.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Katlian,

I hope my babies servive this Michigan weather rofl

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well just wanted to let you know, I not only lost the cleome lutea but I lost all my cleome's :( Even the burgundy and white one...
I have seed for most of them, but not the lutea or the burgundy & white.

Hopefully I will be able to find some.


Portland, TX(Zone 9a)


I didn't even know there was a yellow cleome until I saw mamajack's post asking for it on the seed trading forum this week. I've been wanting to see a picture so I appreciate you posting one.

Sure hope you can locate your seed. I am pleased to have tried the purple and pink this year for the first time.


Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello Everyone !
I have been searching the ends of the earth to find this seed.
I was given some over the winter last year. I planted them, but it looks like they did not come up.( still waiting) Me and a other DG have been looking for this seed too. I have email various place whom where we might find them.

Janel - looks like your are our only possible hope to finding these seeds right now!
I am waiting for some replys on some Emails. I will keep everyone posted if I come across some....

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

I have some of these seeds. Actually, quite a few of them left.
A very nice lady from the Northwest harvested a whole baggie of them for me :)
I put some of them in the refrigerator last fall (after she sent them to me) and have been sowing some outside every couple of weeks to see if I can just get ONE to actually grow. We are getting some very big rain right now so I'm hoping they are liking that *lol*.
If I get any blooms, I will be sure to post pictures and gather seeds this fall.


Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

Kim-------Thank God!!
I think we all will be praying for just one plant of yours to live and produce seeds!
Good Luck!
I hope I dont miss your post! I am still waiting for my reply from my emails.


Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Thats great news Kim! Ive been watching this in hopes someone is able to find a place to buy plants from.
I know you can do it Kim!!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I was talking with another DG and he said he put some of his seeds on a moist blotter in the fridge thru the winter months and they germinated, I haven't heard back from him in a while to know how they are doing.
A really big sweet heart sent me some seeds this week. I lost all the ones I had I winter sowed that had germinated:( thought one was going to survive and it died. Anyway I have some in the fridge on a moist blotter now. Don't know how long it will take. but will post here the results, I am also going to try some in one of my 24 cell pk mini gh w/seed starter mix that I have, to see what happens and a few out side. So hopefully somebody will get them to grow :o)


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Let's cross our fingers. I have enough seeds to try the blotter method this winta :) I think I will actually put some in the fridge today and leave them there until next spring just to see. I am trying any way I can think of *lol*. Be sure to post any pictures or updates OK?


Backus, MN

A non-gardening co-worker moved here from near Estes Park, CO. She says it is desert like 'up the mountain' where she lived and she thinks she has seen them growing wild. She is supposed to look tomorrow when she gets out there to move the rest of her belongings. She told me that if she doesn't see any with seed pods, she will ask a friend to 'watch' for them. --at least it is a chance!!
I have caught the fever now, along with the rest of you, but I would be willing to bet that somewhere, there is a gardener who considers them to be weeds.....

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

I am sure they are considered weeds, thats most likely why we cant find them. Even on the Wildflower sites. I hope they are growing. The more of us who look for them. I am sure that we will get them sooner or later!

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

Nice !

Thumbnail by katrun
Backus, MN

wish someone would ask for dandelion seeds! I would just scrape up my whole yard and send it to them! lol Maybe sooner or later someone will stumble across our little corner of the www and send us tons of seeds for this desirable/undesirable plant!

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I am about 1 hour from Estes.... I have studied the foliage in depth, and hopefully will get a chance to go explore up there this summer. I will keep yall informed. Can you help me, by letting me know when cleome usually seeds?

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I think I have 3 survivors from my WSing, I am not sure tho :) I will take a picture of them and post here and hopefully you can tell me it is *smiles*, I was cleaning out all the cups that didn't make it and forgot I had put some seed in one of the cups and low and behold I saw a sprout and yesterday I checked on them and there were 3.


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

well I thought there was 3 but there is only one, here is a picture I just took, so you tell me if it is or not.

Also, when I transplant this, should I put it in full sun??? Where I have all my other cleomes it gets some shade, but I want to keep this one totally seperated from the others.

Thanks Connie

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Backus, MN

We will all keep our fingers crossed that this one makes it to maturity. If it is anything like the other Cleome, you will have enough seeds from one plant to share with many!!

Backus, MN

My cleome starts getting seed pods shortly after the first blooms appear, but it blooms continually, working its way up, and leaving seed pods on the stem. This link shows the plant, and in the third photo you will see the pods. They look like long skinny pea pods.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh good, I was hoping that was one. :o)
I will be starting somemore seeds either tonight or tomorrow. So hopefully they will survive.

Thanks Basket for the photos,


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

If anyone knows where to find some, please let me know. All the ones I had died last year do to an awful spring.

Thank you.


Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

This saga needs an update. Anyone ever get them to the blooming stage?

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