ladygardener1 - checking up on you

Crozet, VA

Hi Chris - I think that you told me that you were scheduled to begin some radiation treatements this past week. Is that true? How did it go? Are they like the chemo and make you feel lousy? Please update us guys if you are able to be at computer. Here is wishing you a great upcoming week.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi, Ruby. Thanks for checking up on me, that is so sweet of you.

Yes, I did start radiation last Monday. It is a 45 minute drive and I have to get up early Monday, Thursday and Friday so I can be at work at 9:00 am, Tuesday and Wed. the treatments are at noon so I get to sleep in.

My chest is starting to hurt, I don't know if it is due to the radiation, having to stretch my arm over my head, or just the healing process from surgery. Don't have much energy for physical activity, so I do a few things then sit down for a break.

I guess I am also getting tired of just dealing with this whole cancer thing, it's getting close to a year now since I first found the lump, my friend told me that it took her SIL about a year to start feeling like herself after her treatment was completed.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm sorry you're feeling yuck-o...I can only imagine how exhausting it is to have to be still dealing with this for this amount of time. How long will you have to have the radiation for?
Big hugs,

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi Chantell, I have 28 treatments, today was my 10th so 18 more to go. Thanks for the Hugs they always make one feel better. Ü


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

4 more and you're 1/2 way there!!! Guess you probably figured that out already though eh? How are you handling the treatments?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

"4 more and you're 1/2 way there!!!" Thanks Chantell, actually I didn't see it that way. Guess I'll have a party on Thursday Bring out the ßßß/ chips & dip.

The treatments are not bad, I have not had any redness or shin changes yet, that might start in the 3rd week. They last about 15 minutes, most of that is positioning under the machine. The drive over for treatments takes 45 minutes and then I go to work. So Monday thru Friday I make the loop; home, treatment, work, home.

Having to have my arm up in the rests over my head does pull on the surgery site so that area is a bit sore with some movements. Nothing I can't handle though.

I have been going to bed earlier, and cutting back on what I normally would be doing around the house, less baking, cooking, gardening, and cleaning. I do a little and as soon as I feel the least bit tired I sit down and rest.

Thanks for asking about me and listening. It is really appreciated.


This message was edited Oct 1, 2006 9:10 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ewww...sorry to hear about the "pulling of the surgery site" gives me goosebumps...but at least you've not had to deal with any of the other issues that come up. I'm so happy to hear that!! Good for you to listen to your body re resting etc. Now if we can get Miss Ruby to do the same!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sorry to give you goosebumps. ¯©¿©¯ You do have to exercise the area so it doesn't get stiff and then I won't be able to move the arm at all like I use to. Thats where the old saying "No Pain, No Gain" comes into play. LOL

After surgery was not very painfull, that is why you have that attitude of not slowing down. I was back to work after 12 days, (desk job- most physical was reaching for the top filing drawer, which I did with the other hand)

So I can see, where Ruby is. We just have to keep tabs on her. Ruby are you listening???????


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chris, sounds like you're doing so well considering what you're going through! And being wise about what you can and can't do to make your recovery faster.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

get her Chris...get her!!

Crozet, VA

Hi Ladies - I don't know how much I have slowed down this week but I am doing one thing differently than last week. I am wearing the six inch ace bandage wrapped around my chest which I should have done last week, but didn't. I am hoping that this will speed the healing in terms of the excess fluid build up. The past couple of appointments should have been for getting fluid inserted, not taken away. Anyway...I am feeling okay and thank you for your care and support.

A very special thank you to Chris, who is dealing with even worse issues than my own and who has taken the time to lift my spirits on several occasions. I feel blessed to have her in my life. She has been really good for my soul.

All of you folks mean a lot to me. I am always a little let down when I check this forum and no one has written. It is too bad that we haven't been able to have our get together. Maybe we should aim for spring now. I believe that we will all be ready by then.

This comes to wish you all a great upcoming week.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby, I'm glad to hear that you are wearing you wrap, as you should....Please, continue to take care...

Ladygardener1, I am thinking of you, as well. My dad went thru the radiation & the last few treatments were the most use that gel even if you don't think you need to!

Thought's & prayers, for the both of you!


Crozet, VA

Thank you Joey for watching out for Chris and myself. Looks like this cancer stuff is something that we NEED to follow doctors orders with, even if they haven't explained "why" they are doing something.

I suppose these doctors do this day in and day out and forget that as patients we often have lots of questions, but most don't even know what to ask. I believe that I will mention this to both of the doctors that I am working with. I will try NOT to step on their toes, but they need to be aware that average Joe is scared to death with this news and need explanations from time to time.

This whole experience for several months now has been one of total surprises for me. I am assuming one thing and then get told the other. I suppose that I am finding that I need some better explanations as far as my own case goes.

Thank those of you who are keeping up with Chris and myself. I appreciate each and every post. You all are the greatest.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I second the thank you, you guys are great and help keep my spirit up.

Joey, do you remember the name of the gel your Dad used? I am hearing do many different things to use, my Rad tech said to use anti-strech mark cream. I know nothing with alcohol , or petroleum jelly. And I changed to Tom's natural deodorant as directed by my Rad tech.

This Wed. I go for my Herceptin IV. I might ask the nurse there and see what she says.

Ruby, I have noticed that I got more information form my Surgeon and Medical Onocologist both female; then I am getting from my Radiation Onocologist, male.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ladygardener, My dad's RadTech gave him his gel, but I don't remember the name. I do know that it had aloe in it. The further along you are into your radiation, the more you will be burnt. You may want to ask someone (like the nurse), but I would assume (& we all know what assume means);-) that you would want to use pure aloe. We (dad & family) are part Iroquios & fairly dark, but my dad still got burnt, because he thought that he wouldn't need it. Well, all skin types are susceptible to burning....found it out the hard way. Please, ask....burning is painful & you still have to have the treatments, regardless.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

More then happy to send you some big fat aloe leaves!!! Just say the word!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Chantell, So far so good! I'll let you know. They check my shin at each treatment, I'll see if they notice any changes tomarrow.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Joey and Chantell, I stopped on my way home and picked up a bottle of 100 % Aloe. Used it when I got home, took the small itchy spot away.

Chris is a happy girl !!!!!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yeahhhh!!!! :-D I am soooo glad it's working! already!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Joey....ya done good!!! Glad to hear it, Chris!!!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I just like to help. (especially my DG buds);-)

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Well, "Dr. Joey" here. How is the aloe doin' Chris? And how are you feeling? ~ Just checking. ;-)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

"Dr. Joey" Thanks for checking up on me. The aloe is working fine, I really haven't noticed any change to the skin so far. So that is a good thing! Over all I am feeling very good, I don't have the energy that I had before this all started, I think I lost it during chemo. I do a little bit then take a break, Hubby is doing most of the cooking, sometimes I think he is saving me for some of the special cooking and baking I like to do.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Chris, Am glad to hear that you're taking care...and glad to hear that DH is trying to help out, so when the "eating" holidays get here you can do the cooking! ;-))
I will be checking on you from time to time, so continue to take care ~ I want Good reports! ;-)


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