Watering system for greenhouse

Madison, AL

What is the best solution for watering plants in a greenhouse when one has to be away for several days? My GH is new (first complete year). During the summer when I left, I put everything outside under shade trees with a sprinkler on a timer and that worked fine. But cold weather is coming and the plants will definitely freeze in Dec., Jan, Feb, etc. if put outside. I don't think a sprinkler on a timer is a good idea in the GH as it flings water about so - electrical hookups and hard water stains on the walls. So I have been looking at the Oasis System by Claber. But it is pricy and I have never actually seen one. Can anyone advise me on a system that has actually been used by someone? I have a problem that water has to come in via a hose as the GH is not plumbed. So a system that works off a reservoir would be best (it would be difficult to run a hose across the ground and not have it also freeze if left out all the time in the winter). Does this mean I can never have a vacation again - am I slave to my beloved GH and plants?

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

I face the same problem. In past years I've been able to have one or more of my four kids take care of things since they were often available during summer vacation time. But now they're mostly gone and I've lost that option. I've never been convinced automation would work in my situation but I know some others have managed. The best thing I have found is a cooperative arrangement with another greenhouse and tropical plant guy here in town. We watch each other's geenhouses when the other is away. So far so good.

I hope others post some interesting options - I hate to completely depend on anyone - even if I do trust them.

Fulton, MO

I agree a trusted friend is best. I have 1" tubing, timer, and microsprinklers running around the perimeter of my GH. It has been sitting there for a year, and I've never hooked it up. I will, eventually, but it won't be used for the January vacation. Instead it will be used for those crazy days in July and August when work prevents me from getting home and getting things watered properly.

Mountain Home, AR

Stressbaby: Is that sprinkler system you have the same as a mister? Also, if you use a mister and have hard water, do you have to get some kind of a filter toprevent calcium deposits in the holes and spots on the plants? We are just putting up our first GH so everything is a puzzle to me. Thanks for the help this forum brings. Nanadee

Evergreen, CO

Try this,


I'm in the process of installing KHHEART,KHDSD6,MAG 1 hard water magnet, and a good quality DIG timer. You can use separate valves for different zones if you want to get fancy. I'm also installing IE2H3 to be able to inject fert and acid to lower my high PH well water


Fulton, MO

Nanadee, a simple filter won't work. The calcium is dissolved when it passes through a particulate filter, then it precipitates at the nozzle. I only used treated RO water or rainwater in my system.

My research led me to believe that magnets don't work. You have to either use RO water, rainwater, or potassium-based water softener if your water is hard.

Evergreen, CO

A potassium based softener will not harm plants?

Fulton, MO

Sodium will. Potassium is just fert. I don't use one, mind you, but everything I have read says that it is safe. You can use a regular softener, just put in KCl instead of NaCl.

Evergreen, CO

Boy, I wish you had mentioned this in the previous discussion:-) Never even crossed my mind. Might help supplement my soils low potash. I might look into a whole house system as my wife is always complaining about the hard water. Thanks for all your informative help!

Fulton, MO

Sorry, Fourks! ;-)

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